1.GERD Flashcards
The cardio-oesophageal sphincter
is a functional intrinsic physiological sphincter-like mechanism at the cardia which normally prevents regurgitation from the stomach
The cardio-esophageal sphincter normally prevents regurgitation from the stomach by :
- The oblique angle of insertion of the esophagus into the stomach (angle of His).
- Pinchcock action of the right crus of the diaphragm.
- The “rosette-like” arrangement of the cardiac gastric mucosa.
- Lower 4 cm of the oesophagus are intra-abdominal
angle of His
The oblique angle of insertion of the oesophagus into the stomach
Pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter is
10-25 mm Hg
35- 45 cm H2O
(1) 1ry : Incompetence of cardio-esophageal junction
(2) 2ry: Delayed emptying of stomach
1ry : Incompetence of cardio-esophageal junction in ETIOLOGY of GERD
Factors of 1ry : Incompetence of cardio-esophageal junction in ETIOLOGY of GERD
Sliding hiatus hernia.
Fatty meal
Caffeine consumption
Alcohol consumption.
Pathogenesis of 1ry : Incompetence of cardio-esophageal junction in ETIOLOGY of GERD
All these factors act by increasing the number of Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLOSRs) which occur normally and are quite separate from swallow-induced relaxations
Pathogenesis of 2ry: Delayed emptying of stomach in ETIOLOGY of GERD
Pyloric stenosis
Pylorospasm due to :-D.U. & gall stones
1- Starting of the condition
2- Progression of the condition
3- Vicious circle
Starting of the condition in PATHOLOGY of GERD
- Starts by mild inflammation & hyperemia
* Followed by superficial ulcerations of the esophageal mucosa.
Progression of the condition in PATHOLOGY of GERD
With progression of the condition,
- The musculosa is affected especially the longitudinal muscle layer
- When it spasms, it draws the cardia more & more up into the thorax resulting in increased acid reflux.
Vicious circle in PATHOLOGY of GERD
A vicious circle goes on leading to esophageal fibrosis which may end by narrowing & shortening of the esophagus.
A) Classic presentation
B) Extra-esophageal reflux disease symtoms (EERD)
Classic presentation in CLINICAL PICTURE of GERD
- Heart burn & retrosternal discomfort
- Regurgitation & water brash .
- Dysphagia :
- Odynophagia
Pathogenesis of Heart burn & retrosternal discomfort in Classic presentation in CLINICAL PICTURE of GERD
- It is the presenting symptom.
* brought about by bending over or lying flat in bed at night
meaning of water brash
Maya betrod fe zoroh
Pathogenesis of Dysphagia in Classic presentation in CLINICAL PICTURE of GERD
- At 1st, it is due to esophageal spasm & edema.
* Later, it is due to fibrosis & stricture formation
Pathogenesis of Odynophagia in Classic presentation in CLINICAL PICTURE of GERD
Painful dysphagia with severe esophagitis.
Extra-esophageal reflux disease symtoms (EERD) in CLINICAL PICTURE of GERD
1- Coughing or wheezing
2- Non-cardiac chest pain.
3- Hoarseness of voice
Pathogenesis of Coughing or wheezing in EERD in CLINICAL PICTURE of GERD
as a result of aspiration of gastric contents into the tracheo-bronchial tree.
Pathogenesis of Non-cardiac chest pain in EERD in CLINICAL PICTURE of GERD
Reflux is the most common cause of Non-cardiac chest pain
Pathogenesis of Hoarseness of voice in EERD in CLINICAL PICTURE of GERD
irritation of the vocal cords by gastric refluxate.
EERD stands for
Extra-esophageal reflux disease
Complications of GERD
1) Esophageal stricture & Schatzki ring.
2) Short esophagus.
