166. Peds upper airway obst. Flashcards
4 main groups of obstruction
o Acute infections
o Undiagnosed congenital abnormalities
o Congenital abnormality with an acute infection
o Foreign bodies
location of exp stridor
below glottis
location of insp/exp stridor
above or at glottis
15 causes of supraglottic obst
Congenital - Pierre Robin - micrognatia - Treacher collins - macroglossia - Down syndrome - storage disease - Choanal atresia - lingual thyroid - thyroglossal cyst Acquired - adenopathy - tonissilar hypertrophy - FB - pharyngeal abscess - epiglottitis Positional - micrgnathia
6 causes of glottic obstrcution
Congenital - laryngomalacia - vocal cord paralysis - laryngeal web - laryngocele Acquired - papillomas - FB
9 causes of subglottic obstruction
Congenital - subglottic stenosis - tracheomalacia - tracheal stenosis - vascular ring - hemangioma Acquired - croup - bacterial tracheitis - subglottic stenosis - FB
Presentation of choanal atreia
o Persistence of the membrane at posterior of nares
o Bilateral is emergency
o Unilateral may only present when have URI and obstruct other side
Definine retropharyngeal abscess and bacteria
- Infection of soft tissue space between wall and prevertebral fascia
- May be due to direct trauma (toothbrush) or nodes, or hematogenous
- Usually polymicrobial
- Strep most common
Sx of retropharyngeal abscess
o Fever, sore throat, neck stiffness, trismus, torticollis, stridor, muffled voice
o Won’t look side to side
xray findings of retropharyngeal abscess
Should not be more than vertebral body beside
Never more than 6-7mm at C2 level
May have air fluid levels
indications to drain retropharyngeal abscess
Scalloping of abscess wall
Rim enhancement
> 2cm
sensitivity of mono test
- IgM antibody test >90% sensitive in < 4yo
o 50% in older
major RO in mono
o Look for lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly
Need to RO lymphoma or may miss it!
mgmt mono
o Possible steroids and racemic epi
3 spaces of ludwig angina