1800-1919 (FINAL) Flashcards
What was not a component of the Crittenden Compromise?
(mutiple choice)
Annexation of Cuba
At the start of the Civil War, most people believed which of the following statements to be true?
(mutiple choice)
One quick and decisive battle would decide the outcome
On what date did the Emancipation Proclamation take effect?
January 1, 1863
What ultimately ended slavery throughout the United States?
(mutiple choice)
The thirteenth amendment
True or False: Every state where slavery was legal eventually seceded from the Union
How many Americans are estimated to have died in the Civil War?
Multiple choice
Radical Republicans pushed for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson after he attempted to dismiss his Secretary of War. What was the Secretary of War’s name?
Edwin M. Stanton
In what year was Rutherford B. Hayes elected President?
(Text box T_T )
Southern state laws passed soon after the Civil War and aimed at suppressing the political and economic rights of African Americans were called what?
(mutiple choice)
Black codes
(truly creative name)
Which Civil War constitutional amendment defined citizenship and guaranteed all Americans the right to “due process”?
( text box)
14th amendment
(You can just type 14, 14th, 14 amendment, 14th amendment)
How many engagements did the United States Army fight against Native Americans between 1865 and 1890?
(text box)
Sort these evets into chronological order
The sand creek massacre
The battle of washita
The start of the american civil war
The wounded kneww massacre
The great sioux war
The start of the american civil war
The sand creek massacre
The battle of washita
The great sioux war
The wounded kneww massacre
Multiple choice
Which U.S. President supported the use of schools to foster the assimilation of Native Americans into mainstream society?
Ulysses S. Grant
Multiple choice
The Exoduster Movement included the migration of more than 40,000 people to Kansas following the Civil War. Those people were:
African Americans
The Morrill Act set aside millions of acres of federal land for the establishment of what?
(mutiple choice)
Agriculture schools
The business strategy of acquiring control of every level of production, from, in the case of railroads, the mining of iron to the forging and transportation of rails, was called _______.
(mutiple choice)
Vertical integration
The 1890 book, _______, provided the first public exposé on how the working poor lived in New York City, highlighting the miserable conditions and hopeless of outlooks of boardinghouses and tenements.
(Text Box)
How the Other Half Lives
(Them poor people fr- the rich half)
True or False
Most Americans worshipped the “Robber Barons” as kings of the American national image and models of moral and financial perfection.
Match the political ideology to itss most desired “END”
Laissez-Faire Capitalism: govt. regulation of private business
Socialism: Private control over means of production
Temperance: Alcohol sale and consumption
Anarchism: State
True or false
Restricted to the bottom of the ladder in the national labor market, women, children, and African Americans rarely, if ever, received the same wages as white men. Indeed, in most cases, they received wages 70% below those of their adult white male counterparts.
Which immigrant groups faced the most struggles in the United States in the late 1800s?
The Chinese
helped to justify sterilization
Chain migration
friends and family relocating to a new nation
resistance to immigration
Social Darwinism
belief that the rich posess innate gifts
The treaty of Portsmouth
negotiated by president Theodore Roosevelt
The teller amendment
pledged America would not make Cuba a colony
ideology emphasizing naval strength and imperialism
The platt amendment
made Cuba an American protectorate
low income urban dwellings
This president led the nation during the Spanish American War
William McKinley
When did the United States annex Hawaii?
where did anti-Chinese riots occurred in 1871 and 1877?
Woodrow Wilson’s platform in the 1912 election was called ________.
New Freedom
The “Crime of 1873” refers to which of the following?
The discontinuation of using silver as a basis for the American dollar
If you supported the Greenbackers, what did you want?
In increase in paper currency without precious metal backing
Which region of the country was the first to support women’s suffrage?
The West
Select more than one
What type of precious metals were used to “back” American currency before the mid-20th century?
In what year did the “Red Scare” begin?
What state was attacked by Pancho Villa.
New Mexico
The Great Migration refers to:
The movement of African Americans to the north in order to seek better jobs
Which of the following concepts best describes President Wilson’s approach to foreign policy, particularly during his final years in office?
Click on the only head of state in the photograph below whose nation never joined the League of Nations.
Man on the far right (Wilson)
Mutiple choice
Tennessee educator John T. Scopes was brought to trial in 1925 for teaching which of the following?
Match the following historical terms:
Teapot Dome
Infamous scandal during Harding presidency
Match the following historical terms:
Young women who engaged in provactive behaviors
Match the following historical terms:
popular music form of the 1920s (dont get this wrong .-.)
Match the following historical terms:
Kellogg Briand Pact
international agreement to end war
Match the following historical terms:
Reaction to postwar immigration
Match the following historical terms:
The nineteenth amendment
provided women with the right to vote
Match the following historical terms:
The “Spirit of Saint Louis”
plane flown across the Atlantic
Match the following historical terms:
Volstead Act
imposed prohibition
Match the following historical terms:
The Dawes and Young plans
assisted Germany in paying reparations
Please click on the state where the Scopes Trial occurred.
Who founded the United African Improvement Association?
Marcus Garvey
Mutiple Choice
Which of the following technologies did not have an important impact on American society in the 1920s?
Which New Deal agency attempted to restore stability to American industry?
(National Rifle Association of America) NRA
Arrange these events in proper sequence of occurence
Arrange these events in proper sequence of occurrence.
- Mussolini becomes prime minister of Italy
2.Collapse of the stock market
3.Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
4.Italian invasion of Ethiopia
Multiple choice
What was the purpose of so-called “yellow-dog” contracts?
