18A Cumulative Exam Flashcards
During mission analysis, who’s responsibility is it to do the following:
- coordinate with the ISOFAC and LNO
- inform the detachment of all changes in a timely manner
- supervise MA
- brief the results of MA and COA development to the SOTF commander during the CCB
18A - Detachment Commander
During mission analysis, who’s responsibility is it to do the following:
- release all outgoing detachment messages
- coordinate IPR’s, RXLs
180A - Assistant Detachment Commander
During mission analysis, who’s responsibility is it to do the following:
- post and enforce the time schedule
- conduct inspections and determine daily planning rhythm
- Prepare and brief the infil / exfil annexes, bump plans, load plans, etc.
18Z - Team Sergeant
During mission analysis, who’s responsibility is it to do the following:
- conduct IPB
- brief terrain, weather, and situation during the CCB
- brief threat order of battle and current situation of enemy forces
18F - Intelligence Sergeant
What MDMP brief develops a shared vision of the requirements for the upcoming operation and ensures all detachment members begin planning from a common reference point?
Mission Analysis Brief
What MDMP brief solicits the SOTF commander’s approval of the detachment’s COA, prior to detailed planning?
Commander’s Concept Brief (CCB)
What MDMP brief assures the commander that the detachment understands and is prepared to accomplish the mission?
Commander’s Back Brief (CBB)
What is the SUPCEN?
Support Center: the S-1, S-2, and S-4
What is the SIGCEN?
Signal Center: “the S-6”
What is the SOCCE?
Special Operations Command and Control Element:
Focuses on planning, synchronizing and coordinating all special operations efforts in a AOR in support of the commander to promote regional stability, prevent conflict, combat violence and advance U.S. strategic objectives
What is a SOFLE?
Special Operations Forces Liaison Element:
“A SOFLE is a task- organized rotational SOF element deployed within a specific nation or embedded within CF to conduct liaison activities. The SOFLE can coordinate, assess, and recommend training, equipping, and engaging opportunities with HN forces or provide connectivity and synchronization of expeditionary forces.”
What is a parallel cell?
Silo’d structure that provides redundancy and supporting efforts. Each cell can complete all functions required for a task.
What are cells in series?
A division of labor to carry out specific functions; compartmentalization that requires multiple cells to complete a task.
when an enemy or civilian is aware of your presence, but they do not necessarily know who you are, what you are doing, or your current location.
opposing forces have detected your presence and have identified you as an enemy combatant.
the execution of activities that involve a combination of lethal and nonlethal actions taken by a specially trained and educated force that has a deep understanding of cultures and foreign language, proficiency in small-unit tactics, and the ability to build and fight alongside indigenous combat formations in a permissive, uncertain, or hostile environment. (ADP 3-05).
Special Warfare
the execution of activities in a precise manner that employ special operations forces in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover or damage designated targets, or influence threats (ADP 3-05).
Surgical Strike
Two groups containing 8/9 SF Principle Tasks
Special Warfare, Surgical Strike
SF Principle Tasks that fall under “Special Warfare”
SF Principle Tasks that fall under “Surgical Strike”
SR, DA, CT, Counter-proliferation
The SF Principle Tasks that occurs during both Special Warfare and Surgical Strike missions
preparation of the environment
MA Step 1:
“first things first - understand”
- Analyze the higher HQ plan and order
MA Step 2:
“Okay, 2nd we can do OAKOC, because that’s easy”
- Perform initial IPB
MA Step 3:
” THREE kinds of tasks”
- Determine specified, implied, and essential tasks
MA Step 4:
“Four-floor (FALL on the FLOOR)”
- Review available assets and identify resource shortFALLS
MA Step 5:
“Five golden rings –> rings make chains –> chains are constraints
- Determine constraints
MA Step 6:
“six - pick up sticks –> crossed sticks make a quad chart (running estimates)”
- identify critical facts and assumptions
MA Step 7:
“7th Heaven –> it was too dangerous, so we died and went to heaven”
- Begin Risk management
MA Step 8:
“Get behind the 8 ball”
- develop initial CCIR and EEFI
MA Step 9:
- Develop R/S sync tools
MA Step 10:
- develop initial R/S plan
MA Step 11:
“one, one, go back to the beginning”
- Update the plan for use of available time
MA Step 12:
“12 strong > Psyops”
- Develop initial themes and messages
MA Step 13:
“Lucky #13 –> no PROBLEMS”
- Develop a proposed problem statement
MA Step 14:
“14 follows 13, the mission statement follows the problem statement”
- develop a proposed mission statement
MA Step 15:
“1-5 IN - my first exposure to MDMP and MA briefs”
Present the MA Brief
MA Step 16:
“16 follows 15, CDR’s INTENT follows the mission statement”
- Develop and issue initial commander’s intent
MA Step 17:
“You’re 17, better start PLANNING your future”
- Develop and issue initial planning guidance
MA Step 18:
“you’re finally 18, now it times to DECIDE what to do with your life”
- Develop COA evaluation criteria
MA Step 19:
“last step”
- Issue WARNO
List the 7 Steps of MDMP
- Receipt of Mission
- Mission Analysis
- COA Development
- COA Analysis
- COA Comparison
- COA Approval
- Orders Production