1950s Flashcards
Sino-Soviet Alliance
Alliance between China and the USSR. Communism was spreading in South East Asia
- National Security Council Resolution
Causes: USA no longer had a nuclear monopoly, and Truman’s ‘loss of China’ caused for a review of USA’s strategic objectives and priorities. Emphasis on application of roll back policy and urgency of building USA’s political, economical and military power.
The Korean War
- At Potsdam, it was agreed that Korea would be split into two zones at 38th parallel and Soviets had North Korea, USA had South Korea. NK invaded SK, but SK pushed NK back to 38th parallel in 3 months. Macarthur’s forces went as far back as China but China felt threatened so sent aid to NK. Truman told Macarthur to stop but he was firmly set on rollback policy and so in 52 was fired. To persuade Stalin to support the invasion, Kim Il Sung insisted the US would not have time to intervene as it would be a rapid victory and there were 200,000 communist supporters in South and a well organised guerrilla force.
Hydrogen Bomb Developed by US
- Ahead in Arms Race
Stalins Death
End of Korean War
1953. Eisenhowever threatened to use atomic bomb if China didn’t stop fighting.
Vietnam Geneva Conference
US decided to partician Vietnam because the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu. Ho Chi Minh was leader of North and Diem was the leader of the South.
South East Asia Treaty Organisation. Seemed to be a response to the Sino Soviet alliance of 1950 which was strengthened in 1953. Many members were not part of South East Asia. The countries were spread out over a wide area e.g France, US, GB, Pakistan. Some countries deemed to be in need of protection were not part of it e.g Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam. Created to block further communist gains in South East Asia.
Warsaw Pact
Seen by the Soviet Union as simply legitimising it’s influence over Eastern Europe (like NATO). Presented as a collective security strategy, a non-threatening alliance. However, it also served as a military reinforcement of the USSR’s satellite structure- if one state is attacked the others need to provide “immediate assistance”. Also consolidated political and economic relationship between USSR and satellites.
Geneva Summit
The two major issues discussed were nuclear disarmament and the future of Germany (with no satisfactory outcome). Organised by Krushchev, wanted to slow down Nuclear arms race, needed to promote econ development within SU, wanted to focus more on conventional forces to ensure EE cooperation. Also, FRG was admitted into NATO and rearmament began. US put troops in Europe which concerned Krushchev. Summit’s value not in practical outcomes, but appeared to mark dialogue between superpowers. Step towards peaceful co-existance (but crisis’ in P and H stopped this).
Open Skies Proposal
1955, discussed at Geneva Summit
Attempt to end issue of superpowers inspecting others nuclear arsenals. Each side would provide details of military installations, allow aerial reconnaissance and suggested one or more crew on each plane should be a representative of the inspecting nation. Krushchev refused.
Future of Germany
1955, discussed at Geneva Summit
Eisenhower proposed a reunified Germany, free elections and Germany’s freedom to secure it’s own security (effectively part of NATO). Krushchev would only contemplate reunification if Germany was demilitarised and neutral. Agreement of free elections but no procedures set up.
De-Stalinisation (Secret Speech)
- Krushchev wanted to re-define the relationship between Soviet Union and its Eastern Block satellite states to ensure long term political stability, economic growth and improved living conditions. Krushchev called Stalin an “enemy of the people” and this speech circulated throughout Eastern Europe and by June reached the US state department. Caused uprisings in Poland and Hungary.
Polish Rebellion
Jun-Oct 1956.
Secret Speech caused many Poles to demand more political freedom and national sovereignty. There was a workers strike due to wage and living conditions and people soon started turning anti-communist. Gomulka was elected first secretary of the Polish communist party by the people and Krushchev met with Gomulka, who after being told he would be made First Secretary agreed not to carry out reforms that might threaten communist rule or unity of S block and remain in W Pact. Force not used, primarily because of Chinese support. Showed Moscow would allow satellites a measure of independence if regimes were led by trustworthy men. Also K’s first instinct was to use force but China’s support prevented this= increasing role being played by China.
Hungarian Rising
October-November 1956
Students protested and listed 16 different demands including Nagy being made PM, withdrawl of Soviet troops from Hungary, freedom of speech and press, and multi party elections. Turned into armed revolt and demonstrations were fired on by police. Nagy was appointed PM. He met with Sovit delegation to reassure USSR that military intervention not necessary: revolt could be calmed and Hungary was loyal to Moscow. K agreed to withdraw troops (China pressure). USSR reversed decision, feared collapse of communism. Nagy announced Hungary withdrawl from Warsaw Pact, neutral. Force used, Rising crushed, new government installed. Showed need for reform in EE and the West didn’t interfere as it accepted the status of post-War Europe.
Berlin Crisis
Context: Western powers had not yet recognised East Germany, West Germany was part of NATO and had access to Nuclear weaponry, USSR’s hold on EE was fragile, Soviet space programme dominated US space programme and no significant restrictions on GDR citizens leaving and many left for West
Soviet Union issued 6 month ultimatum on West- they should leave West Berlin. If not he would allow GDR to interfere with traffic.