17 - Global Citizenship Flashcards
This is the idea of all people has rights and civic responsibilities that come with being a member of the world, with whole-world philosophy and sensibilities, rather than as a citizen of a particular nation or place.
Global Citizenship
Someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and practices.”
Global Citizen
Historically, human beings have always formed communities based on?
Shared Identity
This is made possible by the forces of modern information, communications and transportation technologies.
Growing Global Identity
Someone who sees themselves as part of an emerging sustainable world community, and whose actions support the values and practices of that community.
Global Citizen
What are the two types of values that can characterize our emerging world community?
(a) Political, Economic and Humanitarian Values
(b) Personal Values
Where are the rights of global citizens embedded in?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, first drafted
in 1948 after World War II
What is the great challenge for those interested in promoting global citizenship?
To educate and nurture a new generation of global
citizen leaders
It is the responsibility of global citizens to understand these different perspectives and promote problem-solving consensus among the different perspectives and the building of common ground solutions.
To understand one’s own perspective and the
perspectives of others on global issues
In building a sustainable values-based world community it is important to maintain respect for the world’s different cultural traditions; to make an effort to bring together the leaders of these different cultural traditions who often have much in common with one another.
To respect the principle of cultural diversity
Global citizens need to reach out and build relationships with people from other countries and cultures.
To make connections and build relationships with people from other countries and cultures
Global citizens have the responsibility to understand the many ways in which their lives are inter-connected with people and countries in different parts of the world.
To understand the ways in which the peoples and countries of the world are inter-connected and inter-dependent
When a global issue arises, it is important for global citizens to provide advice on how their countries can work with other nations to address this issue
To advocate for greater international cooperation with other nations
Global citizens have the responsibility to advocate for having their countries ratify and implement the global agreements, conventions, and treaties that they have signed.
Advocating for the implementation of international agreements, conventions, and treaties related to global issues
There are a growing number of cross - sectoral issues that require the implementation of global standards of justice and equity
Advocating for more effective global equity and justice in each of the value domains of the world community.