1920s Flashcards
Bank Holiday
F.D.R shut down banks for 4 days in order to stabilize the banks
Harlem Renaissance
cultural revival in Harlem NY, African American music, art, dance, etc
actions taken to stop great depression
-New Deal Programs-Major federal programs and agencies made to balance economy
-National Recovery Act- made to regulate fair wages and prices\
-*Assembly Line (MODEL T)- paid workers to do one part of a job process
Bank Panics
everyone started trying to take money out while bank didn’t hold enough money to give in reality
New Deal Programs
Major federal programs and agencies made to balance economy
Red Scare
fear for the immigrants in America, led to mass deportation
how people taking bank money impacted economy
people taking money out of banks, over 4000 banks shut down, people losing their money, unable to pay employees, people lose their jobs, unable to make new money, poverty in US
Causes Great Depression
stock market crash
loss of consumer confidence
new deal
1920s womens style, boyish
Palmer raids
raids conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice in 1919 and 1920 in an attempt to arrest foreign anarchists, communists, and radical leftists, most deported
New deal
made by Franklin D Roosevelt, stabilized economy by passing laws, like mandatory minimum wage, stabilize banks,
Hoovervilles/Hoover blankets
used newspaper to keep warm b/c they were so poor
dust bowl
1930-1936 severe dust storms that damaged agriculture
Checks and Balances
power in the gov’t to check on other branches in order to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful
Court Packing
the idea of adding justices to the Supreme Court or lower courts to shift the balance in a liberal, conservative or other direction
Langston Hughes
famous poet who helped inspire Harlem renaissance
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( ensures no failure in banks
National Recovery Act
made to regulate fair wages and prices
Assembly Line (MODEL T)
paid workers to do one part of a job process
Scopes Trial
was fined $100 for teaching about evolution in a public school
prioritizing native rights over immigrant rights (barrel)
Great Migration (African Americans)
about 6 mil african americans moved to the west
Stock Market Speculation
consumers making investments they cant afford/ mistrust in banks
National Origins Act 1924 (Quotas)
provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the United States
Tennessee Valley Authority
helped build dams - organization, Hoover dam
Critics New Deal (Huey Long)
didn’t support the new deal, wasn’t sufficient enough to support people in poverty
Expanded Power Federal Government
extended gov’t power used to regulate tax $, economy, etc
Neutrality Acts 1936, 1936, 1938
can’t trade with countries at war
Bonus Army
seeking early compensation for their military service during the great depression