1B.6.4 Consent Flashcards
Definition of consent
A person consents if they agree by choice and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice.
Consent is strictly speaking not a defence, as where the other person consents, there is no offence. For example, where the other person consents to being touched, there is no battery as there is no unlawful force – as shown by R v Donovan (1934).
What act governs the law on consent?
s74 Sexual Offences Act 2003
Can consent be used for murder or manslaughter?
Consent is never a defence to murder or manslaughter.
Pretty (2002): The defendant wanted a doctor to end her life. Courts held that consent cannot be a defence to murder or manslaughter. Article 2 ECHR states there is a right to life, not a right to die.
Consent in sport
Consent is available with sports.
Consent is not valid if outside of the rules of the Game. R v Barnes (2004).
Consent to bodily modification
Consent cannot be used if the result is serious harm or GBH - McCarthy (2019).
McCarthy (2019)
D was a tattoo artist who did body modifications. These body modifications technically caused GBH. He argued consent. Held: No consent for body modifications, if they cause GBH.
Consent to horseplay
Consent can be valid in “horseplay” – as seen by the following cases:
School children - Jones (1986)
RAF officers - Aitken (1992)
Jones (1986)
School children were joking around and were throwing each other up into the air. However, two of them were dropped causing serious injury.
Held: Consent to horeseplay is a defence, even if there was no actual consent.
Aitken (1992)
RAF officers were joking around and had set fire to each others’ fire-resistant clothing. However, one of the officers suffered serious burns.
Held: Defence of consent allowed because of “horseplay”.
Consent to minor harm
Battery requires a “non-consensual force” but “everyday jostlings” are implied consent.
Consent to sex
People under 16 cannot consent to sex. Offence under Sexual Offences Act 2003 for over 18 to have sex with person under 16 - R v Richardson (2015).
Consent to sex cannot be valid if evidence shows that the person lacks capacity. E.g. Age or disability. Defendant can argue that there was a reasonably held belief that consent was given.
Valid Consent & Deception
Consent to examination is valid but not to sexual assault. Deception negates consent.
Cases: R v Tabassum (2000), Melin (2019).
R v Dica (2004)
Spreading of HIV can amount to GBH.
Held: The victim must have knowledge of relevant facts, such as the D being HIV positive.
Case for V having relevant facts for it to be consent.
R v Dica
R v Tabassum (2000)
D pretended to be a doctor to obtain the opportunity to examine women’s breasts. He appealed, arguing the women had consented to the examination. However, the consent was only given because the D misled the Vs.
R v Melin (2019)
D twice injected what he said was Botox into two Vs. Following the second injection, they both suffered really serious harm. P said Vs only consented to the treatment because D was medically trained - which he was not.
Held: the deception was enough to invalidate consent
What are the exceptions to the rule that a person cannot consent to bodily harm?
- Sport (within the rules of the game)
- Body modification. e.g. tattoo, ear piercing
- Horseplay
R v Barnes (2004)
Consent in relation to sport must be “within the rules of the game”.
Pretty (2002)
Facts: D suffered from a terminal illness and wanted to take her life with the help of her husband. Judge ruled she could not consent to death.
Held: Consent cannot apply to murder/manslaughter.
McCarthy (2019)
Facts: D was a tattoo artist who did body modifications. These body modifications technically caused GBH. He argued consent.
Held: No consent for body modifications, if they cause GBH.
Jones (1987)
Facts: School children were joking around and were throwing each other up into the air. However, two of them were dropped causing serious injury.
Held: Consent to horeseplay is a defence, even if there was no actual consent.
Cases for consent to spread sexually transmitted diseases
R v Dica
R v Konzani
R v Konzani
Konzani was HIV positive and aware of his condition. He had unprotected sexual intercourse with three victims without informing them of his condition. D was charged with GBH and s20 OAPA 1861.
Held: No consent as V’s were unaware of HIV
Aitken (1992)
RAF officers were joking around and had set fire to each others’ fire-resistant clothing. However, one of the officers suffered serious burns.
Held: Defence of consent allowed because of “horseplay”.