1st Amendment Ch19 Flashcards
Two forms A) free exercise: - B)establishment clause: -
Carry out religious believes how you see fit; to an extent.
-sherbet test
Government and religion can’t be overly mixed;”a wall separation.”
-Lemon test
Which amendments cover the freedom of religion?
The first and 14th amendment(applied to the states).
Since the 1940s, most establishment clause cases of involved education, and four major areas: 1 2 3 4
1.released time:letting people go from school for alternative purposes.
(McCollum v. Board of Education, 1958 and Zorach v.Clauson, 1952)
2.no school prayer (Engel v. Vitale, 1962 and Equal access act of 1984)
3.Evolution (Edwards v. Aguiard 1987)
4.Aid to parochial schools
Speech and press is covered by which amendment?
The first and 14th
The purpose of speech and press in the 13th and 14th amendment.
To protect unpopular views and to criticize the government.
The right to free speech is not absolute, there are reasonable restrictions:
- slander: - libel: - sedition: - \_\_\_:there can be reasonable restrictions on your free speech.
- pass on false malicious rumors was spoken words.
- pass on false malicious rumors with written words.
- The crime of trying to overthrow the government or its activity.
- Schenck v U.S. 1919
Common areas of conflict in speech and press: A) B) C) D)
-not protected, but how do you define obscenity?
-Millard v. California, 1973: set the standard for what is legally obscene.
-Miller Test
B) Restraint: The curbing of ideas before they are expressed when it concerns national security.
-Near v. Minnesota 1931: prior restraint is only okay when it deals with national security.
C) Confidentiality
-shield laws: protect source confidentiality.
D)Symbolic Speech: conduct to get your paint a few across.
-US versus O’Brien 1968: Vietnam war, burning draft card, not protected because it takes away the government to rightful actions.
-Texas versus Johnson 1989: defacing a state monument, burned the flag, okay because it doesn’t harm or infringe on others.
A commitment to freedom is deeply rooted in America’s colonial past, ranging back to our country’s English origins.
The __ and the __both guarantee certain rights and liberties to the American people. The second did not originally contain a general listing of these rights however. Public outcry brought about such a listing, which is known as the ___
Declaration of independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights
Civil rights:
Civil liberties:
-The portion of law related to human conduct, to disputes between private parties, and to disputes between private parties in government not covered by the law.
Meant to make a reality.
-The guarantees a safety of persons, opinions, and property from the arbitrary acts of government, including freedom of speech and religion. (Protect against the government )
The government of the United States is a__-it can do only those things that the people allow it. The difference between democracy and dictatorship is the extent of the___.
But you see, individual freedoms are not unlimited. Individual freedom is limited by the duty not to French on___as well as each person’s rights are___.
The rights of others
Sometimes the basic rights of one person or group conflict with the basic rights of another. When this happens, ___ must weigh the conflicting claims.
-___: Sheppard claims that the highly sensational coverage denied him a fair trial.
Sheppard v. Maxwell,1966
Most constitutional rights are guaranteed to both __ and ___. There are some rights that may be denied to __ however, such as right to move freely about the country.
Non citizens
American federalism creates a complex pattern of rights and guarantees. The scope of the bill rights originally applied to only the __ and not to the ___. Modified affectively 14th amendment is important because it …
national government
existing states
has the due process clause in which the states can’t deny a person of their basic or essential rights.
Process of incorporation:
The incorporation or merging most of the guarantees in the Bill of Rights into the 14th amendment’s due process clause.