1st Test:Math/ SI/ Equations/ Study Guide Flashcards
Equation to get Celsius with kelvin:
C=K - 273
Equation to get Fahrenheit with Celsius:
F= (9/5)C + 32
Equation to get Kelvin with Celsius:
K= C + 273
Equation to get Celsius with Fahrenheit:
C = (5/9) ( F - 32)
Density formula:
D = M / V
Length (name, symbol)
meter, m
Mass (name, symbol)
kilogram, kg
Thermodynamic temperature (name, symbol)
kelvin, k
Amount of substance (name, symbol)
mole, mol
Celsius temperature (name, symbol)
degrees Celsius, C
10^3 (name, symbol, numeric value)
kilo, k, 1 000
10^2 (name, symbol, numeric value)
hector, h, 100
10^-1 (name, symbol, numeric value)
deci, d, 0.1
10^-2 (name, symbol, numeric value)
centi, c, 0.01
10^-3 (name, symbol, numeric value)
milli, m, 0.0001
10^-6 (name, symbol, numeric value)
micro, u, 0.000 001
10^-9 (name, symbol, numeric value)
nano, n, 0.000 000 001
10^-12 (name, symbol, numeric value)
pico, p, 0.000 000 000 001
What are the parts of the scientific method?
- observation
- hypothesis
- experiment
- conclusion
What are the 7 SI base units?
Time (seconds) Length (meters) Mass (kilograms) Temperature (kelvin) Amount of a substance (mole) Electric Current (ampere) Luminous intensity (candela)
Difference between a base unit and a derived unit:
Base- based on something in the real world
Derived- combination of base units
Difference between precision & accuracy:
Precision- the reproducibility of a measurement (hit in same area)
Accuracy- how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value (hit the dart board)
Write in Scientific Notation:
a. 3429
b. 0.00157
c. 25.47
d. 25.48 x 10^8
a. 3.429 x 10^3
b. 1.57 x 10^-3
c. 2.547 x 10^1
d. 2.548 x 10^9
How many sig figs in the following:
a. 150
b. 150.
c. 0.00048
d. 40607
a. 2
b. 3
c. 2
d. 5
How does uncertainty in measurements come about?
- the last digit in a sig fig is always uncertain
- instrument you work with (limitations)
- how careful person is running the lab
Difference between quantitative and qualitative data:
Quantitative- amount, how much
Qualitative- appearance, color, odor, taste