1st Sealing Test Flashcards
- At the fulfillment time of Revelation, ① what “will soon take place” that God wants to show his servants? ② Who are the “servants who receive the revelation”? And in Rev 1:2, ③ what is “the word of God” that John delivers and what is ④ “the testimony of Jesus Christ, that is, everything he saw”?
① All the events in the entire book of Revelation, that is, the physical fulfillment
② The 12 tribes 144,000 and great multitude in white in Rev 7
③ The words of the open scroll that was received and eaten in Rev 10
④ The events in the entire book of Revelation, that is, the physical fulfillment
- ① When were the seven stars of Revelation appointed, and in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, ② what path must a believer follow?
① Just before Revelation is fulfilled
② The path that God has made, New Testament Revelation
- In Rev 1:3, write down who is ① “the one who reads”, and ② “those who hear” and ③ “those who take to heart” respectively along with relevant Revelation chapter (verse).
① New John who received and ate the open scroll, Rev 10
② Peoples, nations languages, and kings, Rev 10:11
③ 12 Tribes 144,000, including New John, and the great multitude in white, Rev 7
- ① When do “those who have been freed with the blood of Jesus” appear? ② Who are they? And ③ what are 3 verses that explain who they are.
① At the fulfillment time of Revelation
② The 12 tribes 144,000 and great multitude in white
③ Rev 1:5-6, Rev 5:9-10, Rev 7:14
- In Rev 1:7, ① what does it mean that Jesus will be “coming with the clouds,” and at the Lord’s Second Coming, ② what action was considered as piercing Jesus? Who are ③“those who pierce” and ④ “those who mourn,” respectively?
① Coming as a spirit that cannot be seen
② Piercing the two witnesses who serve the Lord in Rev 11
③ The beast that comes up from the Abyss
④ The tabernacle congregation members who betrayed
- ① What is the power of God’s world? And ② what is the power of the gentile’s world?
① The power of God’s world: life and the path to live
② The power of the gentile’s world: death and the path to die
- At the time of physical fulfillment, ① what kind of person must I become? And ② how can I do this? (with reference verse)
① One who is born again from the heart (one who is born again)
② Must be cleansed with the word given by Jesus, John 15:3
- After the judgment of the sun, moon, and stars in Rev 6, a new era is created. What are the two things that a person in this new era should have?
① Absolute faith
② The ability to deliver the word correctly
- At the fulfillment time of Revelation, ① what verse records about the key to entering the kingdom of heaven? And in order not to add or subtract from Revelation in today’s time, ② what must we look for?
① Rev 22:18-19
② The physical fulfillment of the prophecy
- New Heaven New Earth Shincheonji was created only after winning the war against the devil. Write down what event will happen after the creation of Shincheonji 12 tribes with reference chapter.
The kingdom of heaven and God come down to Shincheonji and the first resurrection takes place, Rev 20