1st degree Q&A Flashcards
- Where were you first prepared to be a freemason?
Answer: In my heart.
- Where next?
Answer: In a convenient room adjoining the Lodge.
- Describe the mode of your preparation.
Answer: I was divested of all money and metallic substances of value and hoodwinked, my right arm, left breast and knee were made bare, my right heel was slipshod, and a cable tow placed around my neck.
- Where were you made a freemason?
Answer: In the body of a lodge, just, perfect, and regular.
- And when?
Answer: When the sun was at its meridian.
- Freemasons lodges being usually held in the evening, how do you account for that, which at first view appears a paradox?
Answer: The earth constantly revolving on its axis in its orbit round the sun, and freemasonry being universally spread over its surface, it necessarily follows that the sun is always at its meridian with respect to freemasonry.
- What is freemasonry?
Answer: A peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols.
- Name the grand principles on which the order is founded.
Answer: Brotherly love, relief, and truth.
- Who are fit and proper persons to be made freemasons?
Answer: Just, upright, and free men, of mature age, sound judgement, and strict morals.
- How do you know yourself to be a freemason?
Answer: By the regularity of my initiation, repeated trials and approbations, and a willingness at all times to undergo an examination when properly called on.
- How do you demonstrate that proof to others?
Answer: By signs, tokens, and the perfect points of my entrance.
- What are the three great emblematical lights of freemasonry?
Answer: The Volume of the Sacred Law, the Square and the Compasses.
- What is the importance of the three great emblematical lights?
Answer: The Sacred Writings are to rule and govern our faith, the square to rule our actions, and the compasses to keep us in due bounds with all mankind.
- What are the names of the Three Lesser Lights in a freemasons’ lodge, where are they situated and what is their purpose?
Answer: The sun, in the South, to rule the day; the moon in the west, to govern the night; and the Master, in the East to rule and direct his lodge.
- What is the principle lesson of the Entered Apprentice Degree, and how should it be applied.
Answer: The principle lesson of the First Degree is Charity, and to embrace the opportunity of practicing charity to anyone in distress.
- What are the three working tools of an Entered Apprentice?
Answer: The 24 inch gauge, the common gavel, and the chisel.
- What do the working tools symbolize?
Answer: The 24 inch gauge represents the hours of the day, the common gavel the force of conscience, and the chisel the advantages of education.
- What two subjects can never be discussed in a freemason’s lodge?
Answer: Religion and politics.
- What are the four cardinal virtues?
Answer: Prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice.
- What are the sacred dictates inculcated in a freemason’s lodge?
Answer: Truth, honor and virtue.