1L2 Winnipeg Terminal and Surrounding Airspace Flashcards
Sectors will normally be consolidated in the following order
- DEPARTURE ECHO (DE) shall consolidate into DEPARTURE WHISKY (DW) as traffic and workload permit.
- DEPARTURE WHISKY (DW) shall consolidate into ARRIVAL (AA) as traffic and workload permit.
- Consolidate the DN CJS as follows:
a. With DE when RWY 31 or 13 is DDR1 in NON-Ground Sort scenario
b. With DW in all other configurations
*Sectors will normally de-consolidate in reverse order to the above
Winnipeg High Sectors and CJS
All traffic at FL290 and above
-Gimli (GM): west sector 120.5
-Dryden (HD): east sector 124.0
*When split
-Clear Lake (CL): FL290 to below FL370 under GM
-Falcon Lake (FL): FL290 to below FL370 under HD
West Low Sectors and CJS
Borders Winnipeg TCA on all lateral boundaries and overlies the TCA to below FL290
-Winnipeg West (WW) 134.4 (132.25)
-Winnipeg East (EE) 118.0
-Great Plains (GP)
-Regina Sector (QR)
You may vector an aircraft into Class G airspace if:
You inform the pilot and obtain the pilot’s approval
When vectoring, ensure the following: (2)
1) Provide aircraft with adequate terrain clearance by assigning altitudes at or above a minimum IFR altitude specified for the area within which they are being vectored
2) Follow unit procedures to assign cold temperature corrected minimum IFR altitudes, if applicable.
Flight Data Position responsibilities
- Operate as support for ARRIVAL.
- Provide support to DEPARTURE WHISKEY and DEPARTURE ECHO as available.
- Maintain current flight data information in EXCDS for aircraft under ARRIVAL control.
- Coordinate between ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE sectors as required.
- Coordinate between TCU and adjacent sectors/units as required.
- Input, modify and delete CAATS flight plans as required.
- Operate, monitor serviceability and report malfunctions of equipment associated with the specialty.
- Pass PIREPS to appropriate sectors.
- Issue IFR clearances via ATC interphone or external telephone as required after coordination with the appropriate radar sector.
Class A and B airspace outside of 35 NM is designated to
West Low specialty
Winnipeg Control Zone Dimensions
Class C airspace: 7 NM radius from the centre of the airport, from the surface to below 3000 ASL (2200 AAE)
Winnipeg Control Zone Extension Dimensions
Class C airspace: Airspace surrounding the control zone from 7NM to 13NM from 2000 ASL to below 3000 ASL. Extension centred on OTLUR
-Delegated to Winnipeg Tower
-Small cut out to the west and east to accommodate St. Francois Xavier and Lyncrest Airports
TCA Main Dimensions
Lateral: 35 NM radius centred on the site of the decommissioned Winnipeg VOR
Vertical: 3000 ASL to FL230 (minus a small cutout for Steinbach below 4000 ASL)
TCA Extension Dimensions
Lateral: Extends west from 35-55NM intersecting a 21 NM arc of the YPG VOR (North)
Vertical: 3000 ASL to 12500 ASL (excluding YPG control zone from 3000-4000 ASL)
CYAV TRA Dimensions and Hours of Operation
-Surface to below 3000 ASL. Laterally a 4 NM arc to the west and a 5 NM arc to the east.
-Open 07:00-22:00 local
CYPG TRA Dimensions and Hours of Operation
-Surface to 4000 ASL. Laterally a 10 NM arc radius from the aerodrome centre to the south, north arc cut by the Trans Canada Highway.
-Open Mon-Fri (excluding holidays) 08:00-17:00 local.
Winnipeg Control Area Extension Dimensions
Class E Airspace
1) 35-45 NM surrounding OTLUR 6500-12500 (excludes CYPG control zone and Class C extension)
2) 45-70 NM surrounding OTLUR 7000-12500 (excludes CYPG control zone and Class C extension)
Exclusion Areas (4)
1) 3 NM radius of the Elie antenna (3000/3200)
2) 3 NM radius of the Starbuck antenna (3000/3200)
3) 3 NM radius of the Ste. Agathe antenna (3000/3100)
4) 3 NM radius of the antenna located aprox. 13 NM SE of the Winnipeg Airport (2600/2900)
Temperature Corrected CYAV 100 NM Safe Altitudes
1) Above 0˚C: 3400’, or any other minimum IFR altitude applicable to the airspace
2) Below 0˚C to -35˚C: 4000’
3) Below -35˚C to - 50˚C: 4200’
Magnetic Variation at CYWG
3˚ east