1st year Flashcards
fever, pleuritic chest pain relieved by leaning foreward
irregularly irregular pulse
atrial fibrillation
saw tooth baseline + 150bpm
atrial flutter
alveolar bats wings, kerley b lines, cardiomegaly
pulmonary odema
raised JVP/ hepatojugular
right sided heart failure
sense of impending doom
saddle shaped ST elevation
Broad complex tachycardia
ventricular problem
mid diastolic murmur with tapping, undisplaced apex
mitral stenosis
broad QRS with slurred upstroke on R wave (delta wave)
Wolff parkinson white
tall tented T waves (may have wide QRS)
pericarditis 4-6 weeks post MI
blurred yellowing vision headache
digoxin toxicity
janeway lesions, osler nodes
sub acute bacterial endocarditis
machine like heart murmer
patent ductus arteriosus
rib notching on CXR
coarcation of aorta– likely to lead to dissection
crescendo decrescendo murmer
aortic stenosis
diminished absent lower limb pulses
coarcation of aorta
mitral regurge systolic
aortic stenosis systolic
stony dull to percuss
pleural effusion
right sided pleuritic chest pain
most likely pneumonia
ground glass appearance on Xray
pulmonary fibrosis and respiratory distress syndrome on the newborn
Zeihl-Neelson stain positive for acid fast bacilli
caseous necrosis