1st Semester Exam Review Flashcards
A correct program is a set of instructions in a specific sequence, which must correctly describe the logic of a particular need. True or False?
Programming languages are usable by humans, but must be translated to machine code. True or False?
In a decision structure a true/false question is asked, and the program chooses one of two paths depending on whether the answer is true or false. True or False?
What is the output of the following boolean expression?
7>=4. True or False?
A variable name is called an identifier. True or False?
Character variables may contain a sequence of characters. True or False?
When is planning and design of programs important?
Always, even small programs need to be planned and designed well before coding.
The specific rules defined by the grammar of a programming language represent its __________
The most amount of time is spent in this phase of software development.
Deploy and Maintain the program
Internal storage is commonly called _________
memory, main memory, or primary memory
What step must be first when developing a software application?
Understand the problem
Which of the steps is where the programmer designs a plan that includes the steps needed to provide a software solution to a prom?
Plan the logic
A(n) ___________ system is a previous software solution that fulfilled a business need.
These three relational operators are not supported by SNAP
> =,
What is (4+5) * 3
Which is a double value?
a) 19
b) 1
c) 3.4
d) 15
c) 3.4
Procedural Abstraction enables what 3 things?
1) Software reuse
2) Through parameterization, allows a single block to perform a wide range of customized actions
3) Captures the essence of a group of related statements in a generalized block name
Integer variables may only contain any real number values. True or False?
The specific meaning of special commands of a programming language represent its _________.
Three examples of external storage
1) hard drives
2) USB storage drives
3) burn-abled CD/DVD
Which may be the most difficult part of software development?
Understand the Problem
Putting on shoes before socks is an example of what type of error?
Which of the following statements is an example of a decision programming structure?
a) if
b) repeat until
c) forever
d) repeat
a) if
According to Kramer’s article on abstraction, English is a foundational skill primarily needed for students to understand abstraction.True or False?
False (the right subject is math)
Abstraction skills cannot be taught. True or False?
An if statement is an example of a control structure. True or False?
A plan for solving a problem is not an algorithm if it requires infinite time or data. True or False?
An abstract step is one for which some details main remain unspecified. True or False?
Abstraction is only used for music and art, and is not meant for computing. True or False?
Abstraction is the ability to perform abstract thinking and to exhibit abstraction skills. True or False?
An algorithm is only useful if it uses a finite amount of time and data. True or False?
A selection construct allows a decision to be made in an algorithm that determines which action is performed next. True or False?
Abstraction is about understanding the low-level details of a particular concept or object. True or False?
What are three aspects of abstractions?
1) Creating models
2) Removing details to focus attention on an object
3) Knowing all stages of cognitive development
What percent of adolescents develop into the formal operational stage?
What is the first step in the How to Solve It list?
Understand the problem
When should students be tested for abstraction?
Annually at college and at time of application to study computing
Whose studies found that individuals begin abstract thinking started at age 12?
Jean Piaget
What are good vehicles of teaching abstract thinking skills?
Math, Formal Modeling, and Analysis
Who wrote the book How to Solve It, which outlines a general approach to problem solving?
George Polya
The process of formulating a general description from general concepts.
A language resembling a programming language
Where we “Bang on it a bit” in order to determine if the code is correct
Execution of statements one after the other
A problem in our code
The World Wide Web first became available in what year?
A Web page is a document with links that allow you to move from one document to another quickly. True or False?
Hyperlinks that move to a document on the same computer
Relative Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks that move to points within a document
Target Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks that move to a document on a different computer
Absolute Hyperlinks
HTML stands for
Hypertext markup language
A Web browser is a program that allows you to code text with HTML tags. True or False?
Some features available on the toolbar of a Web browser
Stop, refresh, home, search, back, forward, favorites, print
A web page is retrieved using a…
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
The basic elements of a URL are: (5)
1) protocol
2) domain name
3) directory path
4) document name
5) anchor name
A search tool is a program that finds Web sites, Web pages, and Internet files that match keywords after you enter.True or False?
What is the purpose of the Internet?
To link millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals.
The 5 most common internet services
1) e-mail
2) File Transfer Protocol
3) Newsgroups
4) Chat rooms
5) the World Wide Web
Using email is just like….
writing a letter
In an e-mail address, the ______ is the location where the user’s account is set up.
Once a message arrives at the network, the ________ ______ determines where the message should go.
network server
4 types of communication channels a router may use to send a message
1) high speed telephone lines
2) fiber-optic cable
3) microwaves
4) satellite transmissions
A gateway is a __________
A search engine is a program that finds web sites, web pages, and Internet files that match keywords that you enter. True or False?
The purpose of a modem is to block possible malicious software from entering your computer. True or False?
Message areas where people can discuss a common area of interest are called ________ groups.
Who created the WWW?
Tim Berners-Lee
What organization assigns TLDs?
What device is used to support the network with additional storage space?
To enter a query you are limited to typing descriptive words into Google’s search box on Google’s home page. True or False?
The search terms you enter and the order in which you enter them have no effect on both the order and pages that appear in your search results. True or False?
You must spell words correctly in order for Google to locate them accurately. True or False?
Google looks for dictionary definitions for your search terms. True or False?
Google makes every effort to discover or eliminate unreliable and erroneous material. True or False?
