1L2 Winnipeg Terminal and Surrounding Airspace Flashcards
Sectors will normally be consolidated in the following order
- DEPARTURE ECHO (DE) shall consolidate into DEPARTURE WHISKY (DW) as traffic and workload permit.
- DEPARTURE WHISKY (DW) shall consolidate into ARRIVAL (AA) as traffic and workload permit.
- Consolidate the DN CJS as follows:
a. With DE when RWY 31 or 13 is DDR1 in NON-Ground Sort scenario
b. With DW in all other configurations
*Sectors will normally de-consolidate in reverse order to the above
Winnipeg High Sectors and CJS
All traffic at FL290 and above
-Gimli (GM): west sector 120.5
-Dryden (HD): east sector 124.0
*When split
-Clear Lake (CL): FL290 to below FL370 under GM
-Falcon Lake (FL): FL290 to below FL370 under HD
West Low Sectors and CJS
Borders Winnipeg TCA on all lateral boundaries and overlies the TCA to below FL290
-Winnipeg West (WW) 134.4 (132.25)
-Winnipeg East (EE) 118.0
-Great Plains (GP)
-Regina Sector (QR)
You may vector an aircraft into Class G airspace if:
You inform the pilot and obtain the pilot’s approval
When vectoring, ensure the following: (2)
1) Provide aircraft with adequate terrain clearance by assigning altitudes at or above a minimum IFR altitude specified for the area within which they are being vectored
2) Follow unit procedures to assign cold temperature corrected minimum IFR altitudes, if applicable.
Flight Data Position responsibilities
- Operate as support for ARRIVAL.
- Provide support to DEPARTURE WHISKEY and DEPARTURE ECHO as available.
- Maintain current flight data information in EXCDS for aircraft under ARRIVAL control.
- Coordinate between ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE sectors as required.
- Coordinate between TCU and adjacent sectors/units as required.
- Input, modify and delete CAATS flight plans as required.
- Operate, monitor serviceability and report malfunctions of equipment associated with the specialty.
- Pass PIREPS to appropriate sectors.
- Issue IFR clearances via ATC interphone or external telephone as required after coordination with the appropriate radar sector.
Class A and B airspace outside of 35 NM is designated to
West Low specialty
Winnipeg Control Zone Dimensions
Class C airspace: 7 NM radius from the centre of the airport, from the surface to below 3000 ASL (2200 AAE)
Winnipeg Control Zone Extension Dimensions
Class C airspace: Airspace surrounding the control zone from 7NM to 13NM from 2000 ASL to below 3000 ASL. Extension centred on OTLUR
-Delegated to Winnipeg Tower
-Small cut out to the west and east to accommodate St. Francois Xavier and Lyncrest Airports
TCA Main Dimensions
Lateral: 35 NM radius centred on the site of the decommissioned Winnipeg VOR
Vertical: 3000 ASL to FL230 (minus a small cutout for Steinbach below 4000 ASL)
TCA Extension Dimensions
Lateral: Extends west from 35-55NM intersecting a 21 NM arc of the YPG VOR (North)
Vertical: 3000 ASL to 12500 ASL (excluding YPG control zone from 3000-4000 ASL)
CYAV TRA Dimensions and Hours of Operation
-Surface to below 3000 ASL. Laterally a 4 NM arc to the west and a 5 NM arc to the east.
-Open 07:00-22:00 local
CYPG TRA Dimensions and Hours of Operation
-Surface to 4000 ASL. Laterally a 10 NM arc radius from the aerodrome centre to the south, north arc cut by the Trans Canada Highway.
-Open Mon-Fri (excluding holidays) 08:00-17:00 local.
