1.A. - How and why has the climate changed in the geological past? Flashcards
how do we normally expect the climate to change?
- normally there are seasonal/diurnal weather changes
- the climate doesn’t shift that much and changes are more long term
- climate change is imperceptable and changes happen slowly
how and when has the climate changed?
Climate change can be assessed across a variety of timescales:
- long term (or geological) - over hundreds of thousands to millions of years
- medium term (or historical) - within the last few thousand years
- short term (or recent) - within the last few decades
what is the difference between icehouse and greenhouse conditions?
- over geological periods, the earth’s cliamte has fluctuated between greenhouse and icehouse conditons.
- during greenhouse conditions, carbon dioxide, sea levels and global temps are all higher than avg
- while the opposite is true in ice house conditions
what is the Palaeocene-Eocene maximum?
- at this time the continents had a very different configuration, which affected ocean circulation and the earth’s energy budget
- a further, but short lived spike in global temps occurred 55 mill years ago.
- this is known as the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- where the avg. global temps peaked around 23C
the glaciation of antartica
- antartica is covered by an ice cap that extends to sea level.
- it is the largest glacial system on the planet
- Yet 40 mill years ago, the fossil record shows that the continent experienced sub-tropical conditions
- the decent of antarctica into a permanent icehouse state occurred rapidly around 35 mill years ago because of changes in atmospheric CO2 and tectonic processes.
what characterises quaternary glaciation?
- last 2.6 mill years
- cyclic changes of climate, with long glacial periods interrupted by shorter, warmer interglacials
- in the past 450,000 years there have been 4 major glacial episodes and 4 interglacials
- the most recent glacial, the Devensian, reached its maximum around 20,000 years ago when approx 1/3 of the continental surface was covered by snow and ice
what characterises the holocene?
- the current geological period is known as the Holocene
- it began at the end of the last glacial 11,700 years ago
- the holocene is, therefore, an inter-glacial period, a brief interlude separating glacials which dominated 90% of the quaternary
- during the Holocene ice sheets and glaciers have shrunk and sea level has risen by over 100m+
- ice sheets have disappeared from the continental surface (excluding Antarctica and Greenland)
- warming has not been continuous. there have been several relatively short 6000yr episodes of warming and cooling
what is the quaternary period?
- the quaternary period is a period that spans the last 2.6 million years (we are still in it)
- it is characterised by cyclical changes in climate
- the cold periods are known as glacials and the warmer periods are known as inter-glacials
- ice sheets have advanced from the poles to latitudes of 40 degrees
what are glacials?
a prolonged cold climatic phase lasting for tens of thousands of years and causing continental glaciation in middle and high latitudes
what is the length of glacial/interglacial cycle?
- typically, glacials have lasted for around 100,000 years
- interglacials for 10,000-15,000 years.
- cylce is every 100,000 years and the earth’s orbit around the sun drives this
what is the holocene period?
- the holocene is a gradual warming period that occurred at the end of the Pleistone and is now the current epoch we are experiencing
- however, it too has been characterised by some fluctuations in temperature
- the medieval warm period and little ice age are examples of this.
how can we describe/characterise the medieval warming period and little ice age?
- there have been several relatively short lived episodes of warming and cooling. 6000 years ago temperatures were 1-2°C higher than todays and an early medieval warm period occurred between 1100 and 1300. linked to solar radiation.
- this was followed by the “little ice age” (1550 to 1850) when average global temperatures fell by 1°c and sent winters in europe into a deep freeze. Frost led to fairs held on the thames.
what is short term?
- short term is over a period of hundreds of years to decades if we are investigating very recent time scales
- this period (Holocene) has been characterised by less extreme ranges in temperature
- but there has been a medieval warming period when greenland was settled by Norse people and a little ice age when frost fairs were held on the thames
what do climate scientists believe is responsible for recent climate change?
