1A Flashcards
The ability to continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult ( решимость)
The quality of not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others when deciding what you need to do ( безжалостность)
Устрашающий кредит
Loan daunting
Money given by the government to people who are poor or ill,or who do not have a job
State benefit
To succeed in smth.but with a lot of difficulty (с трудом)
Scrape through smth.
A limited period of time, usually forming part of a course of study, during which someone works for a company or organisation in order to get work experience,which may be paid or not
Work placement
To intentionally start a fight (ссориться)
To pick a fight
If you do or achieve smth.against ( all) the odds,you do or achieve it although there were a lot of problems and you were likely to succeed ( несмотря ни на что)
Against the odds
A situation in which smth.is not known,or smth that is not known or certain ( неопределенность)
To calmly deal with something that is unpleasant and not let it affect what you are doing ( относится хладнокровно)
Take something in your stride
To be very surprised or shocked
Be taken aback
Take exception to
Pay off
To immediately offer someone a job or position because you want them very much ( нарасхват)
Snapped up
Have been very useful
Have stood me in a good stead