18. Campylobacter genus and helicobacter pylori Flashcards
Characteristic of both the bacterias! Shape, Stain Special appandage.. Preferntial enviroment!
Microaerophil (5-7% O2, 5-10% CO2)
Biochemical characteristic of both! (2 examp)
Catalase +, oxidase +
What special char does Helicobacter pylori have!
What special char does Campylobacter have
Campylobacter jejuni, coli.
Natural apperance!
Domestic and wild animals are the reservoirs for the organisms (birds intestine, cow – milk).
Morphology of camylobacter jejuni
Morphology: - comma-shape rod, single polar flagella, motile
camylobacter jejuni
Source of infection!
3 sources.
Source: 1. not properly cooked meat (zoonosis!) very low dose: 10^2 bacteria enough! 2. unpasteurised milk 3. human-to-human: fecal-oral (rarely)
camylobacter jejuni incubation time+ Symptoms (3 of them).
Incubation time: 1-2 days Symptoms: bloody, mucous feces fever strong abdominal pain
camylobacter jejuni rare outcomes!
Outcome: spontaneous recovery complications: systemic infection Guillain-Barré syndrome( an acute neurological disease, the Guillain-Barré syndrome)
camylobacter jejuni
Clinical specimen from!?
Clinical specimen: faeces, blood for blood culture.
Direct smear: Gram stained direct smear of diarrhoeal faeces may show “gull wing or “comma”shaped Gram negative bacilli.
Faeces may also contain RBCs and granulocytes. Dark-field or phase contrast microscopy can show the typical darting motility.
camylobacter jejuni
Culture (3 examples!)
1) On different selective media ( Skirrow’s – contains antimicrobials )
2) At 40~ Celius! / it prohibits growth of most of the other bacteria in feces.
3) - in microaerophilic conditions (5 % O2, 10% CO2) → Colonies are colourless or grey, may be watery or spreading, round-shaped and convex.
camylobacter jejuni biochemistry diagnostics
oxidase +, catalase +
camylobacter jejuni treatement.
3 examples!
1) Supportive therapy- fluid & electrolite replacement
2) Drugs: - Erythromycin, Ciprofloxacin.
If systemic infection use a more powerful drug… (carbapenem, aminoglycoside,)
3) Food hygine! Avoid undercooked or under-fried poultry.
Campylobacter fetus C. fetus…
S-protein ⇒inhibition of binding of C3b⇒ antiphagocytic effect Opportunistic pathogen - systemic infection (endocarditis, meningitis) - rarely enteritis Treatment: - gentamicin, Chloramphenicol, Ceftriaxon
Morphology of Helicobacter pylori!
3 important things!
Also remember 2 important biochem shared with both bacteria and…
Favorable area to grow.
Morphology: - spiral – shaped rod,
multiple flagella at one pole,
Special helicobacter phylori chemical rxn!!!
helicobacter phylori
- H. pylori is motile / multiple flagella at one pole / and is able to find its way to the epithelial surface, where physiologic pH is present - they live just under the gastric mucus on the epithelial side → relatively impermeable to acid and has a good buffering capacity .
- produce:
1) urease → ammonia production → further buffering of acid.
2) protease → modifies the gastric mucus → further reduction of the ability of acid to diffuse through the mucus.
After ingestion → development of gastritis and hypochlorhydric.
Toxins and LPS → damage to the mucosal cells and ammonia production → dyspepsia, peptic ulcer stomach cancer develops.
helicobacter phylori
Diagnostic Laboratory Tests:
Clinical specimen!
Direct smear!
Clinical specimen: gastric biopsy, blood for serology.
Direct smear: gastric biopsy specimen stained by Giemsa, or silver impregnation may show typical curved or spiral bacteria
helicobacter phylori Culture
- on different selective media / Skirrow’s / - in microaerophilic conditions (5 % O2, 10 % CO2) → Colonies are colourless or grey, may be watery or spreading, round-shaped and convex.
Biochemical rxns for diagnostics of helicobacter pylori (3 of them!))
Urease+ Oxi+ cat+
Serology of Helicobacter!
Blood serology: specific IgG antibodies in the patients` sera. A positive result is not diagnostic for acute infection, after eradication therapy it is still positive, but a negative test excludes H. pylori infection.
Use Western blot for conformation!
Special test for helicobacter!
2 of them
1) - gastric biopsy material can be placed onto a urea-containing medium with a colour indicator ⇒ if H. pylori is present, the urease rapidly splits the urea and the resulting shift in pH yields is colour change in the medium.
2) - 14C-urea breathing test: after labelled urea is ingested ⇒ if H. pylori is present the labelled CO2 can be detected in the patient’s exhaled breath.
Therapy for helicobacter pylori!
Combined 2-week therapy
1) Proton-pump inhibitors (PPI)
2) Antibiotics
Clarithromycin + metronidazole
Amoxicillin + metronidazole
Doxycycline + metronidazole
3) Bismuth salts