1st Trimester Anatomy & Pathology 12% Flashcards
What is the minimum international reference preparation value for bHCG that indicates a gestational sac should definitely be visualized by transabdominal ultrasound?
a. 1000 units/ml
b. 1500 units/ml
c. 2000 units/ml
d. 4000 units/ml
IRP levels for transabdominal ultrasound = 4000 units/ml is the minimum bHCG level for identifying an intrauterine pregnancy.
Which of the following is most suggestive of an inevitable abortion?
a. cervical dilatation over 3cm
b. spotting for 2 days
c. cervical length over 3cm
d. presence of vernix in the amniotic fluid
Inevitable abortion = bleeding more than 1 week, cramping, PROM, cervical shortening <3cm, dilatation > 2cm.
When evaluating the ductus venosus with spectral Doppler:
a. color Doppler is used to demonstrate the umbilical vein, ductus venosus and heart in the same image
b. high filter settings and slow sweep speed are preferred
c. a left parasagittal view of the fetal trunk is obtained
d. a 2-3mm sample is used
To evaluate the DV, obtain a right parasagittal view of the fetal trunk and apply color Doppler to demonstrate the umbilical vein, ductus venosus and heart. A 1mm or less sample volume is used to avoid sampling adjacent vessels. A cursor angle of less than 30 degrees should be used for the sample. Low filter settings and fast sweep speed will best display the A-wave. A normal ductus venosus waveform is biphasic with a positive A-wave. An abnormal ductus venosus waveform demonstrates a negative or reversed A-wave.
Fetal cardiac activity can first be visualized with transvaginal sonography at approximately what gestational age?
a. 5 weeks
b. 6 weeks
c. 6.5 weeks
d. 7 weeks
B Transvaginal approach: gestational sac @ 4 wks yolk sac @ 5.5 wks heart @ 6 wks
What abnormality occurs when two sperm fertilize the same egg?
a. trisomy 18
b. trisomy 21
c. triploidy
d. autosomal dominant x-linked disorder
An egg that is fertilized by two sperm will have an extra full set of chromosomes = triploidy
Which of the following is a sonographic sign of an abnormal 8 week intrauterine pregnancy?
a. yolk sac diameter 5mm
b. double bleb sign
c. gestational sac located in the lower uterine segment
d. fetal heart rate of 120bpm
If the gestational sac implants in the lower uterine segment, the risk of spontaneous abortion is increased significantly. The yolk sac is not abnormal until the diameter exceeds 6mm.
The AIUM defines a late 1st trimester ultrasound evaluation as an exam performed on a fetus that is between:
a. 9 and 11 weeks
b. 10 and 12 weeks 6 days
c. 12 and 13 weeks 6 days
d. 11 and 13 weeks
The AIUM defines a late 1st trimester ultrasound evaluation as an exam performed on a fetus that is between 12 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days.
Which of the following is a sign of impending fetal demise?
a. Robert sign
b. Deuel sign
c. irregular gestational sac shape
d. Spalding sign
Expected poor outcomes include: irregular sac shape, low sac position, thin trophoblastic reaction, weakly echogenic trophoblastic reaction, heart rate <100bpm, abnormal yolk sac size and shape, and calcified yolk sac. The other three choices are sonographic signs of demise that are seen several days after demise occurs.
Which of the following is NOT commonly associated with anencephaly?
a. oligohydramnios
b. exophthalmos
c. macroglossia
d. increased MSAFP
Anencephaly is seen with other spinal defects, exophthalmos (bulging eyes), macroglossia and polyhydramnios. Increased MSAFP is a clinical sign of anencephaly.
A patient presets for a fetal viability scan with an LMP 10 weeks ago. She has been experiencing light vaginal spotting for the last week. The transvaginal exam demonstrates a 2 cm cresent shaped hypoechoic area between the chorion and right uterine wall. These findings are most suggestive of:
a. partial molar pregnancy
b. subchorionic hemorrhage
c. placental abruption
d. normal first trimester pregnancy
A subchorionic hemorrhage causes vaginal spotting in the first trimester. Bleeding occurs between the uterine wall and the chorion. The fluid accumulations are typically cresent shaped. Most resolve spontaneously, but can lead to spontaneous abortion.
During fetal development, which of the following describes the maternal component of the placenta?
a. chorion frondosum
b. amniotic membrane
c. decidua basalis
d. decidua capsularis
The chorion frondosum refers to the fetal portion of the placenta located within the gestational sac. The decidua basalis refers to the placental tissue attached to the uterine wall.
Crown rump length (CRL) measures 7mm. What is the estimated gestational age of the pregnancy?
a. 7 weeks
b. 10 weeks
c. 5 weeks
d. 8 weeks
A Gestational age (days) = CRL + 42 GA = 7mm + 42 = 49 days 49 days = 7 weeks
Visualization of which of the following can help differentiate a normal intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) from a pseudo-gestational sac associated with an ectopic pregnancy?
a. corpus luteal cyst
b. increased blood flow velocity in the uterine arteries
c. decreased resistance to flow in the uterine arteries
d. yolk sac
A gestational sac in the uterus with a yolk sac indicates an IUP is present. A pseudo-sac seen in the uterus with an ectopic pregnancy would not contain a yolk sac. Both an ectopic and normal IUP can demonstrate a corpus luteal cyst and decreased resistance in the uterine arteries because these changes occur due to hormone stimulation that occurs with both types of pregnancy.
The gestational sac with __________ are the first signs of an intrauterine pregnancy seen with ultrasound.
a. fluid in the endometrial canal
b. decidual reaction of the endometrium
c. a corpus luteal cyst
d. fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac
The first sign of an IUP seen on ultrasound is the gestational sac with decidual reaction in implantation. Double decidual sac sign or intradecidual sign due to implantation seen at 5.5-6 weeks. If a patient with suspected pregnancy demonstrates a fluid filled structure in the endometrial canal, but no decidual reaction, the patient should be thoroughly evaluated for ectopic pregnancy.
