'1984'- Quotes Flashcards
Complete the quotation from Chapter 1…
“A desire to (1)_____, to torture, to smash faces in with a (2)_____________ , seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an (3)________ current.”
1) Kill
2) sledge-hammer
3) electric
Describes the atmosphere during the two minutes hate.
When is this quotation from in the novel and who is it about?
“He would tie her naked to a stake and shoot her full of arrows…he would ravish her and cut her throat at climax.”
Taken from Ch1, pg. 18.
Description of what Winston fantasises about doing to Julia.
Why is this quotation from the Parsons’ boy significant?
“I’ll shoot you! I’ll vaporise you, I’ll send you to the salt mines!”- Ch2, pg. 27.
- It shows how the young generation of Oceania are being trained in violence, surveillance and duty to the party.
- Contextual link to Hitler youth.
- No safety for parents or families.
“Finish it off and let me die. Shoot me. Hang me.”
Who says this quotation and where is it taken from in the novel? What does it say about the regime?
- Said by an old, tortured man in the prison cell when he is about to be taken to Room 101; Part 3, ch1, pg. 271.
- The man is desperate not to go to room 101, he would rather death, which shows the severity of the torture that he knows he will endure there. It also shows that the regime is merciless, he offers to give up his wife and children in exchange for not going to room 101.
Complete the description of the surrounding of the ‘Ministry of love’…
“Barbed wire (1)___________, steel doors and hidden (2)_______ ____ nets.”
1) entanglements
2) Machine gun
Complete the following quotation. What does it suggest about the setting of the novel?
“Though the sun was (1)________and the sky a harsh blue, there seemed to be (2)___ _______ in anything, except the posters.”- Ch1, pg. 4.
1) Shining
2) no colour
- This suggests that there is hopelessness in the society and the party only shows hope through its propaganda; they want citizens to believe that Big Brother is the only source of hope.
“You had to live- did live, from habit that became instinct.”- Ch1, pg. 5.
What dystopian convention does this quotation link with and how?
-The quote links to the dystopian idea of personal survival and just living day by day. It is common for dystopian protagonists to do what will keep them alive and this quote supports the idea that victims of dystopian societies live each day for the sake of living.
“By means of such organisations as the spies, they were systematically turned into governable little savages.”- Ch2, pg. 29.
Who is this quote about?
What does this suggest about the aims of the party?
- The quote is about the generation of children being brought up under the totalitarian regime, such as the parsons’ children, who have a keen interest in all party activities such as spying.
- It suggests that the party aims to control a whole new generation, once the older generation are gone, the population will only ever remember the power of the party.
Complete the following quotation…
“Nothing was your (1)____ except the few cubic centimetres inside your (2)______.”- Ch2, pg. 32.
1) Own
2) Skull
“All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and re-inscribed exactly as often as was necessary.”- Ch4, pg. 47.
How does this link to the context for the novel?
- This ‘mutability of history’ links with Stalin’s censorship during his time in power in soviet Russia.
Complete the quotation…
“History has (1)________. Nothing exists now except an (2) _________ _________ in which the party is always right.”- Winston, Part2, ch5, pg. 178.
1) Stopped
2) Endless present
“Dont you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?” - pg. 60.
Who says this quote and why is it importnat to the novel? What does it say about the party’s aim?
- Syme says this quote
- It is important because it shows the oppression of thought and feeling in the regime.
- The party aim to eradicate any thought or expression in the society as a whole as a way to gain power over people’s minds.
Pg. 46, Winston’s Job is described as a…
“Process of continuous_______”
a) Correction
b) Alteration
c) Adaption
b) Alteration
Complete the quotation:
“Everything faded away into a (1)________ ______ in which, finally, even the date of the year had become (2) _______.- Pg. 48.
1) Shadow world
2) Uncertain
Complete the quotation:
“The whole (1) _______ of thought will be (2) _________.
1) Climate
2) Different
“Orthodoxy means not thinking - not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”- Syme, pg. 60.
After this comment, Winston predicts that Syme will one day be vaporised. Why might he think this?
- “Syme will be vaporised. He is too intelligent.”
- The party do not like intelligent people that know too much for their own good, they want an ignorant population but Syme is far from it. He is enthusiastic about the party and Newspeak but also talks too much about why these things are going on.
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – for ever.” - O’Brien, pg. 307.
This is a key quotation- What does it suggets about the purpose of the party and its motives?
- Here, through the character of O’Brien, Orwell clarifiies his vision of a totalitarian state.
- It suggests that power is an end in itself and that party bureaucracy is motivated to augment its power over the masses.
- To retain its power, the party uses terror, torture and arbitrary murder- once it can control thought and behaviour then it can be assured that it will rule indefinitely without opposition.
Complete the quotation:
“it was terribly (1) _________ to let your (2) _______ wander when you were in any public place or within range of a (3) ________.”- pg. 71.
1) Dangerous
2) Thoughts
3) Telescreen
“The only recognised purpose of marriage was to beget children for the service of the party.”- pg. 75.
How does this link to ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’?
Sex in 1984 is only encouraged for reproductive purposes, alike to the regime of Gilead where the Handmaids are only permitted to fornicate with their commanders for reproduction.
“The party was trying to kill the (1) _____ ________, or, if it could not be killed, then to (2) _________ it and dirty it.”- pg. 76.
1) Sex instinct
2) Distort
Complete the quotation:
“The party taught that (1) __________ were natural (2) ________ who must be kept in subjection, like (3) ________.
1) The proles
2) Inferiors
3) Animals
“In front of him was an enemy who was trying to kill him: in front of him, also, was a human creature, in pain and perhaps with a broken bone. Already he had instinctively started forward to help her.”- Winston’s thoughts on Julia, pg. 122.
What does this quote suggest about Winston’s humanity, how does it differ from the dystopian convention and how can it link to HMT
- This quote shows that despite the hostile environment that the party have created, Winston still possesses human emotion to help others. His morality is conflicted but then takes over as he goes to help Julia.
- It differs from the dystopian convention of personal survival because he interracts with Julia and this alone is a risk.
- The idea links to HMT when Offred empathises with the accused guardian at the salvaging and holds back her violence; her humanity takes over here.
Complete the quotation:
” Her youth and (1) ________ had frightened him, he was too used to (2) _________ ________ women.”- pg. 138.
1) Prettiness
2) Living without
Complete the quotation:
“No (1) _________ was pure, because everything was mixed up with (2)_______ and (3) _______.”- pg. 145.
1) Emotion
2) Fear
3) Hatred