- the vast majority of climate scientists believe that climate change in the past 200 years has been driven by HUMAN ACTIVITY
- indeed, the influence of people on the global climate has become dominant, so much so that many scientists believe we have entered a new geological period called the anthropocene
what is the anthropocene?
the influence of people on the global climate has become dominant, so much so that many scientists believe we have entered a new geological period called the anthropocene
what are the 4 main ways we can reconstruct past climates?
- tree rings
- fossils
- pollen and spores
- oxygen isotopes in sea floor deposits/ice cores
how can tree rings help us reconstruct past climates?
- trees grow wider as well as taller as they grow
- each year adds on rings
- the rings are the cambium layer, a ring of cells that lies between the wood and bark and from which new bark and wood cells originate.
- each year a new cambium is created leaving the previous one in place
- how large the cambium’s cells grow in each year, measured as the width of each ring, depends on temperature and moisture, how warm/cool/dry/wet each year’s seasons were.
- during dry years the cambium’s cells are smaller and thus the layer is thinner than during wet years.
- not all trees can be measured or used without additional analytical techniques: not all trees have cambiums that are created annually
- in tropical regions, for example, annual growth rings are not systematically formed, or growth rings are not tied to years, or there are no rings at all.
- evergreen cambiums are commonly irregular and not formed annually.
what is the cambium layer in tree rings and what does it show?
- the rings are the cambium layer, a ring of cells that lies between the wood and bark and from which new bark and wood cells originate.
- each year a new cambium is created leaving the previous one in place.
- at its most basic, during dry years the cambium’s cells are smaller and thus the layer is thinner than during wet years.
what are the cons of using tree rings as a method to reconstruct past climates?
- not all trees can be measured or used without additional analytical techniques: not all trees have cambiums that are created annually
- in tropical regions, for example, annual growth rings are not systematically formed, or growth rings are not tied to years, or there are no rings at all.
- evergreen cambiums are commonly irregular and not formed annually.
how can fossils, particularly fossil corals, be used as a method to reconstruct past climates?
- some plants and animals can be very sensitive to climate and do not adapt easily to change
- for example, coral reefs live in tropical waters. they need a particular temperature, a specific depth of water and the right amount of light.
- if the depth of the water changes just a fraction, they cannot survive.
- therefore where fossil corals are found it is possible to estimate fairly precisely the environment they lived in by assuming that they needed the same conditions as those that thrive today.
how can pollen and spores be used as a method to reconstruct past climates?
- plants produce pollen and spores that are particularly useful in helping to determine climate.
- they are tiny with a resistant outer case and are produced in millions
- this means they can be covered in mud quickly and are more easily preserved as fossils than large animals.
- each plant has different shaped pollen or spore so when the fossil is put under a microscope it is possible to identify the type of plant it came from.
- different plants are adapted to different climates therefore looking at all the types of pollen present in a layer of rock can be a good indication of the climate at the time they were living.
what are pollen/spores?
- plants produce pollen and spores that are particularly useful in helping to determine climate.
- they are tiny with a resistant outer case and are produced in millions
- each plant has different shaped pollen or spores so when the fossil is put under a microscope it is possible to identify the type of plant it came from.
how can ice cores be used as a method to reconstruct past climates?
- oxygen is most commonly found as Oxygen-16, but it has a heavier isotope, oxygen-18
- in water the relative amount of each type of oxygen varies with the temperature
- rain and snow contains water high in oxygen-16 (as it is lighter and more easily evaporated) so when it forms ice at the poles (and does not return to the sea) the ocean water is left with a high proportion of oxygen-18.
- shells and sediments carry the isotopic signature of the water in which they were formed.
- if those sediments are high in oxygen-18 it will indicate that the shells were formed at a time of colder temperatures as the sea water will have higher proportions of oxygen-18
- therefore, by analysing the ratio of oxygen-16 to oxygen-18 recorded in rocks and sediments on the sea floor we can find evidence of the climate at the time they were formed.
what isotope is oxygen most commonly found as?