During fetal development, which of the following describes the fetal component of the placenta?
a. chorion frondosum
b. decidua basalis
c. amniotic membrane
d. decidua capsularis
The chorion frondosum refers to the fetal portion of the placenta located within the gestational sac. The decidua basalis refers to the placental tissue attached to the uterine wall.
Megacystitis in a first trimester is diagnosed when the bladder length is greater than or equal to:
a. 5mm
b. 10mm
c. 7mm
d. 3mm
Megacystitis in a first trimester is dignosed when the bladder length is greater than or equal to 7mm. It can be associated with aneuploidy.
The yolk sac is considered normal in size when the inner diameter is less than ________.
a. 3mm
b. 5mm
c. 6mm
d. 8mm
A yolk sac > 6mm usually indicates a blighted ovum or fetal abnormalities if a fetal pole is detected.
When is PW Doppler appropriate to evaluate the first trimester fetus?
a. when IUGR is suspected
b. PW Doppler should never be used to evaluate a first trimester
c. when aneuploidy is suspected
d. when fetal anemia is suspected
PW Doppler should not be used on the standard first trimester exam. If aneuploidy, skeletal dysplasia or congenital heart disease is suspected, then it is appropriate to evaluate the ductus venosus and the tricuspid valve. Care must be taken to keep the Thermal Index at or below 0.7. IUGR and anemia are not typically diagnosed until the 2nd trimester or later.
The most common location of an ectopic pregnancy is:
a. cervical
b. ampulla
c. isthmus
d. interstitial
The most common location for ectopic pregnancy is in the ampullary portion of the fallopian tube.
Which of the following is responsible for the symptoms of early pregnancy, such as nausea and vomiting?
a. bHCG
b. AFP
c. progesterone
d. estrogen
Responsible for premenstrual symptoms and symptoms of pregnancy (N/V)
Responsible for endometrial proliferation AFTER ovulation to prepare for implantation
Blocks the development of new follicles
Stimulates uterine blood supply for pregnancy
Causes breasts to prepare for lactation but inhibits lactation during pregnancy
Causes formation of cervical mucus plug in pregnancy
All of the following are signs of embryonic demise, except:
a. double bleb sign
b. 7mm yolk sac
c. distorted gestational sac
d. calcified yolk sac
The double bleb sign is a sign of an early intrauterine pregnancy. An enlarged or calcified yolk sac is a sign of embryonic demise. A distorted or irregular gestational sac is also indicative of demise.
A 26 year old patient presents with a positive pregnancy test and an approximate age of 7 weeks 3 days from her LMP. Beta hCG levels are significantly higher than a 7 week gestation. The exam shows a large heterogeneous solid mass measuring 6 x 4 x 3 cm within the endometrial cavity. The uterus measures 10 x 6 x 5cm. What is the most likely explanation for the sonographic findings described?
a. heterotopic pregnancy
b. leiomyosarcoma
c. hydatidiform mole
d. Chorioadenoma destruens
A hydatidiform molar pregnancy is an abnormality of the placenta and rarely involves the formation of a fetus. It is marked by high levels of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). Molar pregnancies grow much more rapidly, compared to normal fetal growth. It has the appearance of a large and random collection of grape-like cell clusters. In some cases it can be malignant and requires chemotherapy or radiation treatment after surgical removal.
Which of the following carries the lowest risk of spontaneous abortion?
a. cervical os dilated to 4cm
b. gestational sac implanted in the endometrial cavity near the uterine cornua
c. vaginal spotting for the last ten days
d. significant leakage of amniotic fluid
If the gestational sac implants in the lower uterine segment, the risk of spontaneous abortion is increased significantly. Other causes for increased risk of spontaneous abortion include cervical dilation > 3cm, PROM, extended period of bleeding (1 wk +).
Which of the following is the recommended method to document fetal number in an early pregnancy?
a. count the number of amniotic sacs, with or without an embryo
b. count the number of visible embryos
c. count the number of areas with early placental formation
d. count the number of yolk sacs present in the gestational sac(s)
When documenting fetal number, only count embryos. Incomplete fusion of the amnion and chorion or elevation of the chorionic membrane by intrauterine hemorrhage can mimic the appearance of a second sac.
Which of the following early embryologic structures procedure progesterone?
a. morula
b. blastocyst
c. trophoblastic cells
d. zygote
Trophoblastic cells produce progesterone and bhCG in very early pregnancy. These cells develop into the chorionic villi of the placenta.
Which of the following types of twin gestation will have the highest risk for conjoined twins?
a. monochorionic/monoamniotic
b. monochorionic/diamniotic
c. dichorionic/diamniotic
d. dizygotic
A diamniotic twin gestation will produce two separate amniotic sacs. A membrane will be identified that separates the fetuses. A monoamniotic twin gestation will have no membrane to separate the fetuses. The absence of this membrane leads to increased risk for cord entanglement, nuchal cord and conjoined twins.
Which of the following types of twin gestation will have the thickest membrane between the fetuses?
a. conjoined twins
b. monochorionic/monoamniotic
c. dichorionic/diamniotic
d. monochorionic/diamniotic
A dichorionic diamniotic twin gestation will produce two separate placentas and two amniotic sacs. A membrane will be identified that separates the fetuses. The membrane will be greater than 2mm in thickness.
When evaluating a first trimester fetus, the reported crown rump length should be:
a. the largest of at least 3 measurements
b. the average of at least 3 measurements
c. the largest of at least 5 measurements
d. the smallest of at least 3 measurements
When evaluating a first trimester fetus, the reported crown rump length should be the average of at least 3 measurements.
