17-12-2024 Flashcards
Meaning: Extending the duration of something beyond normal limits.
Synonyms: Extending, delaying, stretching
Antonyms: Shortening, curtailing, ending
Example: By avoiding consensus, the leader is only prolonging the
political crisis.
Meaning: Involving immoral actions, dishonor, or unpleasant aspects.
Synonyms: Shameful, vile, grimy
Antonyms: Clean, honorable, respectable
Example: The sordid reality of wasting assets came to light after the
RTI inquiry.
Meaning: Reckless and wasteful use of resources.
Synonyms: Wastefulness, extravagance, lavishness
Antonyms: Frugality, thrift, prudence
Example: The profligacy of the administration in scrapping working
locomotives shocked industry experts.
Meaning: No longer needed or useful; superfluous.
Synonyms: Obsolete, unnecessary, surplus
Antonyms: Essential, necessary, relevant
Example: The rapid electrification made many diesel engines
Meaning: Things that are wanted or considered necessary.
Synonyms: Requirements, necessities, essentials
Antonyms: Non-essentials, trivialities
Example: Economic sustainability is among the desiderata for the
railway’s long-term success.
Meaning: A natural consequence or result.
Synonyms: Consequence, result, outcome
Antonyms: Cause, origin, antecedent
Example: A reduction in crude oil imports is a corollary of the
electrification of railways.
Meaning: Fast and energetic in an uncontrolled or frantic way.
Synonyms: Frantic, hectic, feverish
Antonyms: Calm, relaxed, leisurely
Example: The government pursued railway electrification at a frenetic
pace, disregarding economic viability.
Meaning: A group of particularly respected or famous people or
Synonyms: Elite, legends, luminaries
Antonyms: Unknowns, mediocrity
Example: Electrification has joined the pantheon of universal ideals
like sustainable energy.
Meaning: Extremely large; enormous.
Synonyms: Gigantic, colossal, massive
Antonyms: Tiny, minuscule, small
Example: The humongous wastage of functional locomotives has
raised serious concerns
Hold out for
Meaning: To refuse to accept anything less than what is desired,
usually in negotiations.
Turn to
Meaning: To seek help, advice, or support from someone or
Latch onto
Meaning: To attach oneself to someone or something, either physically
or figuratively, often with strong interest or determination.
Set aside
Meaning: To save or reserve something (e.g., time, money) for a
specific purpose; also, to disregard or put something away
Better late than never
Meaning - To do something rather than not doing
Back to the drawing board
Meaning: To start over again because a plan has failed or been