1st Quarter Flashcards
The man whom God used to preserve mankind during the flood
Who were the first human beings?
Adam and Eve
Who are the Patriarchs?
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
The whom God used to reserve Israel during the famine in Egypt
creatio ex nihilo
Created out of nothing
What does Patriarch mean?
Male head of the family
What does covenant mean?
Promise of God
God created the world in how many days?
What happened because man disobeyed God?
This event is called?
Sin entered the world
The Fall
Man became wicked and God punished the earth with what?
A flood
Where did God confuse the language of man?
Tower of Babel
God makes a covenant to make a great nation and bless all nations with who?
He did this in what year?
2000 BC
God promised Abraham and his descendants what land?
What two wicked cities did God destroy?
Sodom and Gomorrah
What son did God ask Abraham to sacrifice?
What animal was sacrificed instead of Isaac?
A ram
After Jacob wrestles with God, what name is he given?
God uses Joseph to preserve the Israelites during famine, and Genesis ends with the Israelites in what land?
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt
Who spoke for Moses and was the first high priest of Israel?
Who defied God and refused to free the people of Israel?
What is the promises land?
What is the Jewish celebration of God’s deliverance of Israel from Bondage?
What does Redemption mean?
Rescue, deliverance
What is a Tabernacle?
A tent used by the Hebrews for worship
How did God call Moses to lead the Israelites?
Through a burning bush
How does God punish the Egyptians when Pharoah refuses to free the Israelites?
He sends plagues
How many plagues are there?
The Israelites firstborn sons were spared by God, because Israelites observed the first what?
What did God part so the Israelites could escape Pharoah’s army?
The Red Sea
What year did God part the Red Sea?
1,400 BC
Where does God give Moses the 10 Commandments?
Mount Sinai
God punished the people for idolatrous worship when they had Aaron make what?
A golden calf
According to God’s command the Israelites built the “_________” and the “_________”
Ark of the Covenant
Where did God place Adam and Eve?
The garden of Eden
Who were Adam and Eve’s first children?
Cain and Abel
Who was Adam and Eve’s 3rd son?
How many days and nights did it rain during the flood?
40 days and nights
What kind of bird did Noah send to find dry land?
A dove
What was God’s symbol of His covenant with man?
A rainbow
Who was Abraham’s nephew?
What is Abraham’s wife’s name?
Who is the mother of Ishmael?
Who is the father of many nations?
What is the Pentateuch?
The first five books of the bible
What are the first 5 books of the bible?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
What happens when we don’t confess our sins?
We are separated from God
What does the story of Joseph tell us?
It is a picture of how all nations will be blessed through Christ
What are the two cities built for Pharaoh by the Israelites?
Pithom and Raamses
After accidentally killing an Egyptian, where did Moses flee to?
How many tribes of Israel are there?
What tribe do Moses and Aaron belong to?
What is the Hebrew name for God?
What does Yahweh mean?
I am
Who is Moses’ father-in-law?
Where does Moses see the burning bush?
Mount Horeb
What are the 12 loaves of bread placed in the Tabernacle called?
Show bread
What is the 7 branch golden lamp stand in the Tabernacle called?
What tribe do the priests of Israel come from?
What is the great river of Egypt?
The Nile
What direction does the Nile flow?
From South to North
The arc of land that stretches from the Persian Gulf is called what?
The Fertile Crescent