19 Accounting for Income Taxes Flashcards
List the formula for computing the effect of a permanent difference on the effective tax rate.
Product of permanent difference and stated rate divided by pretax accounting income
When is a valuation allowance created for a deferred tax asset?
When there is a 50% or less chance of the deferred tax asset being fully realized
Compute the ending valuation allowance if the total future deductible difference is $4,000, the tax rate is 30%, and only $1,000 of future taxable income is assured.
$900 (deferred tax asset balance is $1,200, but only $300 is expected to be realized)
What is the classification of the valuation allowance for deferred tax assets?
The classification is contra deferred tax asset.
List the evidence suggesting the need of a valuation allowance.
History of unused net operating losses
History of operating losses
Losses expected in future years
Very unfavorable contingencies
How is the amount of a valuation allowance determined?
Enough to reduce deferred tax asset to amount that has a better than 50% chance of being realized.
List the two categories of temporary differences.
- Taxable temporary differences
- Deductible temporary differences
Are originating or future reversing temporary differences used in determining the ending balance in deferred tax accounts?
Future reversing temporary differences are used.
What book versus tax differences does the computation of income tax liability consider?
It considers current-period temporary and permanent differences.
What temporary difference causes future taxable income to exceed future book income?
A taxable temporary difference.
If future enacted tax rates are not the same as the current rate and future temporary differences originated in the current period, which rate(s) do(es) income tax expense reflect?
Both current and future enacted tax rates are reflected.
Are current-year or future permanent differences used in the current-year tax accrual entry?
Current-year differences are used.
What general effect does a permanent difference have on income tax expense?
The effect of a permanent difference on income tax expense is the same as its effect on the income tax liability for the period.
List some common permanent differences.
Tax-free interest income
Life insurance expense premiums on key employee
Proceeds from life insurance on key employee
Dividends received deduction
Fines and penalties
How do permanent differences affect the tax accrual entry?
Taxable income excludes them; this exclusion is reflected in income tax expense—a plug figure.
What effect does a change in tax status from taxable to nontaxable have on deferred tax accounts?
Close the accounts against income tax expense (e.g., closing a deferred tax asset increases income tax expense).
What effect do future taxable differences have on the ending deferred tax asset for a firm with an unused net operating loss carryforward?
They have no effect; taxable differences yield deferred tax liabilities.
What is the general expression for the change in deferred tax asset for a period for a net operating loss (NOL) carryforward that is not fully used up in the period?
End-of-period sum of future deductible differences plus unused NOL carryforward, times future enacted tax rate, less beginning deferred tax asset
What is the required ending balance of a deferred tax asset when there are future deductible differences and an unused net operating loss (NOL) carryforward?
It is the product of the future enacted tax rate and the sum of future deductible differences plus unused NOL carryforward.
What is the ending balance of a deferred tax asset for a net operating loss (NOL) carryforward?
It is the product of the enacted future tax rate and NOL remaining to carryforward.
What effect does an originating deductible difference have on the tax accrual entry?
It increases the required ending deferred tax asset balance.
Describe the general effect of a net operating loss (NOL) on the ending deferred tax asset balance for the carryforward.
Include in the ending DTA the full NOL multiplied by the future enacted tax rate.
List the sources for realizing a deferred tax asset.
Expectation of future taxable income
Future taxable differences
Tax planning strategies
What does a history of unused net operating losses suggest?
It suggests that the deferred tax asset will not be realized.