1.a. Classification, patterns, and spread of diseases Flashcards
why do patterns of disease exist between different levels of development?
NCDs in ACs:
- limited transfer of infectious due to vaccinations
- behaviour surrounding diets/alcohol/inactivity=personal
- generally better education and hygiene
Infectious in LIDCs:
- poor living conditions and sanitation => more exposed to pathogens and water-borne diseases
- lack of education/contraception/attitudes towards relationships
Both in EDCs:
-most industrialisation => worst air quality
= caused by pathogenic micro-organisms (eg. parasites and bacteria)
- diseases spread directly or indirectly from 1 person to another
= not passes from person to person
- long duration and slow progression
- chronic diseases
= infectious disease transmitted from person to person by direct contact with an infected individual
= disease isn’t capable of spreading from person to person
- 4 main types: diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and cardio-vascular
= sudden increase of a disease above what is normally expected in that population
- disease attacks many people at the same time and speeds in restricted geographical areas
= a disease which exists permanently in a geographical area or population group
- e.g. sleeping sickness confined to rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa
= an extensive epidemic - more widespread, affecting many countries and continents
- e.g. black plague in mid 14th century, COVID
epidemiology, what does it depend on?
= study that helps to analyse patterns/causes/effects of disease
neighbourhood effect
= probability of contact between a carrier and non-carrier is determined by the number of people living in each 5*5km grid square and their distance apart = DISTANCE-DECAY FUNCTION + example of EXPANSION diffusion
why does distance-decay become less important overtime?
due to networks evolving and more efficient tech/transport means that the once distance parts of the world move even closer together
facilitating spread
- airports (airborne)
- cargo-ships (more in Acs due to increase amount of trade)
- heavily population areas (e.g. slums and natural disaster camps)
barriers to diffusion PHYSICAL
- climate
- distance/ remoteness= bodies of water/deserts/mountains (often too cold for diseases to survive)
- restriction of in and out migration
barriers to diffusion HUMAN
- international border controls
- sparsely populated areas
- management via mass vaccination programmes/ heightened awareness of improved hygiene/ cancelation of large public events
what model shows the cumulative number of cases as time goes on?