181-200 Flashcards
Question 181.
According to SOGs, what is the definition of decontamination?
Decontamination is the process of removing contaminants from people, clothing and equipment to prevent exposure to a contaminant and minimise spread of the contaminant. Equipment includes vehicles.
Question 182.
During a bushfire, your sector contains an area where trees and grass are alight under high voltage power lines. According to SOGs, what are the safe working distances and what firefighting activities can you perform?
- Do not engage in firefighting under high voltage power lines.
- Keep people and vehicles a minimum of 25 metres clear of a fire burning under or near power lines.
- Only knock down low less than 2 metres high isolated flames, spots or smouldering logs that are not producing a convection column or heavy smoke plume
Question 183.
You need to attach a delivery to the hydrant outlet. According to the Firefighters Training Manual, hydrants have what types of deliveries?
- double delivery;
- elbow delivery; and
- standpipe delivery
Question 184.
A BA team reports to a Breathing Apparatus Control Operator (BACO) two floors below the fire floor at a high-rise structure fire. They provide their BA tallies to the BACO and proceed to the fire floor but remain in the fire stairs for ten minutes before donning BA and beginning firefighting tasks.
Ten minutes after that the BACO is trying to contact the Sector Commander urgently stating that they are running low on air when they are not. According to SOGs, what went wrong?
B A team didn’t inform the B A C O when they donned their face mask & start using their air.
Question 185.
According to SOGs, there are five members of a decontamination team. Name all members.
Decontamination Officer:
Wash Operator:
Wash Assistant:
Disrobe Assistant:
Pump Operator:
Question 186.
At an incident, fire crews believe accelerants may have been used. According to Standing Orders, what are possible signs of accelerant use?
- characteristic burn pattern,
- indication of fire trailers,
- rapid fire development inconsistent with available combustible materials,
- unusual odours, or
- damage to building consistent with a vapour explosion.
Question 187.
You are in charge of firefighters providing fire protection during helicopter refuelling. You instruct them to wear full PPE. According to SOGs, what full PPE will they wear?
Wear full PPE:
* Full structural firefighting
ensemble, including helmet and
* Flash hood
* Ear plugs - which provide
sufficient protection at 50 metres
Question 188.
Under the FRNSW Act 1989, define flammable matter?
(a) any substance capable of ignition or combustion by the application of heat, by means of sparks or spontaneously, and
(b) any substance prescribed as flammable for the purposes of this definition.
Question 189.
According to SOGs- Bushfire classes are determined by the level of resources committed to the fire, and its potential impact on the community, economy, essential infrastructure, and not its size. Describe a Class 3 bushfire?
Class 3 A major bushfire or fires where an appointment is made or is imminent under the provisions of Section 44 of the Rural Fires Act 1997.
Question 190.
In relation to toxic chemicals, what are the five main types of military warfare agents?
- Nerve or G agents
- Blister agents or H agents (vesicants - skin & eye irritants)
- Blood agents (chemical asphyxiants)
- Choking agents (respiratory irritants)
#riot control agents
Question 191.
You are first arriving Station Commander at a fire to find smoke issuing from a single level house. You have not conducted a 360° size up but have given your crew initial tasks.
What actions would most assist in formally assuming command?
Confirm via initial radio report to FireCOM that an IC is in place. * Name command. * Select an appropriate command position - ie fast attack or stationary.
Question 192.
You respond to a High-Rise building. According to SOGs, High Rise buildings are generally described by what characteristics?
High-rise buildings are generally described as being more than 25 metres high or having more than 10 levels.
Question 193. DELETED
Question 194.
According to the Firefighters Training Manual, what conditions should be determined before carrying out ventilation?
- the seat of the fire has been located;
- crews are ready to enter with charged
hose lines; - back-up crews are ready to enter; and
- communications have been
established amongst all crews.
Question 195.
You are the Incident Commander at a hazardous materials incident and find wastewater coming from an adjoining business is entering the Hot Zone and spreading contaminants. You order this water supply to be shut off, but the business owner next door complains that he will lose money by shutting down production.
What are your general powers in this situation as stipulated under the FRNSW Act?
13 General powers of officers at fires and hazardous material incidents
(1A) At the site of a hazardous material incident, the officer in charge—
(a) may take such measures as the officer thinks proper for the protection and saving of life and property, for confining and ending the incident and for rendering the site safe,
15 Use of water
(a) take and use any water from any source on any land, and
(b) cause water to flow into or be shut off from any main or pipe.
Question 196.
FRNSW incident management is consistent with the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System (AIIMS).
What are the key principles of AIIMS?
- Flexibility - the method must be able to be applied across all types of incidents, with an incident structure and plans that reflect the needs of the incident.
- Management by objectives - for every incident a set of objectives must be identified and a plan developed for managing those objectives. There can only be one set of objectives and one incident action plan.
- Functional management - there are eight functional areas, or activates, that need to be managed - i e Control, Planning, Intelligence, Public
Information, Operations, Investigation, Logistics and Finance. The Incident Commander is responsible for all functional areas but may choose to delegate one or more of the functions, depending upon the size and nature of the incident. - Unity of command - there must be only one Incident Commander; each
individual must only report to one supervisor. - Span of control - an individual should only have 5 people reporting to them optimal is 1:5 ratio), but this can vary between 1:3 to 1:7, depending upon the activity, geography, or nature of the incident.
Question 197.
According to SOGs, Describe the term “All Clear.”
Search and rescue have been completed and the Incident Controller is satisfied that all occupants have been accounted for.
Question 198.DELETED
Question 199.
You are the Incident Commander at a large factory fire. There are 8 pumps code 3 at the incident. According to SOGs, list two combinations could you allocate these pumps to achieve three-deep deployment?
2 at work in the hot zone, 2 on deck in the warm zone and 4 in staging.
#2 at work in the hot zone, 2 in recycling and 2 on deck in the warm zone and 2 in staging
Question 200.
FRNSW is committed to achieving the principles and requirements of the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy, to achieve this what are all employees responsible for?
Creating a culturally safe workplace environment which is free from discrimination and everyone is valued and treated with respect;
Working collaboratively to recognise and appreciate equity, diversity and inclusion;
Identifying and addressing any form of discrimination in the workplace.