- oxygen is most commonly found as Oxygen-16, but it has a heavier isotope, oxygen-18
- in water the relative amount of each type of oxygen varies with the temperature
how do antartic/greenland ice cores show our past climate?
- because the snow or rain that forms the ice near the poles contains higher proportions of the lighter oxygen-16 in colder periods.
- this is because the water vapour is increasingly depleted of oxygen-18 as it moves to higher latitudes and left in the oceans.
- the ice cores contain an abundance of information about the climate because as the glacial ice forms it traps wind-blown ash, bubbles of atmospheric gas and radioactive substances.
- the variety of climatic proxies is greater than in any other natural recorder of climate, such as tree rings or sediment layers.
what was the younger dryas?
- COLD period
- reversed climate warming conditions and trends = brief cold spell
- concerning as temp dropped off suddenly
what did the younger dryas show?
- that in the earth’s system there is rapid cooling and warming.
- within feedback systems something triggered that concerns climate scientists
- cold loving plant pollen was buried under warm loving pollen, showing how the climate switched from cold to warm VERY quickly.
- by analysing the chemical signature of ice its possible to determine the temperature at the time of the snowfall
- not much snowfall in the younger dryas. temperature jumped 5C in 1 year
why was the younger dryas concerning?
- doesnt fit with cyclical slow climate change = short/sharp drop off where the earth cooled down rapidly = difficult to cope with.
- will this happen in the future?
what are the 5 methods to reconstruct the earth’s climate?
- marine sediments
- ice cores
- fossils
- dendrochronology
- lake sediments (pollen and beetles)
how are marine sediments used to reconstruct the earth’s climate?
- the fossil shells of tiny sea creatures called foraminifera, which accumulated in sea floor sediments can be used to reconstruct past climates
- the chemical composition of foraminifera shells indicates the ocean temps in which they formed
what are foraminifera?
the fossil shells of tiny sea creatures called foraminifera, which accumulated in sea floor sediments can be used to reconstruct past climates
how can ice cores be used to reconstruct the earth’s climate?
- ice cores from the polar regions contain tiny bubbles of air - records of the gaseous composition of the atmosphere in the past
- scientists can measure the relative frequency of hydrogen and oxygen atoms with stable isotopes. the colder the climate, the lower the frequency of these isotopes
how can fossils be used to reconstruct the earth’s climate?
- plants and animals require specific environmental conditions to thrive
- some, such as coral reefs, are highly sensitive to temperature, water depth and sunlight.
- where they exist in the fossil record they can be used as proxies for climate
- animals are more adaptable
- however some herbivorous dinosaur species only survived in sub-tropical habitats
how can dendrochronology be used to reconstruct the earth’s climate?
- the study of tree rings, or dendrochronology, is the dating of past events such as climate change through study of tree rings (annule) growth
- annules vary in width each year depending on temperature conditions and moisture availability.
how can lake sediments (pollen and beetles) be used to reconstruct the earth’s climate?
- past climates can be reconstructed from pollen grains, spores, diatoms and varves in lake sediments.
- pollen analysis identifies past vegetation types and from this infers palaeoclimatic conditions
- varves are tiny layers of sediment comprising alternating light and dark bands.
- the light bands, formed from coarser sediments indicate high energy, meltwater runoff in spring and summer. the darker bands, made up of fine sediment, show deposition during the winter months.
what are diatoms?
diatoms are single-celled algae found in lakes with all walls made of silica. they record evidence of past climate in their shells
what are varves?
- varves are tiny layers of sediment comprising alternating light and dark bands.
- the light bands, formed from coarser sediments indicate high energy, meltwater runoff in spring and summer. the darker bands, made up of fine sediment, show deposition during the winter months.
why is it important to understand the natural climate change that occurs?
- it is important to understand that the climate has been changing for millennia, indeed throughout the history of the planet
- homosapiens have only been on the planet for the past 200,000 years or so and only very recently been at a number to have influenced the planet’s systems.
- therefore we must understand how the climate has been influenced naturally in the long term and short term
what 5 processes have impacted the climate naturally and are they long or short term?