To prevent workers from forming unions
Please click on the state where Huey Long served as governor.
Which of the following New Deal programs has had the greatest impact on American society and politics?
Social Security
Civilian Conservation Core
National Recovery Administration
Emergency Banking Act
Instability in financial markets
Social Security Act
Which World War II campaign prompted the creation of the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives division of the U.S. Army?
Match each of these nations with their wartime ally.
United States
Match each of these nations with their wartime ally.
Put the following events in chronological order
Japanese invasion of Manchuria
German invasion of Poland
Attack on Pearl Harbor
London Blitz
Battle of Okinawa
Battle of Midway
1.Japanese invasion of Manchuria
2.German invasion of Poland
3.London Blitz
4.Attack on Pearl Harbor
5.Battle of Midway
6.Battle of Okinawa
Please click on the location where the Nazis believed the Allied invasion of Europe would take place.
Top right(Closest spot the 2 landmasses almost touch)
What was the name of the 1942 Allied invasion of North Africa?
Operation torch
Mutiple choice
The “Trizone” or “Trizonia” referred to which of the following?
The combined American, British and French zones in west Germany
Type it out
In what year did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur?
The Warsaw Pact was created in response to ________.
The establishment NATO
What were the effects of World War II on American society?
Click them all( all the above)
4. What were the effects of World War II on American society?
Cuban Missile Crisis
4. What were the effects of World War II on American society?
Downing of U.S. plane
U.S.S.R (Nah totally a U.S Victory of losing thier own plane)
4. What were the effects of World War II on American society?
Launch of Sputnik
4. What were the effects of World War II on American society?
Berlin Airlift
4. What were the effects of World War II on American society?
Khrushchev and Kennedy’s Vienna meetings
Multiple Choice
What organization did Ida Wells and W. E. B. DuBois help establish to fight against lynching in 1909?
NAACP-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Select more than one
What are some ways that some states fought against the Supreme Court ruling to integrate schools?
Select all
Match each city to its corresponding event in the Civil Rights Movement.
Greensboro, NC- Sit-ins begin
Montgomery, AL- Bus boycott
Little Rock, AR- Federal troops enforce school desegregation
Birmingham, AL- “Children’s Crusade”
Select more than one
Which of the following civil rights leaders were deeply pessimistic about the prospects for racial harmony in the United States?
Malcom X
Marcus Garvey
Stokley Carmichael
Multiple choice
Which of the following mid-20th century Presidents could boast of the greatest legislative success in terms of civil rights?
Select more than one
The civil rights movement was inspired by concepts from which of the following world religions?
Select all
In 1964, an incident occurred which launched direct U.S. military intervention in Vietnam. Where did this event occur?
2nd from top
Why did the United States provide assistance to the French in Vietnam in the late 1940s?
Fear of Comminusm
Match the leader to the country
Ho Chi Minh
Democratic Republic of Vietnam
Match the leader to the country
Ngo Dinh Diem
Republic of Vietnam
Multiple Choice
What was the name of the organization that developed in the late 1950s for the purposes of creating a united Vietnam?
National Liberation front
Select more than one
What was the name of the U.S. bombing campaign against North Vietnam?
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Rolling Thunder
In what year did the Kent State Massacre take place?
Multiple choice
In his early career, Richard Nixon gained a reputation as:
A cold warrior
Multiple choice
President Nixon and Secretary of State Kissinger sought to exploit a rift between which communist countries?
The U.S.S.R. and China
Multiple choice
In which country did the United States support a coup during the Nixon years?
Identify the following persons or groups as either pro- or anti-communist.
Daniel Ortega: Pro-communist
Mohamma Reza Pahlavi (The Shah): Anti-communist
Afghan Mujahedeen: Anti-communist
Henry Kissinger: Anti-communist
Fidel Castro: Pro-communist
Click on the only man in the image below who challenged a sitting president for the presidential nomination of his own party.
2nd man from the left
Multiple Choice
Which issue represented the most pressing issue that President Reagan faced when he entered office?
A stagnant economy
Multiple Choice
In 1981, members of which profession staged a strike to demand better pay and better working conditions?
Air traffic controllers
Multiple Choice
Ronald Reagan announced that he had been diagnosed with which disease?
Multiple Choice
What year did the Berlin Wall come down?
True or False
Public discontent over the handling of the Persian Gulf War was a major factor to George H.W. Bush’s failure to win re-election in 1992.
Match the 1980s figure to the event or concept.
Nancy Reagan- The War on Drugs
Norman Schwarzkopt- Operation Desert Storm
Phyllis Schlafly- STOP ERA
Mikhail Gorbachev- Glasnost
Robert MacFarlane- Iran-Contra Affair
Fill in the Blank
_____ ran as an independent candidate in the 1992 presidential election.
H. Ross Perot
Multiple Choice
In 1993, the United States, in supporting the United Nations peacekeeping mission, got involved in a devastating military operation in which country?
Multiple Choice
During the contested 2000 presidential election, the outcome depended on results from which state?
Multiple Choice
In the end, which body decided the outcome of the 2000 presidential election?
The Supreme Court
Fill in the Blank
Hurricane ______ made landfall in the United States in August 2005 and caused an enormous amount of damage. It was one of the worst hurricanes to ever hit the United States.
Match the following politicians to their policy proposal.
Bill Clinton- “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Newt Gingrich- Contract with America
Hillary Clinton- Health Security Act (health care reform)
George W. Bush- No Child Left Behind