18 Taste, Smell & Vestibular Systems Flashcards
Define Vection:
A strong sense of motion but one is not moving because you are sending visual signals to the visual cortex but the vestibular signals are not supporting it.
3aNv stands for:
Brodmann’s area 3 part of the neck region of somatosensory cortex.
True or False: The three vestibular area of the cortex 3aNv, VPS, and PIVC supply the somatosensory, parietal, and visual information have to work together to keep you upright.
True or False: Turning of the head will not elicit a physiological nystagmus.
False, turning of the head will elicit a physiological nystagmus.
Damage to the left vestibular system will cause
A. constant nystagmus
B. spontaneous nystagmus
C. no nystagmus
B, spontaneous nystagmus b/c only the signal coming from the right is coming in and you are not receiving a signal from the left.
How can you test for vestibular function?
Caloric testing
Using Caloric testing, when cold water is placed in the right ear it will induce an nystagmus in the ______ direction.
Using Caloric testing, If you have a bilateral lesion then you will see an _______ nystagmus.
abnormal nystagmus (one eye drifting and the other eye stays the same)
How many parts are there to the vestibular system?
2: otolith and semicircular canals
T/F: The otolith organ is made up of horizontal, posterior and anterior canals.
False; it’s made up of the utricle and saccule
What does the otolith organ detect?
Detects changes in the head angle and the linear acceleration of the head.
T/F: When you are creating a constant motion, the fluid in the semicircular canals eventually stop moving.
Which reflex activates motor neurons to maintain an upright posture?
The spinal reflex
What does BPPV stand for?
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo caused when otoconia fall off or are loose
Slide 3: How many tastes do we have and what are they?
Bitterness, Sourness, Saltiness, Sweetness, and umami (msg)
Slide 5: What gene is responsible for the bitter taste?
PTC gene
Slide 4: What cells are responsible for tasting?
gustatory cell
Slide 5: What determines the strength of the bitter taste?
Shape of receptor
Slide 6: What brain structure is responsible for the perception of taste?
Primary Gustatory Cortex
Slide 6: Which cranial nerves are involved in taste?
Facial VII and Glossopharyngeal IX
True or False: Dog has better sense of smelling because that dog’s olfactory sensory nerve covers larger area and more dense distribution than human’s.
True or False: Normal human can detect up to 1 billion different odors.
False, over 1 trillion types
True or False: Olfactory receptor neurons are bipolar neurons with dendrites facing the inferior space of the nasal cavity and an axon that passes through the cribriform plate then travels along the olfactory nerve to the olfactory bulb.
True or False: Glomeruli are mapped based on different regions that receptors cover.
False, based on receptor types
- Which structure is the signal relaying center for olfactory sensory that happens on the surface of olfactory bulb?
True or False: Olfactory tract sends information to both olfactory tubercle and also to olfactory cortex and related temporal lobe structures
True or False: The lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus receives the olfactory information from olfactory tubercle and sends signals to orbitofrontal cortex
False, medial dorsal nucleus