1.7 Summarize the techniques used in security assessments. Flashcards
Threat hunting
Activity of seeking to identify new threats
-A proactive search through IoCs, log files, or other observables to locate malware or intruders lurking on a system
Intelligence fusion
Combination of local logs w/multi sources of threat intel integrated into a useful analysis or report
Threat feeds
Sources of info about attacks and exploits
Advisories and bulletins
Published by vendors, threat intel services, and other security focused orgs
Considering the parameters of an attack to gain better understanding through adjusting focus, sensor location, or analysis perspective
Vulnerability scans
Used to discover weaknesses in deployed security systems to improve or repair them before a breach occurs
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) / Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
Led by NIST
CVE Assigns identifiers to publicly known system vulnerabilities to be used for cross-link and cross-referencing purposes
Syslog/Security information and event management (SIEM)
A centralized application to automate monitoring of network systems
Sentiment analysis
Concept of analyzing text info for context and context to identify and extract subjective information
Security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR)
Collection of software solutions that can automate process of collecting and analyzing log and real-time data, evaluate it, then trigger response to low and mid-level security issues w/no need for human involvement