Winnipeg Control Area Extension Dimensions
Class E Airspace
1) 35-45 NM surrounding OTLUR 6500-12500 (excludes CYPG control zone and Class C extension)
2) 45-70 NM surrounding OTLUR 7000-12500 (excludes CYPG control zone and Class C extension)
Exclusion Areas (4)
1) 3 NM radius of the Elie antenna (3000/3200)
2) 3 NM radius of the Starbuck antenna (3000/3200)
3) 3 NM radius of the Ste. Agathe antenna (3000/3100)
4) 3 NM radius of the antenna located aprox. 13 NM SE of the Winnipeg Airport (2600/2900)
Temperature Corrected CYAV 100 NM Safe Altitudes
1) Above 0˚C: 3400’, or any other minimum IFR altitude applicable to the airspace
2) Below 0˚C to -35˚C: 4000’
3) Below -35˚C to - 50˚C: 4200’
Magnetic Variation at CYWG
3˚ east
CYWG Runway Lengths and Widths
13(135˚) / 31(315˚)- 8841 x 200 ft ASPHALT (threshold of 31 displaced 140’)
18(185˚) / 36(005˚)- 11000 x 200 ft ASPHALT
All taxiways are 75 ft wide and lit in blue, with the following exceptions:
-Charlie west of RW 31 and RW 36 is 100 ft wide
-Kilo west of foxtrot surface is 200 ft wide but the lighting is only 75 ft wide
Runway Lighting @ CYWG
-All RWs: Threshold, runway end and high intensity runway edge lights
-RW 36: Approach Lighting (AL) (Cat II/III approach lighting), touchdown zone and centreline lighting
RW 18: High intensity approach lighting (AN) suited for a hypothetically installed ILS system, centreline lighting (CL), and 2 bar PAPI (P2)
-RW 13 and 31: High intensity approach lighting suited for Cat I ILS
-1 device installed at TDZ of RWY 13 and 31 (for Cat I approach)
-1 installed at TDZ and roll out zone of RWY 36 (for Cat II approach)
CYAV Runway Widths and Lengths
-Rwy 13(129˚) / 31(309˚): 3002 x 75 ASPHALT
-Rwy 18(184˚) / 36(004˚): 3000 x 75 ASPHALT
-Rwy 04(041˚) / 22(221˚): 2852 x 75 ASPHALT
CYPG Runway Widths and Lengths
-RWY 13R(130˚) / 31L (310˚): 7000 x 148 ASPHALT
(only runway with instrument approaches, RESA: 984’)
-RWY 13L(130˚) / 31R(310˚): 3120 x 98 ASPHALT
-RWY 09(085˚) / 27(265˚): 2670 x 98 ASPHALT
-RWY 02(015˚)/20(195˚): 3033 x 150 ASPHALT
Low-Level Airways
Controlled low-level airspace extending upward from 2200 ft AGL up to, but not including, 18000 ft ASL
Low-level controlled fixed RNAV routes. Airspace associated is 10 NM on each side of the centreline.
Winnipeg Terminal Airspace Segregation
-090˚ to 270˚ line that splits the airspace
-When RW 31 or 36 are active, the airspace to the north belongs to departure at 6000 and below
-When RW 13 or 18 are active, the airspace to the south belongs to departure at 6000 and below
Through coordination with controllers, ATOS can:
-Copy and delete flights requiring re-inputs
-Forward copies of flight data as required to other ATC units
-Activate stored flights, making changes to data as required
ATOS Flight Planning Responsibilities
-Provides information services to pilots
-Inputs CAATS or ADHOC F/P data received by phone
-Processes all other flight data
Terminal Control Area Definition
Controlled airspace of defined dimensions normally established in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes and within which air traffic control service is provided based on the airspace classification. The floor of a TCA shall not extend lower than 700 ft AGL.
Winnipeg Terminal Responsibilities: Radar - General (8)
- Coordinate traffic flow and departure/arrival routes with adjacent sectors/units as required.
- Maintain current flight data information on EXCDS for aircraft operating in the sector in conjunction with the flight data position.
- Input, modify and delete CAATS flight plans as required.
- Maintain radio communications and radar identification until control transfer of the aircraft has been made with the adjacent sector, or no longer required.
- Operate, monitor serviceability, and report malfunctions of equipment associated with the position.
- Provide weather, landing information, runway conditions, and other pertinent information as required.
- Pass PIREPS to appropriate sectors/units.
- Assist the other radar positions in the control of overflow traffic.
