1st Kyu Brown Belt Flashcards
Cycle training
This is a method of doing a variety of single sets, without repeating previous techniques and advancing the difficulty as the workout progresses
Example: techniques from white belt to 1st kyu
Circuit training
This takes a set number of techniques and repeats them over and over again
Example white belt over and over again
Reflex training
This employs having the students attack and then counter as fast as possible for a set period
Example sparring
Stretch training
This employs the aspects of static dynamic ballistic and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) in a program
Examples static- strattle dynamic hip circles ballistic butterfly and PNF partner stretching
Strength training
This allows the student to increase the amount of force that a muscle or group of muscles can exert
Example: lifting weights
Isometric training
This employs having the stsudent push or pull against an immovable object to shorten and tighten the muscles used
Example: push ups
Anaerobic and aerobic training
These both use endurance and explosive technique to maximize student conditioning
Example: aerobic- long jog anaerobic- sprints
What does perseverance mean to you
Don’t give up on things you truly believe in
Kick masters thought
Meet resistance with persistence
Meet resistance with persistence meaning if you want something with all your heart don’t let anything stand in your way
This was the given name of the admiral yi sun sin of the yi dynasty he was reputed to invent the first submarine as well as the kubuksun, which was an armed battleship these were both precursors of the modern vessels but this was done in 1592 AD this pattern ends with a left hand attack to symbolize the admirals regrettable death
This translates horses enemy this pattern is over 400 years old and was originally developed in China
What should you do first if you are ever threatened with a weapon
Give them what they want
What should you do if you find a gun on the ground
Find a responsible adult or find help
First 5 rules applied to weapon self defense
Be sure you are close enough to defend
Clear yourself from the line of the weapon
Get control of the weapon
Deliver a quick stunning strike to immobilize your assailant
Disarm the assailant and neutralize the situation