16th Century Context (1500’s) Flashcards
What period was the 16th century
Tudor period
Who were the monarchs in the 16th century
Mary I - 1553
Queen Elizabeth I - 1558
When were Shakespeare’s plays written
How did Shakespeare influence the English language and what centuries
16th and 17th centuries
He coined 2500 neologism, phrases and new words
He altered common words to create new ones
Who developed the printing press and when
-developed in the 15th century
-by the 16th century it was in full practice
How did the printing press impact Britain
-books could now be mass produced
-improved literacy
-contributed to standardisation
When was the Renaissance
14th - 17th centuries
What did the Renaissance bring to Britain
-Latin, French and Greek words
-classical mythology
-descriptive language
How did world trade impact Britain
-brought lots of loanwords / borrowings as a result of colonisation
How did science impact Britain in the 16th century
-science emerged as an academic subject
-Latin was the scientific lingua Franca of Europe so scientific texts were only accessible to the educated elite
-science books began to be written in the national language of writers so jargon was developed and simpler syntax for understanding so enhanced standardisation
When was the eduction act
What did the Education act : 1970 do
Set the framework for schooling of all children ages 5 - 13 so made it more affordable
Mostly for the middle class
When did the persecution of witches begin
16th century
What was the religion of the 16th century
-first quarter Catholic with Latin the language of church
-the practices were questioned during the later half leading to Protestantism
How were women viewed in the 16th century
-expected to be domestic wives
-some did work in jobs such as spinning cloth, washerwomen, midwives, bakers
-most women were housewives
-marriages were often arranged except for the poorest people
-divorce was unknown
What technology came about in the 16th century
-flush toilet
-knitting machine
-pocket watch