1754-1765 Pre Revolution Flashcards
What were the French and Indian wars called in Europe
The seven years war
Where were the French building forts where the British claimed to own land
The forks of Ohio
Allegheny and monongahela rivers
Who was the governor that sent someone to the French to tell them they were encroaching? Who was sent?
Lieutenant governor Robert Dinwiddie sent George Washington.
When and where was George Washington born
Pope’s creek virginia on February 22, 1732
Who was GW dad? How old was GW when his dad died?
Augustine Washington died in 1743 when George was 11 years old
Who was GW role model
His older half brother Lawrence
How did the washingtons have their wealth
What was GW first job
Who provided GW with surveying work
The fairfax family
When and how did Lawrence Washington die
Consumption(tuberculosis) in 1751
When GW went to Barbados with his brother what disease did he get and survive from.
Small pox
Who was the love of GW life
Sally fairfax
Why couldn’t GW marry Sally
She was already married
Who does GW marry and when
Martha Dandridge Custis in 1759
How many children do GW and Martha have
When was GW elected in the house of burgesses
When was GW elected into the first continental congress
When was GW elected into the second continental congress
How does GW campaign for a continental army
He wears his French and Indian war uniform to second continental congress
What position was GW given in the continental army
What was the land that GW got after his Lawrence and his wife died
Mount Vernon
When did GW surrender his position of commander of continental army
December 23, 1783
First written form of government in America
Articles of confederation
When did GW become first president
What disease did GW get on December 12, 1799
Quinsy a throat infection
When did GW die? Where was he buried?
December 14, 1799 at mount Vernon
What title does governor Dinwiddie give GW in 1754 and what is he told to do
Build a fort as lieutenant colonel
Where does GW go to build his fort? What group does he come across
Jumonville glen a group of French and Indians
Who was GW Indian guide
The half king
What did the half King do at jumonville glen
He killed jumonville with a tomahawk
What was the name of the fort GW built and where did he build it
Fort necessity in a meadow
What happened when fort necessity was attacked
Washington lost one third of his fort and surrendered on July 4,1754
Who drafted the instrument of surrender
Jumonville brother
What did GW unknowingly sign off when he signed the instrument of surrender
Admitting he murdered jumonville
What was the Albany congress?
Written 1754, it had delegates from colonies north of the Potomac river. It was used to see if the British could entice the Iroquois confederacy to become allies
Who do the Iroquois side with
No one
Who was the head of Indian affairs
Sir William Johnson
What were the two points of the Albany plan of union
A president appointed and salaried by the crown
Grand council a unicameral group that was a House of Representatives and in charge of laws and funds.
Who is considered the first American
B Franks
Where and when was B Franks born
Boston in 1706
What was B Frank’s pseudonym when he wrote letters
Silence Dogood
When and why does B Franks come to Philadelphia
He gets in an argument with his brother over the popularity of Silence Dogood in 1723
Who does B Franks “marry”
Deborah read
How many children did B Franks have. Did they live long
A son who died in childhood
A daughter who lived into adulthood
What were 4 things B Franks invented
Stove, bifocals, lightning rod, armonica
What were 4 things B Franks founded
First hospital, insurance company, fire company, the first American philosophical company
When and what does Franklin die from
Gout in April 1790
Who did George II send to America
General Edward Braddock.
What advice did GW and B Franks give Edward Braddock
Wait for the right time to attack the French
What happened to Edward Braddock when he went to attack the French
He was ambushed by a group of French and Indians
What happened to Braddock when his troops were ambushed
He was mortally wounded
When did war break out in Europe
What land did the French lose from the British
What were the Acadians options
Stay in Acadia under British rule or leave
Where did the Acadians go what were they called
New Orleans Cajuns
Who were the allies of the French and the British during the battle of wilderness(monongahela)
French- Austria
Who ruled Prussia
Frederick the great
Who ruled Great Britain
William Pitt
Who were the commanders that help capture Louisbourg
Jeffrey Amerst and James wolf
When did Louisbourg fall
Who torched fort Duquesne
John forbes and GW
What fort rose in fort duquesnes place
Fort Pitt
What was Pitts three pronged attack plan on the French
Niagra region
St. Lawrence
Lake Champlain
What did the British rename fort carillon
Fort Ticonderoga
What did the British rename fort St. Frederic
Crown point
What was the most important battle fought on North American soil
Battle of Quebec
Who were the French and British generals of the battle of Quebec
French- general Montcalm
British- general wolf
Flat field outside of Quebec
Plains of Abraham
What happened to both general at the battle of Quebec
Wolf died
Montcalm was mortally wounded and died days after.
When was the battle of Quebec
When did Montreal fall
Who inherited George II throne
His grandson George III
When was the treaty of Paris
What land do the British gain and have to decide what they are to do with it.
Sugar islands
What land do the French lose? What land do they gain
They lose Canada gain sugar island of Guadeloupe and martinique, and they gain the fishing islands Miquelon and st. Pierre. They lose Grenada, Tobago, and st. Vincent. The Spanish allies lose floridas in exchange for Louisiana
What three provinces did the proclamation of 1763 create
East Florida west Florida Quebec
What was a natural dividing line used for the native Americans and colonists
Who was Pontiac
An Ottawa chief
What forts did Pontiac capture
Fort Sandusky and fort Saint Joseph
Who defends fort Pitt during Pontiac rebellion, what method did he use
Henry bouquet used biological warfare with small pox
Where did pontiacs rebellion begin
Fort Detroit
Where did Pontiac travel in to after his attacks
Fort Oswego lead by sir William Johnson
What did Pontiac and Tecumseh want to do
Unite all Native American tribes
When was Pontiac murdered
The first of the revenue(Grenville) acts
The sugar acts
Why did the British place taxes on the colonists
To pay for war
Reduced the tax on molasses from six pence to three pence. However, there would be higher duties on items such as foreign textiles, indigo, coffee, wines, and sugar
Molasses act 1733
Prohibition of colonists printing paper money
Currency act
Where did the first protests of the taxes come from
Courts without juries
Vice admiralty courts
When and where was Samuel Adams born
Boston 1722
Became the lieutenant governor of Massachusetts and the governor after John Hancock dies
Samuel Adam
Where did Sam Adams dad work
When did Samuel Adams die
A Boston lawyer who said taxation without representation is tyranny and wrote the rights of British colonists asserted and proved.
James Otis
When does the stamp act go into effect
Put taxes on at least 55 items
Stamp act
What were some items that had taxes placed on them from the stamp act.
Almanac, bills of lading, legal documents, newspaper ads,licenses, dice and playing cards
Forced Americans to take in British soldiers
Quartering act
Believed in a difference between internal and external taxes
Daniel dylany
Tried to reduce the stamp act but became a stamp distributed
Jared ingersoll
When is the stamp act repealed
One protest was the Virginia resolution. What did it do
Only Virginians could tax Virginians.
Patrick Henry gave a speech on what
A secret organization formed by Sam Adams
Sons of Liberty
Stamp agent for Massachusetts who resigned his position
Andrew Oliver
Where did the stamp act congress meet what did the discuss.
Declaration of rights and grievances
Sent a petition to the king for relief
Sent a petition to parliament asking for a repeal of the stamp act
What happened the same day the stamp act was repealed
Declaratory act was made that stated parliament could tax anyone
When were the French and Indian wars