Which of the following statements regarding twins is true?
a. conjoined twins are caused by cleavage of the morula within the first 4 days of pregnancy
b. identical twins are always dizygotic
c. dizygous twins are always the same gender
d. most monozygous pregnancies are diamniotic
Identical twins are always monozygotic. Monozygous twins are always the same gender. Conjoined twins are caused by cleavage of the morula after the 13th day of pregnancy. Most monozygous pregnancies are diamniotic.
What is the most common cause of demise in the first trimester?
a. chromosomal abnormalities
b. prior history of abortion
c. maternal smoking
d. uterine trauma
The most common cause of demise in the first trimester is due to chromosomal abnormalities.
Which of the following describes the sonographic appearance of a normal nasal bone in a 1st trimester fetus?
a. three parallel lines that are perpendicular to the frontal brone
b. two parallel lines, resembles an equals sign (=)
c. single linear reflection that is parallel to the maxilla
d. an echogenic foci at the tip of the nose
The normal nasal bone in a fetus is identified as a hyperechoic line that is posterior to the echogenic skin line. The nasal bone should be greater echogenicity to the skin reflection. The two echogenic lines are parallel and said to resemble an = sign.
Which of the following demonstrates the lowest risk of embryonic demise?
a. thin, mildly echogenic trophoblastic reaction
b. multiple lobulations of the gestational sac
c. TV ultrasound identifies a gestational sac with MSD 12mm and 5mm yolk sac but no embryo
d. implantation in the lower uterine segment
Indications for embryonic demise include distorted sac shape, thin and weakly echogenic trophoblastic reaction, low implantation site. On TV ultrasound, an embryo should be identified with a 16mm or greater MSD. A yolk sac less than 5.6mm in diameter is normal. The yolk sac should be identified with a 8mm or greater MSD.
A normal ductus venosus waveform in the first trimester fetus demonstrates:
a. a biphasic pattern with antegrade A-wave
b. a continuous antegrade flow pattern with limited pulsatility
c. a biphasic pattern with retrograde A-wave
d. a triphasic flow pattern with 2 phases moving in the retrograde direction
In the 1st trimester, a normal ductus venosus waveform is biphasic with a positive A-wave. An abnormal ductus venosus waveform demonstrates a negative or reversed A-wave, which suggests aneuploidy may be present.
The _______ forms the outer layer of the placenta that is in contact with the endometrium.
a. yolk sac
b. blastocyst
c. chorion
d. amnion
The chorion forms the outer layer of the placenta that is in contact with the endometrium.
The chorionic villi and membrane are formed from the:
a. yolk sac
b. trophoblastic cells
c. blastocyst
d. amnion
Trophoblastic Cells: produce progesterone and hCG, involved with implantation, develop into chorionic villi then into placenta.
The discriminatory bhCG level refers to:
a. bhCG levels associated with ectopic pregnancy
b. bhCG levels associated with molar pregnancy
c. bhCG levels in blood that correspond with the first possible sonographic visualization of the gestational sac
d. bhCG levels in blood that MUST correspond with the sonographic visualization of the gestational sac
The discriminatory bhCG levels refers to bhCG levels in blood that MUST correspond with the sonographic visualization of the gestational sac, (5w2d). The threshold levels refers to bhCG levels in blood that correspond with the first possible sonographic visualization of the gestational sac, (4w3d).
All of the following are layers of the endometrium that form with pregnancy, except:
a. decidua capsularis
b. decidua parietalis
c. decidua basalis
d. decidua accreta
Decidua Capsularis: tissue that envelops the blastocyst after implantation
Decidua Basalis: becomes maternal placenta, blastocyst attaches to this layer
Decidua Parietalis: other tissue not involved in the implantation process
The number of yolk sac:
a. can be used to determine the amnionicity of the mutlifetal pregnancy
b. is irrelevant in first trimester ultrasound evaluation
c. can be used to determine the chorionicity of the multifetal pregnancy
d. can only be assessed with transvaginal ultrasound
The number of the yolk sacs can be used to determine the amnionicity of the multifetal pregnancy. 2 embryos + 2 yolk sacs = diamniotic pregnancy; 2 embryos + 1 yolk sac = monoamniotic pregnancy
A patient presents for a pelvic ultrasound due to pain and bloating. Her LMP was 5 weeks ago and and bhCG levels are at 10unit/ml. A mild amount of anechoic fluid is noted in the posterior cul de sac. All of the following are a potential cause for the fluid accumulation, except:
a. ovulation
b. ruptured appendix
c. endometriosis
d. ectopic
The bhCG levels indicate there is no pregnancy present. An ectopic pregnancy would cause bhCG levels of 1000units/ml plus in a 5 week gestation.
Using transvaginal sonography, the yolk sac can be identified as early as week ____ of the pregnancy.
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
Using transvaginal sonography, the yolk sac can be identified as early as week 5 of the pregnancy. Using transabdominal sonography, the yolk sac can be identified as early as week 7 of the pregnancy.
Which of the following signs indicates an abnormal early pregnancy?
a. Chadwick sign
b. Murphy sign
c. Cullen sign
d. Hegar sign
The Cullen sign indicates the presence of bluish discoloration around the maternal umbilicus. The discoloration is associated with an intraperitoneal hemorrhage. A ruptured ectopic could cause the bleed. Pain, bleeding and a positive pregnancy test accompanied by the Cullen sign is highly suspicious for a ruptured ectopic.
Hegar sign refers to the softening of the lower uterine segment with pregnancy. The OB physician will palpate the uterus during the pelvic exam.