Personal pages are not necessarily “bad,” but you need to investigate the author carefully. True or False?
People who have trouble thinking of keywords around a topic can use the web graphic organizer to help them identify what they already know and make that terminology available for searching. True or False?
Google allows you to narrow your search based upon the properties of images. True or False?
A request for information from a search engine is called a
To right of Google’s search result are sponsored links, which are _______ ___________.
paid advertisements
The first line in each result is the ______ ______.
page title
Click on the ____ ________ ______ button on Google’s home page to go directly to the first result for your query.
I’m Feeling Lucky
Which is a better search query?
a) Does Australia have Target
b) Australia Target store
b) Australia Target Store
When Google detects very common words such as where, do, I, for, and a, known as ________ words, it ignores them.
What is the synonym operator?
Wildcard operator which allows you to match one or more words in a phrase (encloses in quotes)
What is the word limit in Google?
Google’s web crawling robot is called __________.
Google’s web system for ranking is called _______.
Which of the following steps should be used when creating a search term/phrase?
a) Circle key word
b) Underline “maybe” words
c) Add missing words
d) Ignore unnecessary words
e) All of the above
e) all of the above
A _________ ______ resource is one that provides you with new information that moves you down the path to your final sources.
stepping stone
________ ________ gives an estimate of the percentage of sources for the topic that are at the basic, intermediate, or advanced reading level.
Reading Level
Which of the following can be used as supporting evidence for a resource?
a) Facts
b) Examples
c) Videos
d) Quotes
e) All of the above
e) all of the above
A programming language is written using software. True or False?
Compilers are used to identify run-time errors. True or False?
After a program is translated from a programming language to machine code, the program can be run, or executed. True or False?
This type of memory is volatile.
This is the type of error that occurred with the Ariane 5 disaster.
A special type of logic error known as a run-time error
Camel Case is used to identify variable names where each new word begins with an upper case letter. True or False?
Variable names should suggest some meaning appropriate to the purpose of the variable. True or False?
Which of the following expressions is false?
a) ((5 > 7) and (6 > 8)) or true
b) ((5 > 7) or (8>=8)) or false
c) not (10>= (5+5)) and true
d) ((false and false) or true) or (true and false)
Which of the following is/are good rules to follow when naming variables?
a) Must be one continuous term without spaces
b) Must begin with a letter
c) May only contain letters, numbers, and underscores
d) all of the above
Which of the following is/are the types of loops that are supported by SNAP?
a) forever
b) repeat
c) repeat until
d) all of the above
The following operation is not provided in SNAP for list
Locating the index location of a specific element in a list
Three examples of boolean operators
A list can contain the following types of values (3)
Boolean Values
Hypothetical questions support the concept of abstract thinking. True or False?
Mathematics is an excellent vehicle for teaching abstract thinking skills. True or False?
Abstraction can only be used in software engineering. True or False?
An algorithm is a calculation that determines how long it will take to solve a problem. True or False?
Pseudocode is a shorthand-like language that people use to express algorithms. True or False?
Algorithms cannot be tested until they are realized in a computer-based programming language. True or False?
The approach to problem solving developed by George Polya is valuable, but does not apply to computer-based solutions. True or False?
Pseudocode uses a mixture of English and indentation to express the processing steps of an algorithm. True or False?
A concrete step is one that does not need to be expanded further. True or False?
Which is not an example of abstraction?
a) Jazz
b) Subway maps
c) Software
d) Donuts
D) Donuts
Which of the following development stages is where an individuals indicate an ability to think abstractly?
a) Sensori motor
b) Pre-operational
c) Concrete Operational
d) Formal Operational
D) Formal Operational
What produces a true or false result?
Boolean expression
Which of the following include selection statements and repetition statements?
a) Control structures
b) Operand specifier
c) Data type
d) Boolean expressions
e) Information hiding
a) Control structures
A sequence of steps that will repeat some number of times
A set of instructions to accomplish some task
Execution of statements one after the other
Otherwise known as a branch that only executes if the condition is true
The term “cookie” comes from the term “magic cookie” a term in programming language for a piece of information shared between co-operating pieces of software. True or False?
Asymmetric keys can be used for both encryption and decryption. True or False?
What company was established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communications across the ocean that eventually be used for Internet communications?
Atlantic Cable
In 1957 while responding to the threat of the Soviets in general and the success of Sputnik in particular what American president created both the interstate highway system and the Advanced Research Projects Agency?
Dwight Eisenhower
Use Caesar Cypher shift 3 to decrypt the following message: kltgb gllgb
howdy doody
What can Alice use to ensure that her messages are identified as coming from her?
Digital signature
Who was first contacted by IBM to develop the operating system for their new “Personal Computer”?
Gary Kildall
Where did the term “cookies” originate?
Netscape Project by Lou Montulli
For best results, use several precise words. True or False?
The tilde operator works best when applied to specific terms and terms with many synonyms. True or False?
Which of the following is an example of a filer provided by Google to help narrow search results?
a) Images
b) Video
c) Maps
d) Books
e) All of the above
Snippets include one or more of your query words shown in _________.
What search engine provides an interesting quote along with the results of a search?
The third party application reports which of two terms or phrases Google estimates to be more prevalent on the web.
Google Fight
If you want pages containing any (instead of all) of your search terms, use the ________ operator.
What google operator returns similar pages