1b Hyperthyroidism Flashcards
Where is the thyroxine stored?
In the thyroid follicle which contains thyroglobulin
Describe the HPT axis
- Hypothlamus releases TRH
- This acts on the thyrotrophs in the pituitary to release TSH
- They act on thyroid to release T3 and T4
- These hormones then work by negative feedback to inhibit the pituitary and the hypothalamus at each level
What level of TSH will you find a patient with primary hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland has been destroyed by the immune system?
high TSH
How do you control thyroid replacement?
Give thyroxine medication
Increase the dose until the TSH falls to normal
Describe the typical appearance of the thyroid gland in Graves disease
Smooth, diffuse, symmetrical enlargement of the thyroid gland, pain free when swallowing
What are the common symptoms of Grave’s Disease?
Pretibital Myxoedema
Weight loss
Rapid pulse
Smooth Goitre
What causes exophthalmos of the eye?
The antibodies bind to the muscles behind the eye and cause it to pop out the socket
What causes pretibial myxoedema?
When other antibodies bind to the muscles in the shin and cause hypertrophy of the skin - non pitting swelling
Describe the uptake of radioiodine?
What is toxic nodular goitre disease?
A benign adenoma which is overactive and making too much thyroxine
What is seen in patients with toxic nodular goitre disease?
Unsymmetrical enlargement of the thyroid, with a single hot nodule seen on a radioiodine scan
What is the effect of thyroxine on the sympathetic nervous system?
Thyroxine sensitizes the beta adrenoreceptors to the ambient levels of adrenaline, so there is sympathetic activation
What symptoms are seen in hyperthyroidism due to the sympathetic activation?
Tachycadia, palpitations, tremor and lid lag
What causes lid lag?
This is inability of the eyelid to close properly due to the excess adrenaline which is holding the eyelid open
What are the features of a thyroid storm?
Accelerated tachycadia
Cardiac Failure
Liver failure