Chadwick sign refers to the bluish discoloration of the vaginal walls due to engorgement of the veins. This is a normal finding in early pregnancy. The OB physician will visualize this sign of the pelvic exam.
A patient presents with an LMP of 7 weeks 4 days. The script states the fundal height is large for gestational age and acute onset of systemic HTN. These clinical findings are most suggestive of:
a. multiple pregnancy
b. heterotopic pregnancy
c. ectopic pregnancy
d. molar pregnancy
Acute onset of Maternal HTN in the first trimester is a strong indicator of a molar pregnancy.
The embryo and yolk sac can be seen with TV ultrasound as early as:
a. 4 weeks
b. 5.5 weeks
c. 4.5 weeks
d. 6.5 weeks
The embryo and yolk sac can be seen with TV ultrasound as early as 5.5 weeks.
Which of the following describes the function of the chorionic villi?
a. to produce white blood cells
b. to produce red blood cells
c. to provide nourishment to the fetal blood
d. to maintain intraplacental pressure
Maternal blood enters the intervillous spaces to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the fetus through the chorionic villi of the placenta. Waste products are excreted into the blood before it exits the spaces to return to the maternal circulatory system.
A 25 year old patient presents for a first trimester scan with uterine size consistent with a 12 week fetus but the LMP indicates a 7 week pregnancy. You identify a mass of mottled tissue with cystic components and internal blood flow that occupies the fundus of the uterine cavity. There is also a gestational sac with a 4mm embryo identified in the inferior portion of the endometrial canal. Which of the following best describes these findings?
a. fundal uterine contraction with an impending abortion
b. lower uterine segment ectopic
c. adenomyosis with an impending abortion
d. partial molar pregnancy
A partial molar pregnancy will demonstrate a molar pregnancy that coexists with an IUP. The IUP can be normal or abnormal. If it is abnormal, triploidy is a common finding. Larger than dates is a common symptom of molar pregnancy due to the excessive overgrowth of the trophoblastic tissues.
What cardiac view is used to document proper fetal heart position on a first trimester exam?
a. left ventricular outflow tract view
b. aortic arch view
c. 4 chamber view
d. 3 vessel trachea view
Color Doppler can be used to demonstrate the fetal heart structure when screening for suspected defects. The 4 chamber view and 3 vessel trachea view can be documented later in the first trimester. The 4 chamber view is used to document chamber size, heart position, cardiac axis. The cardiac axis can more easily displayed using the 4 chamber view and color Doppler.
Which of the following is associated with an inevitable abortion, but is not present with a threatened abortion?
a. dilated cervix
b. low implantation site
c. bleeding
d. cramping
Threatened abortion: cramping, bleeding, closed cervix
Inevitable abortion: bleeding more than one week, cramping, cervical dilation
A low implantation site can be associated with both types of abortions.
Which of the following is/are a sign of spina bifida in a 13 week fetus?
a. narrow brainstem and dilated cisterna magna
b. obliterated cisterna magna and intracranial translucency
c. lemon sign
d. banana sign
In early pregnancy, the signs of spina bifida include compression of the choroid, intracranial translucency, and
obliterated cisterna magna with an enlarged brainstem. These changes occur due to the posterior shift of the cranial contents. The typical banana and lemon sign are not well demonstrated in the first trimester because the cerebellum is not fully formed and the cranium is not fully ossified. Evaluation of the skin line can demonstrate the open defect, but vertebral evaluation is limited at this age.
Which of the following is a characteristic of an incomplete abortion?
a. slower than expected increase in hCG
b. 1-2mm endometrial stripe
c. amenorrhea
d. slower than expected decrease in hCG levels
Incomplete abortion occurs when only a portion of the products of conception expelled from uterus. Sonographic findings include thick, irregular endometrium with fluid in canal. Symptoms include cramping, bleeding, decreasing hCG, but slower than expected if a complete abortion has occurred.
The embryo is most sensitive to teratogenic effects between _________ gestation.
a. 4 and 7 weeks
b. 2 and 4 weeks
c. 3 and 8 weeks
d. 6 and 10 weeks
The embryo is most sensitive to teratogenic effects between 3 and 8 weeks.
One yolk sac with two embryos indicates:
a. impending fetal demise
b. monoamniotic twins
c. diamniotic twins
d. dichorionic twins
One yolk sac with two embryos indicates monoamniotic twins.
On transvaginal ultrasound, the minimum mean sac diameter that should always demonstrate a yolk sac in a normal IUP is:
a. 20cm
b. 10mm
c. 5mm
d. 8mm
On transvaginal ultrasound, a mean sac diameter > 8mm should demonstrate a yolk sac in a normal IUP and on transabdominal ultrasound a mean sac diameter >20mm should demonstrate a fetal pole in a normal IUP.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding multifetal pregnancy?
a. fetus A is always the fetus closest to the uterine fundus
b. fetus B is always the fetus closest to the internal os
c. easiest to determine amnionicity/chorionicity in the first trimester, around 8 weeks gestation
d. multifetal pregnancies have a reduced risk of complications compared to a singleton pregnancy
When scanning multiple gestations, it is easiest to determine amnionicity/chorionicity in the first trimester, around 8 weeks gestation. It is also important to document fetal number, placental location and number and look for a separating membrane. Fetus A is always the fetus closest to the internal os. If more than 2 fetuses present, document the other fetal locations relative to Fetus A and location in uterus.
