[19] ECG Analaysis Flashcards
What are the steps in ECG analysis?
- Rate
- Rhythm
- Axis
- P waves
- PR interval
- QTc
- ST segments
- T-waves
- Extras
How is rate calculated on ECG?
300/no of large squares between R waves
How should rhythm be assessed on ECG?
Look for P waves followed by QRS complexes
How does AF look on ECG, in terms of rhythm?
No discernable P waves, and irregularly irregular QRS
How does atrial flutter look on ECG, in terms of rhythm?
Saw-toothed baseline
How does nodal rhythm look on ECG, in terms of rhythm?
Regular QRS, but no P waves
What is normal axis on ECG?
I and II +ve
What is left axis deviation on ECG?
I +ve
II -ve
What is right axis deviation on ECG?
I -ve
II +ve
What can cause RAD?
Anterolateral MI Right ventricular hypertrophy PE Left posterior hemiblock Wolff Parkinson Wight ASD secundum
What can cause LAD?
Inferior MI LVH L. anterior hemiblock WPW ASD primum
What can cause absent P waves?
SAN block
Nodal rhythm
What can cause dissociated P waves?
Complete heart block
What is P mitrale?
Bifid P waves
What can cause P mitrale?
LA hypertrophy
Give 4 examples of causes of LA hypertrophy?
Aortic stenosis
Mitral regurg
Mitral stenosis
What is P pulmonale?
Peaked P waves
i think this means they’re a bit spikey?
What can cause P pulmonale?
RA hypertrophy
Give 2 examples of causes of RA hypertrophy
Pulmonary hypertension
What is considered to be a wide QRS complex?
> 120ms (>3 small squares)
What can cause a wide QRS complex?
Ventricular initiation
Conduction defect
What is considered to be a pathological Q wave?
> 1mm wide
>2mm deep
What causes a pathological Q wave?
Full thickness MI
How does the QRS appear in RVH?
Dominant R wave in V1
Deep S wave in V6