1b - Crypto Principles IAW SCLA HO Flashcards
The objective of ___ is to ensure the employment of measures and controls taken to deny unauthorized personnel information derived from ISs of the United States Government related to national security and to ensure the authenticity of such ISs.
The ____ leads the U.S. Government in cryptology that encompasses both signals intelligence (SIGINT) and cybersecurity.
National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS)
Nowadays, all military encryption is standardized by
the ___ guidance.
For encrypting and decrypting classified and sensitive national security information.
Type 1
For encrypting or decrypting sensitive national security information.
Type 2
For encrypting or decrypting unclassified sensitive U.S. Government or commercial information, and to protect systems requiring protection mechanisms consistent with standard commercial practices.
Type 3
For unevaluated commercial cryptographic equipment that are neither NSA nor NIST certified for any Government usage. These products may contain either vendor proprietary algorithms, algorithms registered by NIST, or algorithms registered by NIST and published in a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS).
Type 4
(Confidential through Top Secret) A specific set of classified cryptographic algorithms used for the protection of some categories of restricted mission critical information.
Suite A
(Confidential through Secret) A specific set of cryptographic algorithms suitable for protecting both classified and unclassified national security systems and information throughout the US government and to support interoperability with allies and coalition partners.
Suite B
Making a code or cipher system is called ____.
Those who try to “break” a cryptosystem are practicing ____.
___ is the process of converting information to a disguised form in order to send it across a potentially unsafe channel.
The un-encoded or unsecure message.
The encrypted message.
cipher text
In ____, the encryption and decryption keys are the same. Communicating parties must have the same key in order to achieve secure communication.
Symmetric key
In _____, the encryption key is published for
anyone to use and encrypt messages. However, only the receiving party has access to the decryption key that enables messages to be read.
Public key
What is AES also known as?
___ provides a secure gateway that allows two enclaves to exchange data over an untrusted or lower-classification network, such as commercial internet.
refers to the encryption of voice communications over a range of systems such as radio, telephone or internet protocol (IP).
Secure voice
____ is a standard for secure voice and data communication. The protocol is platform-independent, meaning as it makes no assumptions about the underlying hardware.
The Secure Communications Interoperability Protocol
Minimum bandwidth of SCIP?
2400 Hz
___ is a technology used to transmit voice communication over a data network using Internet Protocol.
Voice over IP
___ is when secure phones are used to protect information sent over the VoIP network.
Secure Voice over IP (SVoIP)
____ is the same as SVoIP in that they are technologies used to securely transmit voice communications, but the security is provided by separate encryption devices in the network rather than the secure phones themselves.
Voice over Secure IP (VoSIP)
____, provides a secure connection for multiple users in a network by encrypting a multiplexed line, which combines multiple data and/or voice lines into a single output.
Trunk encryption
Trunk encryption is also known as?
bulk encryption
The ___ is a lightweight, ruggedized, encryption device that is ideal for both tactical and strategic environments. It provides end-to-end encryption for IPv4/IPv6 networks and provides 200 Mb/s throughput. The ____ is certified to protect information classified Top Secret and below.
The ___ provides traditional bulk encryption for non-IP–based systems, such as the Ground Multiband Terminal (GMT).
A ____ is an electronic device used primarily by the military for the distribution of cryptographic variables such as Transmission Encryption Keys (TEK) and Transmission Security Keys (TSK).
key transfer device
A key transfer device is also known as?
A fill device
A key used to encrypt messages.
Transmission Encryption Keys (TEK)
Used to secure the link by which the message will travel.
Transmission Security Keys (TSK)
The ____ , otherwise known as the Simple Key Loader (SKL), is a ruggedized, portable, hand-held fill device for securely receiving, storing, and transferring data between compatible cryptographic and communications equipment.
The ___ is backward compatible with existing End Cryptographic Units (ECU) and forward compatible with future security equipment.
Simple Key Loader (SKL)
The ___ is a user-friendly, ruggedized, handheld fill device approved by the NSA for the distribution of Type 1 cryptographic keys.
KIK-30 Really Simple Key Loader (RASKL)
The ____ generally uses a proprietary data protocol for transferring keys to the radio.
Key Variable Loader (KVL)
It has the capability to store up to 1024 keys.