An asymptomatic patient presents for a viability scan in the first trimester. The ultrasound exam demonstrates a fetal pole that measures at 7 weeks 2 days. A 7mm yolk sac is identified. The fetal HR is evaluated by m-mode and is estimated at 79bpm. There is no evidence of subchorionic hemorrhage. Which of the following statements is true?
a. a blighted ovum is present
b. the yolk sac is abnormally enlarged but the fetal heart rate is normal
c. the fetal heart rate indicates potential demise but the yolk sac is normal
d. the yolk sac is abnormally enlarged and the fetal heart rate is lower than normal
There is not a fetal pole present in a blighted ovum. The normal yolk sac measures less than 5.6mm in internal diameter. A fetus 6-9 weeks should have a heart rate over 100bpm. After 9 weeks the heart rate should stay above 140bpm. The average heart rate in the second trimester is 120-160bpm.
Mild tricuspid regurgitation in a first trimester fetus is suggestive of:
a. maternal diabetes
b. normal fetus
c. aneuploidy
Tricuspid regurgitation of any level is suggestive of aneuploidy. Trisomy 13, 18 and 21 have been associated with tricuspid regurgitation in the 1st trimester.
Average normal heart rate in an early first trimester pregnancy is _________.
a. 100-115bpm
b. <137bpm
c. 120-160bpm
d. <100bpm
Average normal heart rate in an early first trimester pregnancy is 100-115bpm.
The first trimester of pregnancy is defined as:
a. weeks 4-13
b. weeks 1-13
c. weeks 6-14
d. weeks 6-12
B Pregnancy consists of 3 trimesters: 1st trimester - week 1 through 13 2nd trimester - week 14 through 28 3rd trimester - week 29 until delivery
Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs day ________ of the pregnancy.
a. 20-23
b. 18-20
c. 15-18
d. 30-33
Implantation of the fertilized egg occurs day 20-23 of the pregnancy.
How are the long bones of the extremities evaluated in a 13 week fetus with suspected cardiac defects?
a. measure the femur length and compare to the humeral length
b. document that there are at least two long bones in each extremity
c. document 3 long bones are present in each extremity
d. the thickness of the femoral diaphyses are documented
When evaluating a late 1st trimester fetus (12 - 13 weeks 6 days), 3 long bones per extremity should be documented. Long bone length measurements are reserved for cases of suspected skeletal dysplasia. The femur cannot be reliably measured until after 14 weeks gestation.
Which of the following correctly describes how to perform a crown rump length on a 13 week fetus?
a. fetal neck in neutral position with fluid between the fetal chin and anterior neck
b. measurement should demonstrate a straight line, perpendicular to the long axis of the fetus
c. calipers placed on the inner edge of the skin of the fetal head and rump
d. parasagittal plane with the profile, spine, and rump visible
Crown Rump Length:
Fetus fills 2/3 of the field of view
Midsagittal plane with the profile, spine, and rump visible
Fetal neck in neutral position with fluid between the fetal chin and anterior neck
Calipers placed on the outer edge of the skin of the fetal head and rump
Measurement should demonstrate a straight line, parallel to the long axis of the fetus
3 measurements are taken and the average reported
The “twin peak” sign is associated with what type of pregnancy?
a. diamniotic/monochorionic
b. monoamniotic/monochorionic
c. diamniotic/dichorionic
d. all monozygotic
The twin peak sign refers to a triangular projection of placental tissue extending from the placental surface at the point where the two gestational sacs touch.
With transabdominal ultrasound, a blighted ovum is diagnosed with a mean gestational sac diameter greater than ______ without a fetal pole present.
a. 20mm
b. 35mm
c. 15mm
d. 25mm
A blighted ovum is diagnosed with a mean gestational sac diameter greater than 25mm without a fetal pole present on a transabdominal ultrasound. A mean gestational sac diameter greater than 16mm without a fetal pole present on a transvaginal ultrasound also indicates anembryonic gestation. An enlarged yolk sac is an associated finding.
What is the term for the level of bhCG in the blood that corresponds with the first sonographic visualization of the gestational sac?
a. discriminatory zone
b. proliferative zone
c. quantitative zone
d. transitional zone
Discriminatory zone refers to the minimum level of the bhCG in the blood that corresponds with the first sonographic visualization of the gestational sac.
What is the minimum international reference preparation value for bhCG that indicates a gestational sac should definitely be visualized by transvaginal ultrasound?
a. 1000 units/ml
b. 500 units/ml
c. 2000 units/ml
d. 1500 units/ml
IRP levels for transvaginal ultrasound = 1000 - 2000 units/ml is the range of bhCG level for identifying an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP); An IUP can be identified if the level exceeds 2000 units/ml; If the level exceeds 2000 units/ml and no IUP is identified, an ectopic pregnancy should be suspected; If the level is between 1000 and 2000 units/ml and no IUP is identified, a follow up exam will most likely be ordered once the level exceeds 2000 units/ml.
Diabetes mellitus is associated with:
a. fetal weight exceeding 4000 grams
b. early lung maturation
c. NT defects without other associated defects
d. increased risk of embryonic demise and miscarriage in the first trimester
Diabetes Mellitus is associated with higher incidence of congenital anomalies than gestational diabetes, increased risk of embryonic demise and miscarriage in the first trimester, caudal regression, neural tube defects, anencephaly, microcephaly, duodenal and anal atresia, hydronephrosis, renal agenesis, VSD, ASD, coarctation, transposition, polydactyly and club feet, single umbilical artery, IUGR, and thinned placenta.
On transvaginal sonography, cardiac activity must be identified in an embryo with a CRL of _______ or greater to be considered a viable IUP.
a. 10mm
b. 4mm
c. 7mm
d. 2mm
On TV sonography, cardiac activity should first be identified in an embryo with a CRL of 5mm at 6 weeks gestation. Cardiac activity must be seen in embryos with a 7mm and greater CRL or demise is suspected. If the embryo is smaller than 7mm and no cardiac activity is identified, a short follow up exam should be considered to document fetal viability.
