17) Surf Text. Uncertainty Flashcards
What is Vertical Displacement Uncertainty?
- Calibrate in the z axis (vertical)
- Type A1 or A2 artefact used to calibrate.
- Accuracy of stylus pickup and transducer - vertical magnification factor of instrument.
How do you calculate vertical displacement? Explain the equation parameters.
Z = C*Zm
C = dc/dm
dc = step height
Udc = uncertainity of step height
C = correction factor
Z = Corrected measurement of vertical height
Zm = measured height
dm = measured artefact step height
dc = quoted artefact height
Z = C*Zm
C = dc/dm
What are Type “A” standards?
- Used to calibrate vertical component of stylus instruments
- A1 = insensitive to shape or condition of stylus tip (square)
- A2 = insensitive to shape or condition of stylus tip (round)
What are the 5 factors that contribute to Zm?
Min of 5 measuremtns taken for dm
Zm depends on: Zm = Zp + Zref + Zn + Zpl + Ztip
Zp = traced profile term (actual height value at any point, doesn’t affect uncertainty analysis)
Zref = Slideway profile term (imperfections in slideway/skid)
Zn = instrument noise (random measurement error of the instrument)
Zpl = plastic deformation term (dependant on stylus, workpiece material, stylus force, shape, local curvature and slopes on surface.
Ztip = effect of tip geometry (required for surface with wavelengths less than radius of stylus tip)