1.Lesson Flashcards
What are Clinical trials?

The drug development process for Originators?
(Wie eine Studienverlauf aussieht - neues Medikament entwickelt)
* Unterteilungen
- Pre-discovery 3-6 years
- Clinical trials 6-7 years
- 4 Phase 0.5 -2 years

Clinical phases
Tell me more about it
- How many are there?
What happens?

Phase 1 Clinical Trails
- Check the safety/tolerability
- Pharmacokinetics = What the body does to the drug
- Pharmacodynamics = What the drug does to the body

- 4 Abläufe (Bild )
Einnahme, Absorption, Metabolism, Distribution, Excretion

Absorption - Elimination phase
Halbwertzeit : Zeit in dem sich das Medikament in Blut reduziert 50% 25%
Verlängerte Halbwertzeit
AUC= Grosse AUC , grösserer Schutz
Clearence = Wie schnell das Medi ausgeschieden oder abgebaut wird, steht Eng im Zusammenhang mit dem AUC - niedrige Clearence : Medi wird langsam abgebaut = daher lange im Körper
(Blood samples)

Medication application forms
i.v = Does not have absorption time , directly

Therapeutic range

Phase 2 Clinical trail

Phase 3 Clinical Trial
(Use often placebo here in the second group)

Phase 4 Clinical Trail

Phase 4 only possible if the drug is on the market / available in public (auf dem Markt)
Sponsoren often like to do this, because they would like to show that his drug is the best one
Basic study designs
(Gold standard: RCT)
Tell me the different type of control treatment:
(Groupe A Medi & Groupe B ?)
- Placebo
- no treatment
- different does or regimen of the study treatment or
- a different active treatment
( But for example, no treatment is not always possible like = fake surgery)
Basic study designs
Most prominent study design
(Example Drug study)
- Parallel design
- Cross over design
- Factorial design
- Hybrid
- Adaptive
Difference between Parallel group & cross over Study
Parallel Group: 4 different groups
Cross over:
A -B: Means 50% Pat take drug A —- after “wash out” than drug B
B-A: Same thing but the Patient first take drug B
Wash out= Blood back to baseline, break between