A patient is admitted to the hospital with pelvic pain, no bleeding and vomiting. An LMP of 6 weeks ago and the pregnancy test that was performed was positive. Serial hCG levels are assessed 36 hours apart. The first reading was 1500/ml and the second reading was 2000/ml. Ultrasound is ordered to assess the pregnancy. What should you expect to find on the exam?
a. multiple pregnancy
b. molar pregnancy
c. ectopic pregnancy
d. normal IUP
An ectopic pregnancy demonstrates a slowly rising hCG level. IRP bhCG levels > 2000ml with empty uterus is a sign of ectopic pregnancy. Normal pregnancy will cause hCG levels to normal IUP should be about 2500-2700ml.
What sonographic “sign” refers to the overlapping of the cranial sutures with fetal demise?
a. Turner sign
b. Spalding sign
c. Gartner sign
d. Edward sign
The Spalding sign refers to the overlapping of the cranial sutures with fetal demise. The Deuel sign refers to scalp edema associated with fetal demise. The Robert sign refers to air in the abdominal vasculature that causes echogenic foci on ultrasound exam with fetal demise. These signs are usually identified 1 week or more after the demise occurred.
When evaluating the fetal heart in a 13 week 3 day fetus, the 4 chamber view with and without color and the 3 vessel trachea view with color are part of the standard AIUM protocol. What other image must be recorded to demonstrate proper cardiac position and axis?
a. aortic arch
b. left ventricular out flow tract
c. fetal stomach
d. sagittal midline thorax
The AIUM recommends 4 images to document the fetal heart in a late 1st trimester fetus. The 4 chamber view with and without color, the 3 vessel trachea view with color and the fetal stomach. Cardiac position and axis are compared to the position of the stomach. The apex of the heart should point toward the stomach and both structures should be located on the left side of the fetus.
The most common place for normal egg fertilization to occur is within which of the following fallopian tube segments?
a. ampulla
b. infundibulum
c. isthmus
d. interstitial
The ampulla segment is the widest and longest portion of the fallopian tube and fertilization most commonly occurs there. For this reason, it is the most common site of ectopic implantation.
The chorionicity and amnionicity of a twin pregnancy is determined by:
a. paternal genes
b. number of chromosomes
c. timing of the cell division in the embryo
d. timing of the cell division in the zygote
The timing of the cell division determines the “type” of twins. Monochorionic vs. dichorionic and monoamniotic vs. diamniotic (or conjoined twin).
When the cephalic end of the neural tube fails to close, ________ occurs. When the distal end of the neural tube fails to close, _______ occurs.
a. trisomy 21, trisomy 18
b. anencephaly, spina bifida
c. hydranencephaly, hydrocephalus
d. alobar holoprosencephaly, lobar holoprosencephaly
When the cephalic end of the neural tube fails to close, anencephaly occurs.
When the distal end of the neural tube fails to close, spina bifida occurs.
The neural tube normally closes by week _______.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10
The neural tube normally closes by week 6.
To obtain a PW Doppler evaluation of the tricuspid valve:
a. place the cursor line perpendicular to the interventricular septum
b. place the cursor line parallel to the interventricular septum
c. a view of the right ventricular outflow tract must be obtained
d. at least 5 samples must be recorded
A 4 chamber heart view is obtained. Imaging the 4 chamber view with the interventricular septum perpendicular to the transducer face will improve the cursor position. A 2-3mm sample volume is placed parallel to the interventricular septum. The regurgitation should also typically be parallel to the septum and an optimal sample is obtained with parallel incidence. At least 3 samples should be obtained. Flow reversal is seen in systole and the velocity is typically over 60cm/s. Tricuspid regurgitation identified in a 1st trimester fetus is suggestive of aneuploidy (Trisomy 13, 18, 21).
Preeclampsia in the first trimester of pregnancy is most commonly associated with:
a. embryonic demise
c. molar pregnancy
d. oligohydramnios
Preeclampsia in the first trimester of pregnancy is most commonly associated with molar pregnancy. If a normal IUP is present when preeclampsia manifests in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, IUGR, oligohydramnios, aged placenta and fetal demise may occur.
Which of the following is an expected finding with ectopic pregnancy?
a. intrauterine gestational sac surrounded by a single layer of echogenic trophoblastic tissue
b. complex intrauterine mass with increased peripheral vascularity
c. intrauterine gestational sac surrounded by a double layer of echogenic trophoblastic tissue
d. abnormally elevated hCG levels
The double sac sign or double decidual sign refers to two rings of decidual tissue surrounding the gestational sac. The characteristic is seen in an early IUP at about 5.5 weeks. An ectopic pregnancy would not cause the double decidual sac sign. A gestational sac with a single layer of endometrium surrounding it can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. A complex adnexal mass with increased peripheral vascularity is highly suggestive of an ectopic pregnancy.
A patient is admitted to the hospital with pelvic pain, no bleeding and vomiting. An LMP of 6 weeks ago and the pregnancy test that was performed was positive. Serial hCG levels are assessed 36 hours apart. The first reading was 1500/ml and the second reading was 4500/ml. Ultrasound is ordered to assess the pregnancy. What should you expect to find on the exam?
a. normal IUP
b. molar pregnancy or normal IUP
c. multiple pregnancy or fetus with trisomy
d. molar pregnancy or multiple pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy demonstrates a slowly rising hCG level. Normal pregnancy will cause hCG levels to double every two days. After 36hrs, the hCG levels of a normal IUP should be about 2500-2700ml. At 4500ml, the hCG has already tripled in 36hrs. Molar pregnancy will cause a rapid increase similar to the increase seen with multiple pregnancies.
