1re doc Flashcards
endure (3)
endure. suffer. go through
satisfait de (3)
satisfied with. happy with. pleased with
mode de vie, façon de vivre (2)
lifestyle. way of life
ne me correspond pas >4
This is not who I am. / it does not suit me / It doesn’t work for me / is not suitable for me
me rend triste (3)
it makes me sad / feel sad / unhappy
au fond de moi , au plus profond, intérieurement, en son for intérieur, for intérieur (3)
deep down. in the back of my mind. at the bottom of my heart
ce qu’on pourrait appeler (2)
what might be called. what could be called
partie de plaisir, boute-en-train, marrante, mourir de rire, pas de la rigolade > 3
life of the party ; happy-go-lucky ; barrel of laughs
inconcevable (5)
inconceivable. unthinkable. unimaginable. unbelievable. unconscionable
dans la mesure où (3)
to the extent that. insofar as. in the sense that
couper l’herbe sous le pied
to cut the ground from under
mettre des bâtons, mettre d’obstacles, poser des obstacles (3)
to put / place / create obstacles
sens de l’humour
sense of humor
ne pas hésiter à…. (3)
don’t hesitate to…. / to do not shy away from… / feel free to…
faire des farces, faire des blagues, à jouer des tours (4)
make / crack / tell jokes. to play pranks
drôle (9)
funny. fun. strange. weird. funniest. odd. amusing. hilarious. humorous
leur prétendu 3
their alleged / so-called / supposed
plaisanterie, badinage, blague, bavardage, marivaudage 6
joke. joking. jest. prank. banter. pleasantry
humilier, mortifier, abaisser, humiliation, ridiculiser 6
humiliate. humble. shame. embarrass. degrade. demean
à son insu, sans qu’il le sache, sans sa connaissance, sans l’en informer, sans le lui dire (2)
without his knowledge. unwittingly
visiblement, manifestement, clairement, visuellement, nettement (7)
visibly. obviously. clearly. apparently. noticeably. evidently. seemingly
(6) ce qui me dérange. ce qui me gêne. ce qui m’ennuie. ce qui m’embête. ce qui m’inquiète. ce qui me tracasse. ce qui me préoccupe. ce qui me chiffonne. ce qui m’agace. ce qui me chagrine. ce qui m’énerve. ce qui me chicote
what bothers me. what disturbs me. what annoys me. what troubles me. what bugs me. what upsets me
partager, échanger, communiquer, transmettre,
share. split. divide. part. distribute. partition. allocate
(2) c’est comme si
it’s like. it is as if
(2) s’intéresse à, est intéressé par,
is interested in… ; took an interest in… ;
(3) faire semblant de
pretend to. fake. to act like you
(3) pas le moindre
not least. not a single. not the slightest
(6) pour faire simple
simply put. in short. in a nutshell. for simplicity’s sake. to put it simply. to make it simple
5) j’ai envie de…
I want to. I’d like to. I just want to… I’m tempted to… it makes me want to…
5) de fond en comble. du haut en bas. du début à la fin. de bas en haut. de la tête aux pieds. du sol au plafond. du sommet à la base
from top to bottom. thoroughly. from the ground up. completely. radically
3) sur tous les aspects. à tous les aspects. concernant tous les aspects. dans tous les aspects. sur l’ensemble des aspects. dans tous les domaines. sur toutes les facettes. sur toutes les questions. sur tous les éléments. sur les différents aspects
on / in all aspects. on every aspect. about all aspects
point d’attache
an attachment point ;
3) me maintenir
keep me / myself. hold me. maintain myself
3) tout ce qui est en son pouvoir
everything within / in my power ; whatever I can ; everything I can
4) faire de nouvelles connaissances
meet new people. make new acquaintances. make new friends. get to know new people
2) être soi-même
be oneself. be true to yourself
3) façon de parler
figure of speech. way of speaking. manner of speaking
7) restrictif, contraignant, restreint, limitatif, restreignant
restrictive. limiting. restricted. narrow. restricting. contractionary. limitative
7) surveiller, suivre, contrôler, superviser, vérifier
monitor. watch. oversee. supervise. track. control. check
2) à l’arrière-plan, dans le fond, en arrière plan, en toile de fond,
in the background. in the distance
sur un ton, sur une tonalité
on a tone
3) sentiment de culpabilité
guilt. sense of guilt. feeling of guilt
5) confier à
confide in/to ; entrust to. talk to. assign to
3) de toute façon
anyway. in any case. in any event
5) le fond des choses
the bottom of things. the essence of things. the depth of things. the substance of things. the heart of things
se contreficher
to be indifferent ; He doesn’t care about… ;
jamais au grand jamais
never ever
2) si par malheur. si par malchance
if unfortunately. if by misfortune
8) malencontreusement
unfortunately. inadvertently. accidentally. mistakenly. unintentionally. inconveniently. inopportunely. regrettably
ouvrir son coeur à
open his heart to
2) avoir la quasi-certitude
to hold a fair degree of certainty that… ; to be practically sure
4) incapable de
unable to. incapable of. not able to. inability to
2) redonner le moral
restore morale. lift sentiment
pour la simple et bonne raison que…
for the simple reason
6) épauler
support. help. assist. complement. accompany. back up
3) être étranger à
be foreign to. be alien to. be irrelevant to
2) en vouloir à quelqu’un
resent someone. to blame somebody
2) toute leur vie durant
all their lives. throughout their lives
au plaisir de
to the pleasure of
goûter à (pas de prépo en anglais)
taste (tasty. delicious)
2) blocage /verrouillage, arrêt, obturation, obstruction/
blocking. locking
3) cynique
cynical. cynic. callous
2) je me demandais si
I was wondering if… / whether…
4) dévier vers
divert to. deviate towards. drift to. deviate to
vis-à-vis de
2) se faire des illusions
delude. cherish any illusions
à un moment donné, à un certain point, un jour, au bout d’un moment,
at some point. at a given time. at one time. at a given moment
2)laisser apparaître
reveal. let appear
7) singularité
singularity. uniqueness. peculiarity. individuality (singular) originality. distinctiveness. specificity
8) rejeter, refuser, repousser, opposer, récuser
reject. dismiss. deny. refuse. discard. blame. defeat. discharge
7) accueillant
welcoming. friendly. hosting. cosy. inviting. hospitable. accommodating
8) audace de
audacity to. audacity of. dare to. boldness of. nerve to. courage to. bold enough to. temerity to. daring of
3) se distinguer de
stand out from… / distinguish themselves from… / differentiate themselves from…
9) affront, atteinte, insulte, camouflet, injure
affront. insult. slight. outrage. offence. indignity. insulting. attack. assault
5) témoigner de la
bear witness to the. testify to the. witness the. attest to the. demonstrate the