1st Test Flashcards
Chinese concept of Power
Power as a macht. Focus on capacities to coerce. “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. Our principle is that the Party command the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party”.
Chinese Soft Power
China is aware of the two notions of power and the importance of soft power. China has been trying to present itself as benevolent power, against western power.
Special Administrative regions
- Hong Kong e Macau; One China Principle.
- Governmental, legal, economic, financial and foreign trade autonomy.
Power projection capability
At the moment, it is the USA the only power that has real power projection capability.
“It is a capitalist system that is already global in reach but one that differs from Anglo-American capitalism in important respects. Sinocapitalism relies on informal business networks rather than on legal codes and transparent rules. It also assigns the Chinese state a leading role in fostering and guiding capitalist accumulation”
Socialist Market Economy
- Privately-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises, collective owned-enterprises. Interventionism; Control the order.
- A socialist market economy is a system of government that attempts to strike a balance between pure capitalism and social welfare.
3 “Represents”
- The Three Represents defines the role of the CCP, ratified in 2002.
- Representing the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces.
- Representing the orientation of China’s advanced culture.
- Representing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese People.
Reform and opening (gaige kaifang)
1978 com Deng Xiaoping: agricultural reform (decommunization and return to family farming), diplomatic relations with USA, end of class labels, beginning of opening, end of “iron bowl” policy.
Part of the gaige kaifang, they were laboratories of capitalism, free market policies.
Belt and Road Initiative
- A response to the ‘infrastructure gap’ and ‘a bid to enhance regional connectivity and embrace a brighter future’. Initial investment of 900bi; Encompasses 65% of humanity. Heartland. Accusations of “dept trap diplomacy”.
- The idea is to make partnerships that have the objective of importing and exporting commodities, but mainly building of infrastructure to create a network of transportation (people, goods…)
International system
Segundo Hedley Bull, um sistema internacional é formado quando Estados têm um contato suficiente entre si, assim como um impacto suficiente nas decisões de outros, para fazer do comportamento de um deles um elemento necessário nos cálculos do outro.
International society
“International society comes into being when a group of states, conscious of certain common interests and common values, forms a society in the sense that they conceive themselves to be bound by a common set of rules in their relations with one another, and share in the working of common institutions” (Bull, 1977)
Pluralist vs solidarism society debate
- From an analytical perspective: pluralism and solidarismo are extremes of a spectrum.
- Pluralist - great political and cultural diversity; significant mutual distrust between states; maximum value is oder; main institutions are sovereignty, non-intervention, balance of power, diplomacy, limited war.
- Solidarist - less political and cultural diversity; Greater trust between states; value of order coupled with value of justice; main institutions are flexible sovereignty and non-intervention, human rights, diplomacy.
- From a normative perspective: Debate about better form of global international society.
Unequal Treaties
part of the Century of the humiliation; Treaty of Nanking and Convention of Peking: Loss of Hong Kong and establishment of extraterritoriality. An european would not be judged by Chinese laws.
May Fourth movement
- Student and young intellectual revolts against Versailles secret settlements and Qing heritage. Went against some Confucianist thoughts. First time something like this happens.
- United in the idea that China needs modernization, and that meant a revolt against many of tradición Chinese values, which were maintaining aspects of imperial rules. China needs to embrace a new culture, which is capable of competing against Western modernization. For the first time in history, a significant part of the population sought a “new culture”, with new values. China might need to learn from the outside
- Emergence of the Nationalist Party (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP)