1B - Propositions and Truth Values Flashcards
What is a proposition?
A statement that makes a claim that is either true or false. It is the building block of an argument.
A proposition must have the structure of a ____(1)____ and make a distinct ____(2)____ or ____(3)____.
(1) sentence; (2) assertion; (3) denial
What is a negation?
A proposition’s opposite. IF P is a proposition, then NOT P is its negation.
What is a truth value?
The verifiable, “yes or no” answer of a proposition.
What is a truth table?
A table with a row for each possible set of truth values for the propositions being considered.
Double negations have the same truth value as…
their original propositions.
Examples of logical connectors
and; or; if…then
A compound statement made with the logical connector AND. A conjunction is true ONLY if both propositions are true.
A compound statement made with the logical connector OR, which is used inclusively to indicate “either or both”. Hence, a disjunction is FALSE only when both propositions are false. Otherwise it’s true.
A compound statement using the words “if…then… to join two propositions. For example, “if p, then q”. A conditional is only FALSE when what is implied (p) doesn’t lead to the promised conclusion (q).
The “if”/p proposition in a conditional.
The “then/q proposition in a conditional.
Alternate phrasings of conditionals
p is sufficient for q p will lead to q p implies q q is necessary for p q is p q whenever p
The result of switching the order of the propositions of a conditional statement. Example - “if q, then p”
The result of negating the propositions in a conditional statement. Ex. “if not p, then not q”
The result of both switching the order of and negating the propositions in a conditional statement. Example: “if not q, then not p”
Two statements are logically equivalent if they share the same ___________.
truth values