1_non verbal Flashcards
non verbal
A M Non Verbal rule # 1
If you look down you communicate self-consciousness, shame, submissiveness, and low status. A dominant man is not afraid to gaze directly at people, do not look down
A M Non Verbal rule # 2
When speaking, make eye contact with listener. More eye contact the more dominance conveyed. Should spend at least 2/3 of time making eye contact and 1/3 of the time looking away.
A M Non Verbal rule # 3
When listening, try not to make consistent eye contact with listener. As a guiding principle try to make eye contact 1/3 of the time(opposite of when speaking). You can start by making eye contact initially and then removing eye contact and reengaging only as a reward for interesting points of conversation. to distract from making eye contact focus on ambient features in surroundings or other things.
A M Non Verbal rule # 4
when speaking, speak with a tone that is “not questioning” . Do not be afraid to interrupt
A M Non Verbal rule # 5
when speaking, let your words flow. Try not to hedge and hesitate.
A M Non Verbal rule # 6
eliminate verbal fillers: “like”, “umm”, “ahhh”, “you know” from conversation. don’t be afraid to pause for effect.
A M Non Verbal rule # 7
Do not speak in a monotone voice or mumble. Try to vary your pitch in natural ways.
A M Non Verbal rule # 8
Open your body and fill space. Don’t hunch, pull shoulders back. don’t hide body parts or touch face. have open palms, spread arms and legs.
A M Non Verbal rule # 9
avoid face twitching, biting, pursing or licking your lips.
A M Non Verbal rule # 10
avoid excessive smiling. Only smile when there is something to smile about..
A M Non Verbal rule # 11
if you need to think before answering a question, don’t look down. Look up or to the side/
A M Non Verbal rule # 12
When someone call you or wants your attention don’t turn around so quickly or be to eager or quick to respond.
A M Non Verbal rule # 13
Don’t give long convoluted sentences. Keep comments and answers short and too the point. If a long sentence or response is necessary, try to break it them up.
A M Non Verbal rule # 14
Don’t seek approval by ending a sentence with a question or an affirmative. like Isn’t it or right? or raising your vocal pitch in a questioning fashion
A M Non Verbal rule # 15
Assume people are there to follow me because I have my stuff together.