17-1 SMRD Admin Flashcards
What are the daily responsibilities if the SMDR?
- water testing
- Sick call
- Immunizations
- Health record maintenance
- 8 o’clock reports
What are the weekly responsibilities of the SMDR?
- Bacteriological testing
- 3-M in SKED
What are the biweekly responsibilities of the SMDR?
- Stretcher bearer training
- pest control survey
What are the monthly responsibilities of the SMDR?
- Verify Material Obligation Validation
- Food Service inspection
What are the quarterly responsibilities of the SMDR?
- Habitability inspections
- CSIB reports
What drills does the SMDR conduct quarterly?
- Basic first aid
- Battle dressing stations
- Personnel casualty transportation
- Cardiac life support
What are the semiannually responsibilities of the SMDR?
- Inventory of emergency AMAL
- Med/Dent record audit
- Mass casualty drill
What are the annual responsibilities of the SMDR?
- Submit LRTP
- bulk head to bulkhead inventory
- med/dent verification
When talking about Quality Assurance, what are the Fleet Commanders Responsibilities?
-Assume overall program oversight and coordination.
When talking about Quality Assurance, what are the Type Commanders Responsibilities?
-Exercise overall control and accountability for the program
When talking about Quality Assurance, what are the Force Master Chief’s Responsibilities?
-Program manager and it is appointed in writing
The commanding officer shall obtain an immediate QA review when?
- When there is a death
- An adverse patient response secondary to delay of treatment
When talking about Quality Assurance, what are the SMDRs Responsibilities?
- Inform COC of anything outside of scope
- Seek immediate MO consultation
- Sign all Jr HMs 600s
What is OPNAVINST 6400.1?
Training, certification and employment of the IDC
What is chapter 1 of the CNSP 6000.1?
-General Administration
What does chapter 1 of the CNSP 6000.1 contain?
-Medical Dept Organizational manual
-Organization of medical department MRA/MRI
Post deployment after action report
Within how many days does a post deployment assessment need to be submitted? Who is it submitted to?
-within 30 days of return to fleet commanders
What is chapter 2 of the CNSP 6000.1?
What are the contents of Ch 2 in the CNSP 6000.1?
- Shipboard PQS/HM PQS
- Spec Medical Training
What is a PB4T and who chairs it?
- Planning Board for Training
- XO chairs it
What is ch 3 of the CNSP 6000.1?
Fiscal/Supply management
What is ch 3 of the CNSP 6000.1?
Fiscal/Supply management
What are the contents of Ch 3 of the CNSP 6000.1?
- Med equipment
- 3-M to include OMMS and SKED
What is NAVMED 6700/3?
-Med/Dent Equipment Maintenance Record