- Astronomical forcing (milankovitch cycles)
- plate tectonics (continental drift)
- natural atmospheric greenhouse gases
(ALL LONG TERM) - solar output
- plate tectonics (volcanic activity)
what are milankovitch cycles?
- periodic changes in the orbital characteristics of a planet that control how much sunlight it receives, affecting its climate and habitability over hundreds of thousands of years.
- LT climatic shifts e.g. glacial cycles caused by astronomocal events
what are the 3 milankovitch cycles?
- eccentricity (orbit)
- obliquity (tilt)
- precession (wobble)
what do milankovitch cycles affect?
- the amount and distribution of solar radiation the earth recieves
what is eccentricity?
- orbit. most important milankovitch cycle!!! 100,000 yrs
- the more elliptical the orbit, the climate becomes colder
- the earth’s orbit around the sun follows an elliptical path.
- the eccentricity of the orbit varies from near circular to markedly elliptical over periodicities of 96,000 and 413,000 years.
- with max eccentricity, differences in solar radiation reciept of around 30% occur between perihelian (when the earth’s closest to the sun) and aphelion (when the earth is furthest from the sun)
what is the impact of eccentricity?
- enough to make a slight increase in snowfall but its the reflection from it (albedo effect) that reflects the UV
- ice ages correspond to periods of maximum orbital eccentricity
what is perihelion?
when the earth’s closest to the sun
what is aphelion?
when the earth is furthest from the sun
what is obliquity?
- the smaller the tilt, the less seasonal variation/colder climate
- over a period of around 40,000 years, the earth’s axal tilt (perpendicular to its orbital plane) varies from 22° to 24.5° (current tilt is 23.4°)
- when the tilt is close to 22°, seasonal temp differences are reduced, i.e. summers are cooler and winters are warmer .
- as a result, snow and ice, accumulated during winter, do not melt during the summer
what is precession?
- wobble, 22,000 yrs
- affects the point in the year that the earth is closest to the sun. when the earth is further away during the NH summer, the climate gets colder.
- the earth gyrates on its axis like an enormous spinning top, so that the point in the earth’s orbit when the planet is closest to the sun (perihelion) changes over time
- this shift or precession which occurs with a periodicity of around 22,000yrs.
how does continental drift influence the climate?
- the positions of the continents changes over time due to contintental drift as a result of plate tectonics
- this can influence the amount of land in the higher latitudes and therefore the amount of ice cover
- sea floor spreading/plate tectonics dramatically changes global distribution and configuration of continents
describe the process of continental drift
- continents break up from super continent “Pangea” about 250 mill years ago
- continents gradually drift to higher latitudes, which have lower temps
- this means more snow accumulates and over centuries turns to ice, eventually forming large ice sheets which advance
- this in turn increases the surface albedo, so that more insolation is reflected which causes a further cooling effect.
what is pangea?
- super continent
- all joined together
what are the impacts of continental drift?
- can have extreme impacts/shifts of Earth’s climate between greenhouse and icehouse conditions
how do ocean currents influence the climate?
- shifting continents (from continental drift) can also affect the shape (geometry) of the oceans and therefore the circulation of heat and moisture.
- 5 million years ago the land masses of north america and south america started to join at Panama.
- this closed off circulation between the atlantic and pacific oceans at this point.
- in turn this event is thought to have established the gulf stream warming North West Europe and even triggering the Quaternary Ice Age
- increased precipitation/evaporation in areas can dilute salinity = weakened downwelling of water
what happened around 120,000 yrs ago?
the melting of ice sheets in arctic reduced ocean salinity, weakened downwelling and the N Atlantic conveyor.
describe the link between volumes of methane and carbon dioxide + temperature variations over the last 3m yrs
- periods of icehouse earth correspond with low levels of CO2 in atmosphere wich reduce Earth’s natural greenhouse effect
- past 800,000 yrs Earth’s climate dominated by numerous glacial periods, CO2 levels fluctuated between 170 and 300ppm
- however during PLIOCENE (3-5m yrs ago), atmospheric CO2 conc around 400pm temp 2-3.5C above today.
how is the natural greenhouse effect heating our atmosphere?
