1.a. Global migration involves dynamic flows of ppl between countries, regions, continents Flashcards
What is Migration?
Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. Migration can be within a country or between countries and can be permanent, temporary or seasonal
What is a Migrant (short-term)?
A person who moves to a country other than their usual residence for at least three months but less than a year.
What is a Migrant (long-term)?
A person who moves to a country other than their own for a period of at least a year.
What is Immigration?
In-migration of people into a country, which involves a permanent change of residence.
What is Emigration?
Out-migration of people from a country, which involves a permanent change of residence.
What is an Economic Migrant?
A person who moves from another country, region or place, involving permanent or semi-permanent change of residence to improve their standard of living or job opportunities
What is a Refugee?
A person who has moved outside the country of their nationality or usual domicile because of genuine fear of prosecution or death.
What is an Asylum Seeker
A person who seeks entry to another country by claiming to be a refugee.
What is Net Migration?
The difference between the number of people moving permanently into an area and out of that area (could be a country, region etc.)
What is Population Change?
Defined as (births – deaths) ± international migration.
What are Push Factors?
Negative attributes of a migrant’s place of origin which force a migrant to leave.
What are Pull Factors?
Positive attributes of a place or destination which attracts migrants.
What are some Economic Push Factors?
- Low minimum/average wage
- Lack of job opportunities
- Inflation/economic instability
- High tax rates
What are some Social/Political Push Factors?
- Poor quality of life
- Bad education
- Poor healthcare
- Political unrest/instability
- War
- Religious persecution
- Corrupt governments
- High crime rates
- Intolerance towards a certain
cultural/ethnic groups
What are some Environmental Push Factors?
- Natural disasters e.g. floods, earthquakes, tsunamis
- High levels of pollution
What are some Economic Pull Factors?
- Higher wages
- Lots of job opportunities
- Low tax rates
What are some Social/Political Pull Factors?
- Good quality of life
- Good education
- Good healthcare
- Political stability
- Family reunification
- Religious tolerance
What are some Environmental Pull Factors?
- Low rates of natural disasters
- Low levels of pollution
- Natural beauty/attractive environments
Why is global migration described as ‘dynamic’?
Migration is described as dynamic because the flows of people are constantly changing in number, direction, movement (source and host countries), demographic (age, gender, etc.) and ethnic composition.
What are some international migration patterns?
- Wealthy countries (ACs) have a very high positive net migration (e.g. USA, Canada, Australia) - These countries have a very good quality of life and lots of job opportunities
- Countries in conflict have very high negative net migration (e.g. Syria) - Because people are fearful for their lives
- Countries with low levels of economic development (LIDCs) have a very high negative net migration (e.g. Sudan, Somalia) -
These countries have a poor quality of life and there are not a lot of job opportunities - Countries bordering countries with conflict have high positive net migration (e.g. Lebanon, Jordan) - Because people from war torn countries like Syria escape to nearby countries that are easy to get to
AC = Advanced country
EDC = Emerging and Developing Country
LIDC = Low Income Developing Country