17. victories in the courts Flashcards
latter part of period saw
a change in attitude of both federal and state supreme courts that reflected gradual change in attitude taking place in US society
progress continued to be
First major victory at state level
First major victory at state level
2 NA brought case concerning voting rights before Arizona Supreme Court
Frank Harrison and Harry Austin belonged to Mohawk-Apache tribe and lived on reservation in Arizona
county recorder Laveen refused to allow them to vote
decision successfully challenged as a result of National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and the American Civil Liberties Union.
despite this, other state in West continued to restrict voting rights of NA
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
formed when and by who
Formed 1944 by a group of educated NA
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
important role in
important role in extending right of NA
first task to involve ordinary NA in struggle to stop end of reservations and integrate NA into ordinary society so they were no longer funded by taxpayer
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
largely involved in
legal battles over discrimination
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
first sign of
NA joining together and organising protest movement
Period from 1960s =
greatest change in attitude of Supreme Court
Period from 1960s greatest change in attitude of Supreme Court
faced with lots of challenges from NA activists through ‘Red Power’ movement as they sought to restore ‘native sovereignty’
(power tribes had to live on their lands according to their laws religion and customs. rights that existed until settlers arrived and removed them)
1960s what did cases usually claim for
restoration of lands or fishing rights which had been taken away when dams were built or hydroelectric power plants had been constructed.
Progress and decisions made by Nixon upheld by
Supreme Court in 1974
Native American Rights Fund (NARF)
when established?
established in 1970
Native American Rights Fund (NARF)
aimed to defend rights of NA
Native American Rights Fund (NARF)
what did it do
trained legal specialists with an interest in NA issues.
Native American Rights Fund (NARF)
what was it responsible for
responsible for most cases that went in front of Supreme Court
put pressure on Supreme Court to protect NA culture and way of life
Native American Rights Fund (NARF)
what issues were raised
reinstating tribes that had been terminated
restoring tribal sovereignty
restoring lost tribal land
restoring hunting and fishing rights
having the right to vote
having the right to worship freely
performing proper burial of ancestral remains
what allowed for considerable progress of NA
combination of pressure from NARF and willingness of Supreme Court to uphold these rights