1Q Flashcards
So God created mankind in his own image;male and female he created them
Genesis 1:27
Human Dignity
A Divine Gift
Human Dignity
A Divine Gift
Every Person Matter
Human Dignity:A Divine Gift
Human Dignity is rooted in the belief that every individual is created in God’s image,offfirming their inheret worth
Every Person Matters
Teaches us about the sacredness of life and the respect owed to each person,reflecting God’s creation.
Genesis 1:27
“Love your neighbor yourself “
Mattew 22:39
It has consistently emphasized the need to protect and respect human Dignity from conception to natural death
The Church
All believers were together and had everything in common.The sold property and possessions to give anyone who had need
Acts: 2: 44-45
Common Good
A Shared Responsibility
This principle highlights the importance of creating social conditions that allow all people to reach their full potential
Unity in Diversity
Involves ensuring that everyone has access to basic necessities,such as food, shelter,and education,and that social systems are structured to benefit everyone, especially the most vulnerable
Common Good
Carry each other’s burdens,and this way you will fulfill the law of Crist
Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens,and this way you will fulfill the law of Crist
Galatians 6:2
Rejoice with those who rejoice;mourn with those who mourn
Romans 12:15