3) Barrett’s esophagus
4) Malignancy
5) 2ry anemia
6) Inhalation pneumonia
Pathogenesis of Esophageal stricture & Schatzki ring in Complications of GERD
Fibrosis in inner circular muscle layer
Pathogenesis of Short esophagus in Complications of GERD
Fibrosis in outer longitudinal muscle layer
Pathogenesis of Barrett’s esophagus in Complications of GERD
Columnar metaplasia of the squamous lining in the lower esophagus which is pre cancerous to adenocarcinoma
Pathogenesis of Malignancy in Complications of GERD
Adenocarcinoma of the lower esophagus
Pathogenesis of 2ry anemia in Complications of GERD
minor occult bleeding from esophagitis
Pathogenesis of Inhalation pneumonia in Complications of GERD
recurring reflux.
- Barium meal in Trendelenburg’s & anti Trendelenburg’s position.
- Upper GIT endoscopy :
- 24 hours pH monitoring
- Esophageal manometry
- Investigations for Saint’s triad
the reason why Barium meal is done in Trendelenburg’s & anti Trendelenburg’s position in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
To detect degree of severity by reversibility of reflux
Upper GIT endoscopy in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
- Normal finding
- Abnormal finding
- Belsey grading for GERD by upper GIT endoscopy
Normal finding in Upper GIT endoscopy in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
Normally the cardia closes on inspiration due to its presence normally intra-abdominal and its pressure increase during inspiration closing the cardia
Pathogenesis of closed cardia on inspiration in Upper GIT endoscopy in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
due to its presence normally intra-abdominal and its pressure increase during inspiration closing the cardia
Abnormal finding in Upper GIT endoscopy in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
- The cardia opens in cases of hiatus hernia on inspiration
- May reveal reflux of gastric juice through the cardia.
- Also complications will be apparent
Pathogenesis of abnormally opened cardia on inspiration in Upper GIT endoscopy in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
The cardia opens in cases of hiatus hernia on inspiration due to its presence abnormally intra-thoracic and its pressure decrease during inspiration opening the cardia
Belsey grading for GERD by upper GIT endoscopy in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
Grade I : esophageal hyperemia.
Grade II : esophageal erosions.
Grade III : esophageal ulcerations.
Grade IV : Stricture formation, Schatzki ring or Barrett’s oesophagus
24 hours PH monitoring in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
Reliability of 24 hours pH monitoring in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
The most important reliable test to diagnose the presence of reflux.
Procedures of 24 hours pH monitoring in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
- A special pH electrode is introduced in the lower esophagus
- A 24 hour study of the pH of the esophagus is recorded
- The patient is asked to record the periods when he gets the symptoms of reflux esophagitis
Results of 24 hours pH monitoring in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
If the timing of these periods coincides with a low pH recording, this signifies that these symptoms are actually due to reflux esophagitis
Esophageal manometry in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
It reveals:
- Low pressure at LOS e.g: 7 8 9 mm Hg
- The peristalsis power
Benefits of revealing the peristalsis power in Esophageal manometry in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
Helps to choose the proper surgical procedure
Weak peristalsis )> Partial wrap.
Good peristalsis )> Complete wrap
Investigations for Saint’s triad in INVESTIGATIONS of GERD
Abdominal U.S.
Saint’s triad
A Triad of :
Gall stones, Hiatus hernia & Diverticulosis coli.
(A) Conservative treatment
(B) Surgical Treatment
Conservative treatment of GERD
The majority of cases can be controlled by Conservative treatment
- Waiting 3 hours after a meal before lying down.
- Elevating the head of the bed during sleep.
- Reduction of weight is very important.
- Frequent small, non-irritant meals.
- Stop smoking and alcohol consumption.
- Drugs
The reason why we should wait 3 hours after a meal before lying down in Conservative treatment of GERD
To ensure gastric emptying
Drugs in Conservative treatment of GERD
- Proton pump inhibitors ( PPIs )
- H2 receptors blockers
- Prokinetics
- Anti-cholinergic drugs are contraindicated
Proton pump inhibitors ( PPIs ) in Conservative treatment of GERD
as Omeprazole
The most effective drugs.