- solar energy enters the atmosphere
- only a little short wave radiation is absorbed in the atmosphere
- as this short wave energy passes through the atmosphere it might hit dust particles or water droplets and be scattered or reflected
- solar energy heats the earth’s surface which then radiates into long wave (heat) energy into the atmosphere
- long wave energy is naturally easily absorbed by GHGs in the atmosphere. Of these CO2 is the most abundant.
- some long wave escapes into space
how can you distinguish global warming from the greenhouse effect?
- the greenhouse effect is a NATURALLY OCCURRING PHENOMENON
- without it, the average surface temp of the earth would be -17 degrees rather than the 15 degrees we currently experience
what are the most important GHGs that exist naturally?
Methane and CO2
do sunspot cycles have a long term or short term significance?
sunspot cycles/solar output only has a ST significance
how do sunspot cycles cause changes in temperature?
- the number of dark sunspots and white blotches (faculae) visible on the sun varies over roughly an 11 yr period though there are also longer cycles.
- although changes in total irradiance are very slight and only represent a tiny % of the sun’s total output, even these small changes can produce a significant change in the earth’s heat balance.
- during the Little Ice Age there was a 0.25% drop in solar activity, but this was believed to be enough to trigger the cooling in this period.
what are the white blotches in a sunspot cycle called?
is sun output constant?
- sun output = NOT constant
- positive correlation between the number of sunspots and solar energy output (only 30 yrs satellites able to measure solar irradiance more accurately)
- solar output = 11yr cycle. ↑ solar activity = sunspots and faculae become more numerous
- past 50 yrs pretty high, correlatory w/ global climate change
what was the “mauder minimum”?
- end of 17th C, number of sunspots almost ZERO for several decades
- corresponding to severe winters in Europe known as the “little ice age”
what happened on 8th June 1783?
- on 8th June 1783, a 25km-long fissure of at least 130 vents opened with phreatomagmatic explosions for 8 months.
- 25% of Iceland’s population died after the eruption
what is the link between the Laki eruptions in iceland and the french revolution?
- famine and social problems = revolution
- crops failing across europe
what were the immediate and local impacts of the Laki Eruption?
- haze of dust and sulphur particles
- poisonous gases = killing off 1/4 of Iceland’s livestock
- famine for Iceland
what were the widespread and longer term impacts of the Laki Eruption?
- abnormally hot summers/weather patterns = social and economic consequences
- crops affected = food poverty
- huge storms and hailstones
- all lead to terrible harvests and famine due to volcanic global cooling. starvation = revolt (industrial revolution)
what was the link between the Laki eruption and the famous words of Marie Antoinette?
- france already under social tension and resentment of arbitrary system
- 2 very cold winters struck Europe = rotted crops and prevented ripening
- spiralling cost of grain and bread = starvation = “let them eat cake”
how do volcanic eruptions lead to cooling effects?
- sulphur dioxide has a cooling effect
- it is converted to sulphuric acid which forms sulphate aerosols which reflect solar radiation back into space, lowering temperatures
- the cooling effect lasts until the aerosols are cycled out of the atmosphere by natural, physical and chemical processes.
- in the case of large eruptions or a succession of eruptions such as in the early 1800s, the cooling effect can last several decades.
what happened 15th June 1991?
- mount pinatubo (15th June 1991) was one of the largest eruptions of the 20th century
- injected 20 mill tonnes of sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere
- cooled the Earth’s temp by 1.3°C over a 3 yr period
what is the link between temperature fluctuations in response to volcanic eruptions?
- whenever solar radiation has decreased and volcanic activity has increased, global temps SUDDENLY PLUMMET, often w/in weeks or months
- at least 75 major temperature swings in the last 4500 years