1945 Flashcards
Define dreaming
ametatemporal concept –> the fundamental tenet that underpins Ab. spirituality is a concept known as the dreaming.
Define kinship
Kinship ties identify a complex system of belonging and responsibilities within a clan. Kinship ties govern the day to day life of the Aboriginal people by determining issues from whom an individual is permitted to talk to and marry, to determining what are an individual’s responsibility is to other members in the clan.
identify the connection between kinship and dreaming
Kinship ties assign responsibility to transmit knowledge of dreaming/ life long pursuit
Define ceremonial life, example?
is a living expression of the Dreaming, rites of passage and totems
discuss the different policies of the Aboriginal
- Protectionism (live on missions)
- Assimilation (stolen generations)
- Self determination
Separation from the land?
- medium through the dreaming is expressed “those who lose the dreaming are lost”
- loss of identity
- unable to perform ceremonies and rituals
- destroyed the system of totemic responsibilites.
- disadvantaged in modern communtity
Separation from kinship groups
- disruption of oral traditional (could not learn beliefs, laws/lost languages)
- forced to forfeit their places of totemic identity and their extended spiritual family.
- 2001 census 30% aboriginal people claim no religion
Forcibly removed from their parents
under the Protection and Assimilation acts
When was the mabo decision what did ait abolish
1992, overriding the proclamation of Terra Nullius
When was the Wik case, what did it establish
- 1996, Native title rights and pastoral leases could exist simultaneously
When was the Native title act passed?
Outline how christianity has changed from 1945?
- percentage of christians in population has decreased to 61.1% (2011) from 68%
- percentage of practicing christians have declined
Outline how denominations within Christianity have changed
- Church of England has declined the most 39% to 17%
- Catholicism has risen
Other religions changed from 1945?
- Hindiusm is the fastest growing religion increased by 55%
No religion since 1945?
- largest rowing number “no religion sits at 22.3%” a 6% increase from 2006
Account for the present religious landscape in Australia in relation to: Christianity as the major religious tradition (Historical factors)
- british colonisation christianity was transplanted as major religion
- persecuted Christians coming from middle east
- institutionalize christianity
Account for the present religious landscape in Australia in relation to: Immigration
- Abolishment of the White Australia Policy
- Middle East
- Vietnam war (buddhist)
Describe the impact of Christian ecumenical movements
disccusion/ different christian denominations with the intent of increasing understanding
- NCCA 1994 shared worship, common concerns to government
NSW ecumenical council
1982 work toether Boxing Day Tsunami
What churches make up the Uniting Church?
- Presbyterian, Methodist and congregational
Evaluate the importance of interfaith dialogue
is a movement aimed towards developing greater mutual understanding between different religious traditions
- common projects
- Columban Centre for Christian Muslim relations 1997
Examine the relationships between Ab spiritualties and religious traditions in the process of Reconciliation
- given to the process of ATSI, mistakes such as dispossession of land and the stolen generation
- Christian groups have been most prominent
Church groups publicly stated support for Mabo and Wik decision - Caritas helps the indigenous and advocates for their rights
- Corroboree 2000 Bridge walk
- Week of prayer afor reconciliation 1993