Arrival (AA) Responsibilities (4)
In addition to the duties outlined in RADAR – General, assume responsibility for control of:
1. CYWG IFR arrivals.
2. VFR aircraft being sequenced into the IFR arrival stream.
3. IFR and VFR aircraft conducting training approaches at CYWG.
4. IFR and VFR training aircraft holding at fixes serving CYWG.
Departure Whisky (DW) Responsibilities
In addition to the RADAR – GENERAL duties, assume responsibility for control of:
1. All IFR and VFR aircraft in the DEPARTURE WHISKY sector not under the control of ARRIVAL (AA).
Departure Echo (DE) Responsibilities
In addition to the RADAR - GENERAL duties, assume responsibility for control of:
1. All IFR and VFR aircraft in the DEPARTURE ECHO sector not under the control of ARRIVAL (AA).
How are Departure Echo and Departure Whisky split?
a 180˚ to 360˚ line centred on OTLUR
Control Zone Definition
Controlled airspace of defined dimensions extending upwards from the surface of the earth to 3000’ AAE rounded to the nearest 100 feet, unless otherwise specified.
CYWG RWY 13 Approaches (3)
CYWG RWY 18 Approaches (2)
Runway 18
CYWG RWY 31 Approaches (3)
Runway 31
CYWG RWY 36 Approaches (4)
Runway 36
CYWG Vector SIDs (4)
- WINNIPEG THREE DEPARTURE (SID for props Runway 13, 18, 31)
- WALLEYE THREE DEPARTURE (SID for props Runway 36)
- STONY FOUR DEPARTURE (midnight noise abatement SID for jets)
- GRIZZLY FIVE DEPARTURE (SID for non RNAV capable jet aircraft)
CYWG Utilizes ADS-B Surveillance Data + 2 Ground-Based Radars ________
1) Winnipeg (WG) Radar
-Located at the airport
-Terminal Surveillance Radar (TSR)
-SSR 250 NM range
-PSR 80 NM range
2) Langruth (LR) Radar
-ISSR (SSR only 250 NM range)
Winnipeg Tower Routine Operations:
- Determining the active runway(s)
- Coordinating the movement of IFR and VFR aircraft with TCU
- Coordinating the movement of VFR aircraft with CYAV Tower (via the corridor)
- Working with WAA personnel wishing to check runways, perform maintenance, cut the grass, clear snow, etc.
- Running the circuit
Clearance Delivery Responsibilties
Issues route clearances to aircraft, typically before they commence taxiing
Winnipeg Ground Responsibilities
-Movements of aircraft and vehicles on taxiways and inactive runways
-If Clearance Delivery is closed, Ground will assume those duties
Winnipeg Tower Responsibilities
-Responsible for the active runway as well as any aircraft operating VFR within the Control Zone and Tower Radar Area
-Responsible for any IFR arrivals to which ACT has been applied
-When Clearance Delivery and Ground is closed, Tower assumes those duties
Winnipeg Tower Radar Position
When required, supports the Tower position by performing data manipulation and coordinating with Ground and/or Terminal during periods of high Tower workload
St Andrews Tower Normal Operations
- Determining the active runway
- Publishing the ATIS
- Issuing IFR clearance to IFR departures as per the flight plan, and requesting validation from TCU
- Coordinating the movements of IFR and VFR aircraft with TCU
- Coordinating the movements of VFR aircraft with Winnipeg Tower (via the corridor)
- Running a circuit
St Andrews + Southport Ground/Tower Responsibilities
Ground- Responsible for the movement of all aircraft and vehicles at the airport, other than on the active runway(s). Also performs Clearance Delivery
Tower- Responsible for the active runway(s), and for VFR traffic operating in the Control Zone. Can also request control of IFR aircraft which have entered the Control Zone
Southport Tower Normal Operations
- Determining the active runway
- Publishing the ATIS
- Coordinating the movement of VFR and IFR aircraft with TCU
- Requesting and relaying SSR codes and frequencies for VFR departures
- Requesting and relaying IFR clearances for IFR CYPG departures
- Relaying arrival times for IFR arrivals
- Working VFR aircraft performing simulated IFR approaches at CYPG
- Coordinating the movements of VFR aircraft to and from the CYAs
- Running a circuit
ILS RWY 13/31/36/31L(CYPG) Channels
13- INP 109.5
31- IHV 110.3
36- IWG 109.9
31L - IPG 109.7
PG Location and Frequency
4.5 NM from RWY 31L Threshold (Channel 353)
UDE Channel