Which of the following correctly describes the nuchal translucency measurement?
a. multiple measurements should be obtained and the smallest one that follows the measurement criteria correctly is reported
b. multiple measurements should be obtained and the sum of all measurements is reported
c. multiple measurements should be obtained and the average of all measurements is reported
d. multiple measurements should be obtained and the largest one that follows the measurement criteria correctly is reported
Multiple NT measurements should be obtained and the largest one that follows the measurement criteria correctly is reported.
The most commonly identified predictor of poor outcome in a first trimester ultrasound is:
a. abnormally large yolk sac
b. pseudosac in the endometrial canal
c. subchorionic hemorrhage
d. bradycardia
An abnormally enlarged yolk sac (>5.6mm diameter) is the most commonly identified predictor of poor outcome in 1st trimester pregnancy ultrasound.
The embryo of a normal pregnancy will increase in size approximately _________.
a. 1mm every 2 days
b. 10mm every week
c. 1mm every week
d. 1mm every day
The embryo of a normal pregnancy will increase in size approximately 1mm per day.
The yolk sac can first be visualized with transvaginal sonography at what gestational age?
a. 6 weeks
b. 5.5 weeks
c. 6.5 weeks
d. 6.2 weeks
Transvaginal Approach:
gestational sac @ 4 weeks
yolk sac @ 5.5 weeks
heart @ 6 weeks
A fetal heart rate ________ indicates a significant risk for demise in the first trimester.
a. greater than 100 bpm
b. less than 140 bpm
c. less than 80bpm
d. less than 160bpm
A fetal heart rate less than 80bpm indicates a significant risk for demise in the first trimester. The normal heart rate in the early first trimester is 100-115bpm.
The double sac sign seen in early pregnancy refers to:
a. amniotic sac and yolk sac are both visible with transvaginal sonography
b. fluid filled gestational sac and fluid filled uterine cavity are both visible with transvaginal sonography
c. the presence of dizygotic twins
d. the presence of monozygotic twins
The double sac sign seen in early pregnancy (about 5.5 weeks) refers to fluid filled gestational sac and fluid filled uterine cavity are both visible with transvaginal sonography. The double bleb sign refers to when the amniotic sac and yolk sac are both visible at about 5.5 weeks with transvaginal sonography.
Conception occurs approximately:
a. 2 hours after ovulation
b. 7 days after ovulation
c. 2 weeks after the last menstruation
d. 4 weeks after the last menstruation
Conception occurs approximately 2 weeks after the last menstruation. An embryo that is described as 8 weeks from conception is the same as 10 weeks in gestational age reported on the ultrasound for that pregnancy. Conceptual age: the exact date of conception + 2 weeks = gestational age
While scanning an asymptomatic patient with a 10 week gestation, you identify a complex cyst in the right ovary. This finding is most suggestive of:
a. dermoid cyst
b. theca luteal cyst
c. corpus luteal cyst
d. dominant follicle
The corpus luteal cyst produces progesterone in early pregnancy. It normally regresses by the 14th week of pregnancy because the placenta takes over progesterone production.
In an early intrauterine pregnancy, the amniotic sac and yolk sac are collectively called:
a. the double bubble sign
b. the double bleb sign
c. the Murphy’s sign
d. the double sac sign
At about the 5th week of pregnancy, the amniotic sac and the yolk sac can be visualized adjacent to each other within the uterine cavity. The fetal pole is in between the two sacs. This refers to the double bleb sign and is a confirmation of an intrauterine pregnancy.
What are the two most common neural tube defects?
a. spina bifida and holoprosencephaly
b. anencephaly and spina bifida
c. holoprosencephaly and anencephaly
d. cystic hygroma and spina bifida
Anencephaly and spina bifida are the most common neural tube defects.
At what gestational age does the CRL become less accurate for fetal dating?
a. at 10th week
b. at the 12th week
c. at the 14th week
d. at the 16th week
Fetal curling can reduce the accuracy of the CRL measurement after the 11th week. Fetal Biometric measurements are used to determine fetal age after 12 weeks. Biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, and femur length.
What type of holoprosencephaly can be identified in a 13 weeks fetus?
a. lobar
b. septo-optic dysplasia
c. alobar
d. semilobar
Alobar holoprosencephaly in a first trimester fetus is defined as a single ventricle, fused thalami, with an absent corpus collosum. It is the most severe form and the only type that can be detected in later 1st trimester. The other forms are best evaluated in the 2nd trimester.
A patient with a history of an 8 week pregnancy presents for an ultrasound due to pelvic pain and moderate bleeding for the last 4 days. What is the most likely finding on today’s exam?
a. missed abortion
b. spontaneous abortion
c. subchorionic hemorrhage
d. blighted ovum
A spontaneous abortion refers to the uterus emptying itself of all products of conception. There is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion with cervical dilation >3cm, PROM, and extended period of moderate bleeding. Patient symptoms include pelvic pain, cramping, moderate to heavy bleeding.
Which of the following adnexal masses is a sign of a normal intrauterine pregnancy?
a. theca lutein cyst
b. corpus luteum cyst
c. chocolate cyst
d. dermoid cyst
The corpus luteal cyst produces progesterone in early pregnancy. It normally regresses by the 14th week of pregnancy because the placenta takes over progesterone production. A theca lutein cyst is usually related to a molar pregnancy or multiple pregnancy due to high hCG levels. A dermoid cyst and endometrioma are abnormalities of the ovary.
In the 1st trimester, the 4th ventricle is also called:
a. cisterna magna
b. nuchal translucency
c. diencephalon
d. intracranial translucency
The 4th ventricle is also called the Intracranial Translucency. Compressed or absent 4th ventricle (IT) has been associated with spina bifida. Enlargement of the 4th ventricle (IT) can be associated with Dandy-Walker syndrome.
