1905-1914 General knowledge pop quiz Flashcards
Who were the Black hundreds?
A group of anti-semitic, right-wing, nationalist vigilantes
What were pogroms?
State sponsored killings of Jews, often invloving linchings of Jews
What was Stolypin’s necktie?
The nickname for the hangman’s noose
What was the year of the red cockerel?
A time period of peasant uprisings in the rural areas of Russia against the land captains and nobles in those regions of the country.
Why did Zubatov create workers unions?
To better control workers in the Russian empire
How much did the Russian economy grow under the stewardship of Sergei Witte?
Witte tripled growth in the economy
Who was Grand Duke Sergei
The uncle to Tsar Nicholas II, he had a large influence over the man which led to him controlling the Tsar to a certain extent this in turn allowed the Duke to create certain policies which favoured the nobility and not the Russian people
Who did Father Gapon lead on the bloody sunday march?
Gapon led the assembly of the SIP factory workers, who were created by Zubatov himself.
How did the Trans-Siberian raliway cause friction between Russian and Japan?
The trans-siberian railway led to the expansion of the russian empire into Asia where they met the expanding Japanese empire. Both empires wanted to gain alarge influence over the region. The two countries came to head as the constuction of the railway made it easier to move military equipment, Japan saw this as an escalation of the tension.
What was the Khondynka field tragedy?
1000s of people were trampled or even killed at Tsar Nicholas’ coronation. So many people turned up to the coronation as they were promised lots of food and drink.
How did the Khondynka field tragedy negatively effect the Tsar’s reputation?
The Tsar didnt immediately help out his people but instead partied and enjoyed lots of food and drink whilst people died in the hospital due to his coronation.
What caused bloody sunday?
Bloody Sunday occured due to issues over pay and working conditions.
When was the Putilov iron works strike?
5th January
What was the Putilov iron works strike?
150,000 Workers striking over pay and working conditions.
When was Bloody Sunday?
9th January
What happened on the 14th June 1905
Mutiny on the battleship Potemkin
On the 23rd of August 1905 what treaty was signed?
Treaty of Portmouth
What did the treaty of Portsmouth do?
End the Russo-Japanese war
What did the social revolutionaries beleive in?
Redistribution of the land without compensation for previous owners, radical left favoured violence and murder
Who led the Social revolutionaries?
Pavel Milyukov
What did the Kadets believe in?
A very centralised and rigid party system, a proletariat revolution guided by the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Who were the Kadets led by?
Vladmir Lenin
What were the Dumas?
Effectively the Russian parliament, they could create new laws and acts and were representatives of the Russian people.
Who was Stolypin?
Russian prime minister who is mainly remembered for his economic policies which brought with them huge economic growth for the country. A highly influential figure who himself limited the Duma’s powers.
Why was confidence in the Tsar low in 1905?
Tsar Nicholas II was uncaring [shown by the Khondynka feild tragedy] , he was incompetent and many believed he was unfit to rule due to him being somewhat child like.