18- G.I. Drugs Flashcards
proton pump inhibitor
- prodrug that requires acid activation to react with and irreversibly inhibit proton pump
- do not act directly within gastric lumen, they enter parietal cells from systemic circulation (absorbed in high pH)
- dosed daily, only active for 2 hours, treatment requires 2-5 days
- liver clearance via P450 (drug interactions through CYP alterations)
- few side effects: nausea, ab. pain, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea
- increase warfarin concentrations
- decrease activation of clopidogrel
proton pump inhibitor
- prodrug that requires acid activation to react with and irreversibly inhibit proton pump
- do not act directly within gastric lumen, they enter parietal cells from systemic circulation (absorbed in high pH)
- dosed daily, only active for 2 hours, treatment requires 2-5 days
- liver clearance via P450 (drug interactions through CYP alterations)
- few side effects: nausea, ab. pain, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea
- increase warfarin concentrations
- decrease activation of clopidogrel
proton pump inhibitor
- prodrug that requires acid activation to react with and irreversibly inhibit proton pump
- do not act directly within gastric lumen, they enter parietal cells from systemic circulation (absorbed in high pH)
- dosed daily, only active for 2 hours, treatment requires 2-5 days
- liver clearance via P450 (drug interactions through CYP alterations)
- few side effects: nausea, ab. pain, constipation, flatulence, diarrhea
- increase warfarin concentrations
- decrease activation of clopidogrel
H2 receptor antagonist
- block the base level of acid secretion maintained by ECL cells
- useful for nocturnal acid secretion, duodenal ulcers, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
- renal excretion via organic cation system
- Adverse Reactions: diarrhea, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, muscle pain
- CNS affects in elderly
- decrease pepsin and intrinsic factor output
- long term use at high doses decreases testosterone binding to androgen receptor and hydroxylation of estradiol causing galactorrhea (women) and decreased sperm count, impotence, gynecomastia (men)
H2 receptor antagonist
- block the base level of acid secretion maintained by ECL cells
- useful for nocturnal acid secretion, duodenal ulcers, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
- renal excretion via organic cation system
- Adverse Reactions: diarrhea, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, muscle pain
- CNS affects in elderly
- decrease pepsin and intrinsic factor output
H2 receptor antagonist
- block the base level of acid secretion maintained by ECL cells
- useful for nocturnal acid secretion, duodenal ulcers, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
- renal excretion via organic cation system
- Adverse Reactions: diarrhea, headache, drowsiness, fatigue, muscle pain
- CNS affects in elderly
- decrease pepsin and intrinsic factor output
octasulfate of sucrose with Al(OH)3
- forms a sticky neutral pH polymer coating that swells and covers epithelium
- used for STRESS ulcers
- acid activated- take before food and avoid antacids/proton pump inhibitors
- adverse effects: constipation and can block absorption of other drugs through the stomach
- contraindicated in GI obstruction
aluminum hydroxide
neutralizing antacid
- neutralize pH of gastric contents
- fast acting (15 minutes), effects lasting 2-3 hours with food
- delays emptying and slows motility
- adverse effects- rebound acid secretion, constipation, nausea,
- may contribute to osteoporosis and encephalopathy with renal insufficiency, may interfere with GI absorption of other drugs
calcium carbonate
neutralizing antacid
- neutralizes pH of gastric contents
- fast acting (15 minutes), effects lasting 2-3 hours with food
- adverse effects- rebound acid secretion, hypercalcemia, may interfere with GI absorption of other drugs
magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia)
neutralizing antacids and osmotic cathartic/laxative salt
- cause inc. osmotic pressure in GI lumen causing retention of water in stool (cathartics when given at high doses)
- neutralize pH of acid contents
- fast acting (15 minutes) lasting effects 2-3 hours with food
- stimulates gastric emptying and motility
- adverse effects- rebound acid secretion, may interfere with GI absorption of other drugs
prostaglandin analog
- short acting (3 hours)
- only used to prevent NSAID-induced injury
- adverse effects: diarrhea, exacerbate inflammatory bowel disease, increase uterine contractions
M1 antagonist (uncommon in USA)
-blocks neurotransmission in the intramural ganglia resulting in less vagal stimulation of parietal and ECL cells
can reduce basal acid production 40-50%
-significant anticholinergic side effects
prokinetic agent
- aim is to selectively activate M2 and M3 receptors
- does not activate coordinated motility so it is not a front line approach
- side effects- bradycardia, flushing, diarrhea, cramps, salivation, blurred vision
prokinetic agent
- 5-HT4 receptor agonist and adenylate cyclase stimulant
- used for GERD and gastroparesis
- adverse effects- fatal cardiac arrhythmias (strict FDA distribution)
prokinetic agent
- motilin agnoist
- macrolide antibiotic
- causes gastric dumping
- can improve gastric emptying with ileus, scleroderma, and pseudo-obstructions
- FAST DUMPS can be painful, not recommended for chronic use
prokinetic agent
- general dopamine receptor antagonist
- increases lower esophageal sphincter tone and upper GI motility
- can relieve GERD symptoms but does not promote healing
- used for N/V in dysmotility, laxative
- adverse effects- EPS, dystonias, tardive dyskinesia with chronic use
prokinetic agent
- AChE inhibitor
- can be used acutely to counter an ilues
prokinetic agent
- serotonin partial agnoist in the gut used for females with irritable bowel syndrome
- can improve lower bowel motility if cases with chronic constipation and bloating
- adverse effects- fatal cardiac arrhythmias (strict FDA distribution)
magnesium citrate
osmotic cathartic/laxative salt
- cause inc. osmotic pressure in GI lumen causing retention of water in stool (cathartics when given at high doses)
- small amount absorbed but given at high enough dose to overcome absorption
- Mg may stimulate CCK and inc. motility
- should be avoided in those with renal insufficiency, cardiac disease, electrolyte abnormalities, or with diuretic use
magnesium sulfate
osmotic cathartic/laxative salt
- cause inc. osmotic pressure in GI lumen causing retention of water in stool (cathartics when given at high doses)
- small amount absorbed but given at high enough dose to overcome absorption
- Mg may stimulate CCK and inc. motility
- should be avoided in those with renal insufficiency, cardiac disease, electrolyte abnormalities, or with diuretic use
polyethylene glycol (GoLYTELY)
osmotic cathartic/laxative alcohol
- non-absorbable and cause water retention in stool
- actually cathartics that act as laxatives at lower doses