Lemon v. Kurtzman - facts
state funding religious schools with tax payer dollars. parents sought an injunction against the statute as it violated the establishment clause.
rule: direct state funding of religious school teachers’ salaries and instrumental materials is unconstitutional bc they reuslt in an excessive govt entagelemt in religion.
Lemon- Analysis
LEMON TEST … also what case overruled it?
3 prongs must be met for govt action to be const:
1. must not have the primary intent of advancing or inhibiting religion.
2. must have a secular legislative purpose .
3. must not result in excessive govt entaglement with religion.
Town of Greece- facts and rule
facts- prayer before board meetings, was open to all religions but it was mainly christans.
rule- the court must interpret the 1st amendment according to historical practices and understandings of legislative prayer.
Town of Greece- analysis
CJR, Alito, Thomas (kennedy and scalia too)
* marsh- held that there was no 1st amendment violation for opening legislative sessions with prayer delivered through state- paid funds.
* requiring non sectarian prayers to generid gods woul violate free speech as it would be too restrictive over religious messages
* its ok here bc it was at the opneing of the session and no one was forced.
Town of greece- alito concurrence
they tried their best to be inclusive and would even call places to find someone
town of greece- concurrence thomas and scalia
the establishment clause is not incorporated
* there was no coercive state establishment here (threats by force of law or threat of penalty)
town of greece- breyer dissent
the town is not exclusively chirstian, they could have tried harder to find more people and be inclusive.
town of greece- kagan, rbg, breyer, sotomayor dissent
- this violates the norm of religious equality
- does not need to be a religious free zone, but it cannot align itself with any particular creed remember they are not separationists.
Kennedy v. Bremerton
facts: kennedy loses his high school football coach job bc he would pray midfield after games.
rule- a public school may not prohibit a football coach from praying privately on the school foorball field immediately following a game.
Bremerton- rationale + majority
Gorsuch, CJR, Thomas, Alito, ACB, Kavanaugh
- free speech and free exercise protect his conduct.
- Establishment case does not require govt to single out private religiou speech.
- The district’s policies were neither neutral nor generally applicable
- Teachers not students shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate
- The speech was private speech and not govt speech.
- ABANDONS LEMON- replaces with the historical practices and understandings of the establishment clause- focus is on coercion.
o Here, this was not coerced. Caren u remember the stupid arguments.
Bremerton- alito concurrence
religious expression by public employees engaged in private activities is fine.
Bremerton- sotomayor, kagan, and breyer dissent
school officials leading prayer is imperssible, the coach invited those players.
* there is a coercive nature to this and the court improeprly overruled lemon.
American Legion (2019) - facts and rule
facts- secular crossa t the wwii memorial violates establishment clause.
rule- the maintenance of the cross by tax payers is not unconst.
American legion- rationale and majority
Alito, CJR, Kavanaugh, Kagan, Breyer
- the cross is assocuated with teh memoral and has secular connotations.
removoal would be seen as hostile towards religion.