1800 - 1900 World Power Flashcards
What is Manifest Destiny
The belief that Americans have the God-given right to spread their beliefs
Financial motives for expansion
• Americas industrial economy had grown rapidly and there was a fear their market had become to saturated
• They felt that if other European powers continued to grow America would be left behind
What was the influential book in 1890? 📖
In 1890 Alfred Thayer Mahn published ‘The Influence of Sea Power on History’
What year did America become the 3rd largest sea power?
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
It stated that if the western hemisphere was no longer open to European colonisation, the US would regard any attempt as a threat against its security.
The Anti Imperialist League
In 1890 a minority group formed in opposition to expansion and imperialism. They said that the US did not look after its own people and didn’t have the expertise to run an empire like Britain
Britain and Venezuela
In 1895 Britain fell into a border dispute with Venezuela over British Guiana as it is in the western hemisphere the US stepped in and the matter was settled.
Samoa 1889
A protectorate was established with the US, Britain and Germany over the Samoan islands. this lasted until 1899
In 1890 the islands right to export duty-free sugar into the US was abolished leading to a fall in demand. this caused anti foreign sentiment led by the Queen. In 1893 American settlers and US Marines defeated Queen Liliuokalani and setting up a pro American government
When was Hawaii annexed by the US?
1959 Hawaii was given full statehood
When was the Spanish American war?
The USS Maine
President McKinley wanted to stay out of the conflict but when on the 15th February 1898 the USS Maine exploded in Cuba’s Havana Harbour. more than 260 US sailors were killed. This led to newspapers influencing peoples beliefs and making people want to fight
US Victory in Cuba
Spain was underprepared
America attacked the Philippine islands and sank 10 ships
12th August an armistice was signed
the Secretary of State called it a ‘splendid little war’
How many soldiers died in the Spanish American war?
The US lost 379 men in fighting and 5,000 from disease out of the original 28,000 sent
What was the Paris Treaty 1898?
This was the agreement signed after the Spanish American War
America was given control of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam
Cuba was recognised as independent but American troops stayed on the island for 4 years
The Teller Amendment 1898
This amendment declared that Spain should give up their control over Cuba and Cuba be made independent. The amendment allowed the US the right to use military force to help Cuba gain its independence. They promised that they would not “exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control” over Cuba
The Platt Amendment 1901?
America forced Cuba to agree that although they were independent America had the right to intervene to “protect the life, property and individual liberties”
Big Stick Diplomacy 1901-1909
Following William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelts new foreign policy approach that emphasizes the use of military power and the threat of military intervention to achieve foreign policy goals.
The Panama Canal
From 1881-1887 the construction of the canal was being carried out by a French company responsible for the Suez canal in Egypt. They had spent $300 million and twenty thousand lives to build a third of the canal.
They asked the US to buy the land of them for $10 million which they later raised to $25 million.
Meanwhile the Panamanians revolted against the Columbian rule, Columbia sent troops to put down the revolt only to be stopped by US ships.
An agreement was made allowing America to continue the construction of the canal
The canal opened 15th August 1914
The Roosevelt Corollary
IN 1904 Roosevelt addressed congress with what become known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine saying that the US was justified to intervene to forestall involvement from outsiders.
The Russo Japanese war
The rivalry between Russia and Japan broke out in a war as Japan felt that Russia threatened their ambitions in China and Korea. February 1904 Japanese war ships attacked the Russian fleet. When Japan signalled they would welcome a peace treaty a conference was held in Portsmouth sponsored by Roosevelt. The agreements were in favour of Japan giving them control of Korea.
why did the USA want to be involved in China?
American politicians and businessmen wanted more involvement in China. With 3.5 billion square miles and a population three times the size of the US the potential markets were huge.
China and Open Door Policy
McKinley’s secretary of State sent a letter to the European capitals asking for an open door policy regarding trade in China which was ignored but he still announced that they had accepted.
What is ‘Open Door Policy’?
The Open Door policy was a statement of principles initiated by the United States in 1899 and 1900. It called for equal privileges for all countries trading with China and for the support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity
What do historians believe about America’s ‘informal empire’?
Historians believe that America was building an informal empire rather than directly colonising areas. America used its economic power to extend its influence not its military
The Boxer Rebellion 1899
June 1899 the Society of Harmonious Righteous Fists (Boxers) began a revolt against foreign domination. They murdered hundreds of European and Chinese Christians. A year later a multi-national force was sent to crush the rebellion with the US contributing 2,500 troops
The Great White Fleet
Before Roosevelt left the White House in early 1909 he celebrated America’s rise to world power. In 1907 he sent the entire US Navy by then the second largest after Britain on a grand tour around the world
Positives and negatives of the Great White Fleet
Some people saw it as protection and others saw it as intimidation. America saw itself as superior with racist ideologies
Dollar Diplomacy
The use of a countries financial power to extend its international influence
William Taft encouraged this idea and focused more on economics rather than military
Mexican Civil War
In 1920 he sent US Marines into Mexico after the Mexican government was overthrown and a group attacked American soldiers