1B: Jesus' Resurrection Flashcards
1 Corinthians 15
- transformation of death
- Paul accepts resurrection as fact – because Jesus has been raised, so will we
- Jesus appeared to 500 brothers + sisters, apostles, James + Paul on the road to Damascus
- the ‘raised’ body will be different/changed – it is imperishable + immortal
Quote from 1 Corinthians 15
“Jesus died for our sins and was buried and raised on the third day”
John 20 - 21 (5 sections = chiasm)
- Empty tomb – discovered by Mary M, Peter + beloved disciple.
- When Jesus appeared to Mary M there were angles – she does not recognise him.
- Jesus appears to disciples in locked room – shows them Holy Spirit + power to forgive sins.
- Thomas wanted proof – Jesus shows him his wounds.
- Disciples are fishing – don’t recognise him until he tells them to go out again and catch lots of fish.
Quote from John 20 - 21
“blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed”
Philippians 1: 21- 24
- because Jesus was raised, Christians will also be raised
Quote from Philippians 1: 21- 24
“death means being united with Christ”
What view does Bultmann represent?
What does Bultmann argue?
- argues we can’t expect modern Christians to accept the resurrection as historical fact as there is no empirical evidence
- believe in the resurrection is unnecessary to Christian faith + they should see Jesus as alive through their faith on him and his teachings
- the resurrection is a spiritual event + takes place within individuals
- argues that we should ‘demythologise’ the resurrection narratives
What is Bultmann’s Christology?
His Christology denies; the virgin birth, Jesus’ miracles and historicity of the resurrection.
What view does Wright represent?
What does Wright argue?
- argues that the accounts of the empty tomb + appearances of risen Jesus point towards the historical reality of the resurrection (the bodily resurrection)
- early Christian belief was in bodily resurrections which will involve the gift of a new body
- there had been other Messiahs – Jesus was different as he rose from the dead
What did Greeks believe about resurrection?
There was no evidence in Greek philosophy of bodily resurrection.
What did Jews believe about the resurrection?
Jewish belief in resurrection is vague and confused.
What is Wright’s Christology?
- he concluded that arguments against the resurrection are false
- Jesus didn’t survive crucifixion – Romans knew how to kill
- finding an empty tomb would lead to disciples assuming body had been stolen – not that Jesus had risen
- people have visions but don’t believe the body has been raised
- it can only be that the tomb was empty, disciples met someone who they were convinced was Jesus and this led them to believe he had risen
Implications: Death
In St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he discusses whether resurrection is possible - “if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised.
Implications: The Soul
St Paul says “what is sown is perishable” which suggests that what has been initiated on earth can die, but the soul is eternal.
Implications: The Resurrected Body
St Paul writes of a ‘spiritual body’ which contradicts a physical resurrection.
Implications: The After Life
St Paul refers to an afterlife and suggests that a different type of body is required for it.