19 Associates Flashcards
What is the definition of an associate?
An associate is an entity over which the investor has significant influence
What is the definition of significant influence?
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee
What are the percentages of holding for significant influence?
Where investor holds 20-50% of ordinary share capital of invest
How does equity accounting work?
Do not consolidate line by line, line in P&L for share of associate profit, line in BS showing investment in associate and value of investment in associate is enhanced by parents share of post-acquisition reservces
What is W1?
Group structure
What is W5?
Consolidated reserves
How is W5 calculated?
100% of parents reserves + P% of post acquisition reserves plus impairment of investment in associate
What is W6?
Investment in associate
How is W6 calculated?
Cost of investment + P% of A’s post-acquisition - impairment of investment in associate - PURP adjustment
How is inter-company transactions treated?
Do not eliminate balances and trading, remove dividends received. PURP adjustment required
How is PURP calculated in associates?
Calculate the same as subsidiary but only recognise parents share.
Reduce group retained earnings, reduce investment in associate and reduce share of associate profit.
How is the share of associate profit calculated?
Parent share if associate less impairment for the year and PURP adjustments