H2 receptors blockers in Conservative treatment of GERD
as Famotidine are also effective
Prokinetics in Conservative treatment of GERD
as Metoclopramide and Domperidone
produce brief improvement of the symptoms but with no healing of esophagitis
The reason why Anti-cholinergic drugs are contraindicated in Conservative treatment of GERD
as they cause gastric stasis, increasing esophageal reflux
Surgical Treatment of GERD
- Indications
- Surgical modalities
- Recent surgical modalities
Indications of Surgical Treatment of GERD
- Failure of medical treatment.
- Reflux in both Trendelenburg’s & anti -Trendelenburg’s position.
- Complicated cases as ulcer, stricture or Barrett’s esophagus.
Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
1 - Nissen’s fundoplication
2- Floppy Nissen’s fundoplication :
3- Toupet partial fundoplication :
4 - Belsey Mark IV Cardioplasty :
5- Hill’s gastropexy :
6- The Angelchik prosthesis
Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
Approach of Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
- Trans-abdominal.
* Trans-thoracic approach
indication of Trans-abdominal approach of Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
in the uncomplicated cases
indication of Trans-thoracic approach of Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
useful in patients with peri-oesophagitis
Principle of Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
The fundus of the stomach is wrapped
completely 360 degree around the lower 5 cm of
the esophagus.
Advantages of Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
Recurrence is rare.
Disadvantages of Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
- Gas-bloat syndrome
* Dysphagia.
Pathogenesis of Gas-bloat syndrome in Disadvantages of Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
considerable amount of abdominal gaseous distension due to inability to eructate.
Principle of Floppy Nissen’s fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
- The fundus of the stomach is wrapped completely 360 degree around the lower 5 cm of the oesophagus
- but this is done while insertion of a Iarge 54-60 F.bougie in the oesophagus
Meaning of 54-60 F.bougie
F. is french
bougie means candle in French
Act like stent Then remove it
Principle of Toupet partial fundoplication in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
- The fundus of the stomach is wrapped 270 degree
around the lower 5 cm of the oesophagus - leaving a part of the esophagus exposed
Belsey Mark IV Cardioplasty in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
Approach of Belsey Mark IV Cardioplasty in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
Only trans-thoracic
Principle of Belsey Mark IV Cardioplasty in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
Restoration of the cardio-esophageal angle by suturing the fundus of the stomach to the distal esophagus in a 240 degree anterior wrap.
The esophago-gastric junction is then sutured to the under surface of the diaphragm.
Principle of Hill’s gastropexy in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
The cardia is sutured to the median arcuate ligament of the diaphragm
Principle of The Angelchik prosthesis in Surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
It is a silastic prosthetic collar placed around the lower esophagus
It probably acts by decreasing the number TLOSRs.
Recent surgical modalities in Surgical Treatment of GERD
1- Laparoscopic Nissen’s fundoplication
2- Laparoscopic Toupet fundoplication
Management of complications in TREATMENT of GERD
Management of
A) Esophageal stricture :
B) Short Esophagus :
C) Adenocarcinoma
Management of Esophageal stricture in Management of complications in TREATMENT of GERD
1- Endoscopic dilatation.
2- Thal’s fundic patch :
3- Antral patch :
Principle of Thal’s fundic patch in Management of Esophageal stricture in Management of complications in TREATMENT of GERD
Longitudinal incision is done through the stricture which is then closed transversely by a fundic patch.
Principle of Antral patch in Management of Esophageal stricture in Management of complications in TREATMENT of GERD
Longitudinal incision is done through the stricture which is then closed by an antral patch.
Management of Short Esophagus in Management of complications in TREATMENT of GERD
Collis gastroplasty
Principle of Collis gastroplasty in Management of Short Esophagus in Management of complications in TREATMENT of GERD
- Lengthening of the short esophagus by dividing the fundus of the stomach as a continuation of the esophagus.
- Nissen’s fundoplication is then performed
Management of Adenocarcinoma in Management of complications in TREATMENT of GERD
- Total esophagectomy
* Stomach follow up