The mean sac diameter in a normal IUP will demonstrate _______ increase in size oer day up until the 10th week of gestation.
a. 1mm
b. 2mm
c. 3mm
d. 4mm
The mean sac diameter in a normal IUP will demonstrate 1mm increase in size per day up until the 10th week of gestation.
A patient who has a history of taking fertility medication presents for a fetal viability scan. The fetus is approximately 6 weeks old by LMP. Serum levels were performed by her doctor 5 days ago and bhCG levels were 4000 units/ml. Today the level of bhCG is 4200 units/ml. What transvaginal US exam?
a. blighted ovum
b. ectopic pregnancy
c. heterotopic pregnancy
d. molar pregnancy
The bhCG levels normally double every 48hrs so in three days this patient’s serum levels should be approximately 10,000 bhCG with a normal IUP. An ectopic pregnancy will cause a slower rise in bhCG levels but only a 200 unit change over 5 days is much too small of a change for a live ectopic. The embryonic demise most likely occurred not long after the first serum level was assessed. If another serum level is performed in 24hrs, the bhCG levels should decrease significantly. Molar pregnancy leads to increased bhCG levels.
A compressed or absent intracranial translucency in a 13 week fetus is an indicator for:
a. holoprosencephaly
b. hydrocephalus
c. spina bifida
d. Dandy-Walker malformation
The 4th ventricle is also called the Intracranial Translucency. Compressed or absent 4th ventricle (IT) has been associated with spina bifida. Enlargement of the 4th ventricle (IT) can be associated with the Dandy-Walker syndrome.
The earliest gestational age the gestational sac can be seen transvaginally is?
a. 3 weeks
b. 4 weeks
c. 5 weeks
d. 6 weeks
Transvaginal Approach:
Gestational sac @ 4 wks
Yolk sac @ 5.5 wks
Heart @ 6 wks
Regarding twin pregnancy, if division of the zygote is not complete by day 13 of the gestation it will result in:
a. conjoined twins
b. monochorionic, monoamniotic twins
c. dichorionic, diamniotic twins
d. monochorionic, diamniotic twins
Regarding twin pregnancy, if division of the zygote occurs before day 4 of the gestation, this will result in dichorionic/diamniotic twins. If division of the zygote occurs between day 4 and 8 of the gestation, this will result in monochorionic/diamniotic twins. If division of the zygote occurs between day 8 and 13 of the gestation, this will result in monochorionic/monoamniotic twins. If division of the zygote is not complete by day 13 of the gestation, this will result in conjoined twins.
An asymptomatic patient presents for a viability scan. Using the transvaginal approach, a 15mm fetal pole is identified without cardiac activity. The yolk sac is present within the gestational sac. Which of the following best describes these findings?
a. blighted ovum
b. normal pregnancy too early to see cardiac activity at this size
c. embryonic demise
d. missed abortion
A 15mm fetal pole indicates an 8 week 1 day old fetus. A blighted ovum would not have a fetal pole. A missed abortion refers to fetal death without evacuation for several months. The patient is asymptomatic with no bleeding. Embryonic demise refers to death of the embryo.
Which of the following is a possible maternal complication of diamniotic twins?
a. twin to twin embolization
b. cord entanglement
c. twin to twin transfusion
d. anemia
D Maternal Complications with Multifetal Pregnancy: Anemia Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia Systemic HTN Placental abruption Pre-term labor Post-partum hemorrhage
Fetal Complications with Multifetal Pregnancy:
Increased risk of anomalies
Umbilical cord knots/entanglement (monoamniotic twins)
Cord compression
IUGR because placenta cannot meet fetal needs
Difficult delivery compared to singleton pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy will almost always be seen on the _________.
a. right side
b. left side
c. opposite side from the corpus luteal cyst
d. same side as the corpus luteal cyst
An ectopic pregnancy will almost always be seen on the same side as the corpus luteal cyst. The egg is released from the dominant follicle and a corpus luteum cyst forms. When the right ovary releases an egg it travels into the right fallopian tube. When the left ovary releases an egg it travels into the left fallopian tube. An ectopic implantation is most likely to occur in the ipsilateral fallopian tube.
Using transvaginal ultrasound, the minimum mean sac diameter that should always demonstrate an embryo is:
a. 25mm
b. 8mm
c. 20mm
d. 16mm
>16mm mean sac diameter should always demonstrate a fetal pole (TV)
>25mm mean sac diameter should always demonstrate a fetal pole (TA)
If fertilization occurs, ______ will stop the regression of corpus luteal cyst so that it can produce progesterone to stimulate the decidual reaction.
a. bhCG
b. estrogen
c. luteinizing hormone
d. follicle stimulating hormone
If fertilization occurs, bhCG will cause the corpus luteal cyst to not regress and produces progesterone to stimulate the decidual reaction.
An IRP bhCG level of _________ units/ml should definitely correspond with visualization of an IUP by transvaginal ultrasound.
a. 500
b. 2000
c. 1000
d. 1500
IRP levels for Transvaginal Ultrasound = 1000 - 2000 units/ml is the range of bhCG level for identifying an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP); An IUP can be identified at a minimum level of 1000 units/ml but MUST be identified if the level exceeds 2000 units/ml; If the level exceeds 2000 units/ml and no IUP is identified, an ectopic pregnancy should be suspected; If the level is between 1000 and 2000 units/ml and no IUP is identified, a follow up exam will most likely be ordered once the level exceeds 2000 units/ml.
Which biometric measurement is not used to estimate fetal age in a detailed evaluation of a 13 week fetus?
a. femur length
b. head circumference
c. biparietal diameter
d. abdomen circumference
The femur length is not used in the late 1st trimester evaluation for fetal dating, but may be helpful for detection of abnormalities. The femoral diaphysis cannot be reliably measured until after 14 weeks gestation.